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Posts posted by ice2145

  1. I think he deserves another chance. I would enjoy the "Johnny hype" he would bring to the team and city. Remember the Terrell Owens signing. It didn't work out and I realize Manziel isn't likely to either. However, as a fan I like when the Bills get national attention and Manziel will surely do that. Lastly, you never know he might be a very serviceable backup.




    Honestly, what I hear you saying here is that you see stuff and are willing to look at it as positive. And pretend the media had anything to do with our previous problems.


    I'm not unhopeful. But this is the way fans generally react with a new regime. We see things positively.


    As usual with new regimes, me personally, I don't have a clue whether what's coming is good or bad. And outside of one thing I don't know the people who'll be in charge well enough to have much of an opinion. Except Whaley. I wish he wasn't here.

    Well said Thurman. I myself understand why many Bills fans tend to gravitate towards positivity. Almost wish I could share in their optimism. However, as a realist seeing a dysfunctional organization over the last 15 plus years just keeps me from being optimistic. It takes nothing away from me being a true fan. I think many here get the two confused. Another new regime gives me very little inspiration that we will be playoff bound...

  3. I would admit that the Manuel pick was a huge mistake, admit the Watkins trade was an error, admit that we don't have a franchise QB, we lack of talent at the WR position, have big question marks at LB and safety positions, etc...Then, I would start giving the fans our famous OBD COOL AID. Russ will be giving them out for free. Soon the fans will be "high" on the great progress, potential, and future of the team. I will be given an extensive new contract for my work.

  4. Is this organization from top to bottom even able to have a cohesive plan? I think that should be the real question...New inexperienced football owners, a GM that hasn't been on the same page with the two previous coaches, and an incompetent PR guy, and a lack of player talent (yes I said it). Here we are again, new coaches and new systems. Ground hog day at OBD. I am not drinking the cool aid.

  5. We are a 2nd rate organization. We just keep spinning our wheels but never making any progress. It's going to take big changes to get where we want to be. It starts at the top. We have very wealthy owners but they might be in over their heads trying to turn around 2 mediocre franchises. What they really need is someone to run the football operations and just take over and clean house. We need a GM who knows how to build championship teams. We need a coach that has a vision not just a big mouth. We need a QB. But it all starts from the top and the Pegulas and Russ Brandon don't know what they are doing so get someone in here that does

    I couldn't have said it better. While reading I couldn't help but to nod in approval. It is refreshing to hear the "candid truth." Way too many cool aid drinkers here distorting what they see. Well done.

  6. I can't believe someone has the bills at a 45% chance to win. IMHO, that's way too generous. Seattle at home on Monday night vs a banged up Bills team. I would give the Bills a 15% chance to win. I think I am going to bed early this Monday night.


    Any bettors want some action my money line for the Bills is +170.



    Seattle 23 Buffalo 10 (garbage time points)

  7. IMHO, you got the title right. However, your points to justify your premise were very poor. Some here are very sensitive when you criticize or have a negative point of view. I would prefer to say our organization is dysfunctional. I would challenge anyone to give me valid arguments to counter my post.

  8. I am TT fan. He does some really nice things with his legs to create opportunities, throws a good long ball, and doesn't turn over the ball. However, he does many things not so well as documented here. For me, he is clearly not a franchise QB. I do think he has the talent to take a well balanced team to the playoffs. This team has many issues and TT needs help to win. This Bills organization continues to thrive with mediocrity... We as fans suffer the consequences.

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