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Posts posted by Beerball

  1. That reminds me; I almost had a bagel this morning for breakfast.  I decided to just have some water and an apple instead.  Damn, I wish I'd had that bagel!  Life would've been so much easier.



    You had an apple and water for breakfast? What's the matter, no crust left?



    Of course you wish you had the bagel, any sane man would. Talk about missed opportunities. Well, I guess that's your lox in life. :D

  2. (disclaimer, please keep this thread to football and discussing football)


    I say yes and no. Do we have the D, yeah we do. But the way to beat NE on offense is to try and gut them. I would run all 3 of our backs right up the middle. They are weak there. Had indy stayed with that game plan they would have beaten NE.


    I say do it in a 2 TE or 1 back 3 Wr set to keep them from loading the box.  I also feel we must throw DEEP to back them out of there. Moulds may not be faster than Law but history shows he CAN out jump him. It also shows Moulds can beat his ass on the quick slant. Use it.  Evans MUST be involved in this game.


    On D. Get in their Grills. The have no great WR's. they like to throw that short crap, I say stay in their grills all day. Bring heat from different locals to keep Brady guessing.  honestly, Dillon does not scare me. Sorry he just doesn't.


    keys to the game...


    1) pickup 5+ yards on first down. I don't care if it is a quick slant, get er done on 1st down.  We MUST keep Bledsoe out of 3rd and long.


    2) keep brady off of the field.  We need to take deep strikes, but to really beat NE we need some long sustained drives.


    3) play man coverage. Figure out who Vincent and Clements are to stay on all day. I run the nickel pretty much all day to keep them honest. Posey should be out with Spikes and Fletcher on the field.


    4) do NOT let this come down to a field goal match up. Bottom line....we lose.


    I think we can win. This is the same team we beat at home 31-0. This to me needs to be emphasised ALL WEEK!  I'd be playing highlights and replays to the guys all week to ingrain it into their heads we CAN win.


    That is all I can think of for now.



    1. Control the ball. As you say, through the pass & run. Mix it up.

    2. NO turnovers

    3. Get turnovers

    4. Hit Brady early and often. I don't give a stevestojan if he completes a pass. Hit him, within the rules of course. Can he take a pounding? I don't know...

    5. Protect Drew early and often. Keep the Pats off his butt. Keep the FB on the bench. He can't block anyway. Try one of the tight ends in an H-back role and keep them in the backfield to block.

    6. Get the lead and hold it. We will not come back from 6+ points down in this game.

    7. WM in short yardage. WM used more throughout the game. Screw player psyches, we must win this game.

    8. Throw early to Evans on a long route.

  3. no more thank yous to day [all used up]    time to get going . have to find a new insurance company to day for my apt building and head to lunch  and plan this weekends  trip to the game.




    Thank God














    I mean thank you.

  4. Any help?


    Several other links off to the right. To my untrained eye it appears that FSCs "encourage" manufacturers to keep jobs here, thus creating products here at lower cost which in turn leads to lower export costs?


    I have finished all 5 chapters, but this ? in Chapter 6 is not very understanding to me.


    I want to pass this darn class.

    Thank you to those who care to see me do good in school. :rolleyes:


    sometimes this stuff just puzzles me. So I know that there are some people here that know this stuff better than me.

    the case title is Is a tax break and export subsidy.

    1. How does the FSC item int he US tax code constitute an export subsidy?


    2. Do you think that "internal matters" such as tax codes and food safety laws should be excluded from consideration byt the WTO?


    3. why do you think the US congress is apparently so reluctant to scap the FSC?


    4. Can you see a solution to this trade dispute? What is it?


    5. What do you think might occur if the trade dispute is not resolved?


  5. It could just be more years of answering questions, but, TD appears to at least give credible answers. MM is spewing mumbo jumbo. Besides the O-line there's this one:

    Why isn't McGahee being given more reps in the game? Most specifically, why isn't he being used on short yardage and short and goal situations when he has proven to be a better short distance, hardnosed runner than Henry?


    MM: Travis has also proven that he can run down there in goal line situations. They are very similar backs near the goal line. When you've got a flow going into a game and the drive has already gone already down there you just don't want to change to a backup especially for one play.


    You don't want to change to a backup especially for one play? So, we don't have any special packages? Say short yardage or goal line? No jumbo package? Seems we failed two weeks in a row at shrot yardage. Perhaps a personnel adjustment is called for?

  6. Let me help edumacate you assclowns...


    1) yes most of you are flat out dumbasses. This has been confirmed by not only myself but others at the great Tailgate 04.


    2) I didn't say I was leaving for good. I said I was taking a break which I did for a few days. A Break can run from 15 min to when ever... It's true look it up.


    3) Again if 1/2 of you had a brain you could understand although one player is washed up that doesn't mean ALL things wrong are related to that one player. Yeah folks it's true...it really is.


    So the inner circle says I'm an assclown? :)

  7. Frustrated, but I'm here.  It'll take a hell of a lot more than 2 losses to knock me off the bandwagon.


    I assure you, the rest are on board as well.  They're just venting their frustrations.  Thats one of the major reasons why this board exists.


    BINGO. Give the lucky man a cigar!


    Not fans? Then we wouldn't give a rat's behind what was happening. We're passionate and disappointed. Don't mistake that for not supporting the BILLS. Note: BILLS. Not a player, coach, GM or even owner. It's about the BILLS man.

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