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re enlightener

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Posts posted by re enlightener

  1. matt ice is a piece of crap, i look at his arms and see a guy who hasnt lifted a weight in his entire nfl career. Really? you have all year to train and you look like a jr high school player? I lose respect for him right there but...he also has great stats every year but never wins the big game. Didnt know to throw it away or make a quick pass when they needed to run clock and not take a sack or have a fumble. Had about 3 third and shorts early in the game where he couldnt complete a 3 yarder. He looked alot like taylor did against the raiders. Just not able to mentally get his head out of his a ss for 1 drive. He put the defense out there too long and got too tired, i dont blame them. When they got in fg range i told my friends "run it 3 times and kick-DONT PASS!" 3 plays later theyd lost 23 yards and basically the superbowl.


    I think tyrod in that situation would have at least scrambled for a first and maybe won the game....honestly. Matt ice is an example of a guy with talent who doesnt do anything extra to get better. Just relies on better coaching and players to make it. Doesnt work up his mind or body to be ready for the real tests.

  2. First- if we do rebuild, key guys like dareus, clay, glenn, hughes, darby, ragland lawson, and watkins will all be young enough in 2-3 years when we are ready to make a run again.


    But we really just need to see this off season how the first 2 or 3 moves play out and go from there....


    will gilmore take a reasonable offer?

    will tyrod stay?

    will williams stay?

    will williams stay (23)

    will zach or lorax stay?

    will woods stay?

    will we draft a qb?

    will the new coach be great?



    if the first 2 or 3 of these things dont work out...might as well start a rebuild as they already have forced our hand

    ie gilmore leaves, tyrod leaves, williams retires- REBUILD, but


    If they go well for the Bills I say reload for a run now, hand the new coach the keys to the ferrari and see what he does with it.

  3. Buffalo has high property taxes, but relatively reasonable state income taxes about 7.90%. That's $197k on 2.5 million. Federal at 35.6% would be $893k.

    buffalo isnt a state, and 7.9% is pretty damn high if you didnt know, towards the top.

    oh and of all the fa's we sighned or needed to sign, ill be glad when its gilmore girl that we didnt sign, so happy it wasnt glenn we let walk, now pick tightwad up.

  4. 30th in passing. You're the troll Let give him 30 mil because we are emotional and he played one good game to end the season. Just forget about the Balt/Pitt/Oak/Ne2/Mia/Bengals games. They won't happen again huh ?

    Cam newton last year. Matt Ryan this year.

    most of those games were early in the year and pitt was more of a defensive let down, tightwad got better and threw the ball differently in the second half of the year, i see next year looking alot more like the miami v2 game or seattle where we win w a better defense. And who is better than tightwad at this point?


    like it, calling it in now


    I just don't see Sammy as a reliable vertical threat anymore.... The injuries have just killed us... Time to double down, Doug...

    thats all sammy is, what he isnt is a guy to catch a crossing route or wr screen, hes too stupid to hold the ball out over the marker to get a first down when no one was around him. he just caught it and walked out of bounds a foot short of a first against miami making us go for a 4rth down near overtime, didnt think to hold the ball out or lean over the sticks when he was looking right at them.


    he went down at the first sight of contact all last year to protect his injuries but still....not tough, not smart, not reliable, just a deep threat- lee evans got ran out of town with that label when evans was far more reliable then sammy has been.

  6. i really dont get the hate for a speed guy who was constantly underutilized. Tyrod didnt go deep nearly enough this year and last year he was going deep to watkins mostly, Goodwin beats coverage all game long. he isnt big enough to beat a number 1 corners press but thats why hes a great 3 or 4. You need guys like him to keep safeties deep. It opens up the other receivers whether you give him the credit or not, it does. He has shown great hands and no one here can say how well he runs routes or doesnt. The fans here arent doing iso-cams on MG after games. you dont know. I see him getting stuck with stupid comebacks that should be for a big receiver, and he still scooped many of them off the ground falling out of bounds for a first down. He has never been afraid of contact which is part of the reason he got hurt so often, unlike watkins, who gets hurt standing alone in the endzone and is so shy of contact he has run exactly 2 wr screens in 4 years in buffalo and drops many a ball thrown over the middle.


    Its ok to have a 4.3 guy. If you dont remember, the year we just had donlad jones, sj, and D nelson, was so bad, we drafted, tj graham, robert woods, MG and then twatkins all to replace the speed we lost trading away Lee evans.


    Again, its ok to have a speed guy people, hes 1 of 5 receivers!

  7. That was Hogan's biggest game as a Patriot because that's how the Pats gameplan. Take their least used player and make them the focus. That's why Hogan was so wide open. The Steelers never imagined he'd be the guy, because he never was before. It would be like making Walt Powell the guy in a Bills game.

    good take- first time you made me laugh too

  8. His go to route this year was a twinkle-toe catch and fall out of bounds unscathed.


    And honestly, I think thats all hes good for. Even the long ball wasnt there much this year for him, and I think alot of that is that Tyrod lost confidence in him as a receiver. If you run him down the sideline and force him to make a play for the ball, you might as well punt because hed rather do nothing than go up and compete for it.

    And if he dives for it, hes hurt.

    And if he catches it and gets hit, hes hurt.


    Not a whole lot of upside to Goodwin once you realize that hes a fast WR who doesnt go deep very well.

    wow just wow


    wrong on nearly every point.


    goodwin doesnt call the routes....he made great effort on tightwads only throw, the sideline pass( if u hadnt heard, tyrod doesnt use the middle very well)


    he got killed this year going up for contested balls the tightwad threw late


    he has caught every catchable ball thrown his way, even tough deep balls since he was drafted and has GREAT hands.


    yes he does get hurt, but considering the Bills kept him all these seasons after all those injuries means you must be wrong about all those other points ( and you are)


    amazing how people watch the games then forget all of these facts just to make their opinion sound right.


    That was my point. If this is what you want in WR, get a stronger younger one who is available for full seasons.

    wait what? you said his rac proved he couldnt shake coverage,, thats innacurate and unscientific. Then you said hes not staying healthy....both these point can be made for watkins to a greater extent. should we "want" sammy then?


    the point is he should be used for deep balls, he should not be replacing woods and watkins on the outside, period, and watkins should stay healthy and actually get some rac instead of going down or out of bounds immediately after the catch.


    no one minded hunter playing red zone target this year, whats wrong with having a real deep threat aside from softy sammy?


    If you aren't using Goodwin on speed routes, you don't need him. His YAC showed what we could see--he rarely could shake coverage.

    look at almost every pass thrown to him this year.... a comeback at the sideline, where hes stretching out of bounds to fall and grab the pass at the same time. how much rac would you get if you needed to fall out of bounds to catch passe?


    Here we have a great example of stats vs reality. THE reality was, no one could get yac with those types of routes and he was thrown 2-3 good deep balls this year, the rest badly overthrown, even for him.


    Watkins rac in 2015 was tied for 81 with a back up tight end, this is tightwads fault, and the OC not calling his number.

  10. on a team that found a spot for josh reed all those years, slow, unreliable hands, short...I dont get why people dont want a guy that runs a 4.3 and has great hands. When tightwad actually threw him a good deep ball he caught them, same with orton and others.


    It was never MG's fault he got stupid 5 yard crossing routes and hookouts all these years. He was too small to extend out of bounds for many and got hurt catching useless passes.


    We need role players and MG can fulfill a role that few can. running deep and actually catching it. Just like Hunter is tall and big and caught 4 tds this year. Goodwin could have caught a bunch of tds if hed been given a chance....such a waste of talent and it allows so many here to crack on him for production.


    Ive seen MG haul in about 8 big tds in his time over 4 years here, imagine if we had a passing offense and a qb that threw more to him. they dont all need to be number 1's to deserve a spot on the team ya know.


    I didn't say it was a good chance!


    Then again, if the Raiders leave the Bills might be on TV a little more often here.

    jeez, its not the 1980s anymore, heard of directv? the internet? sports bars? who cares about the tv aspect anymore.

  12. Fire Whaley..


    Polian - President

    Reich - HC

    Wade - DC

    Pill - OC


    quite a inside fan to just write "pill" as the oc, like half the people on the board would know who that is, i do of course, best qb we had since kelly besides flutie, never got a fair chance


    tt didnt use the middle til the last few games and when he did he became a 200+ to 300 yard passer. this was what id been waiting for, all id been waiting for, he will be far more productive next year now that he wiped the $hit out of his eyes that was blocking his view of the middle of the field.

  13. He's not good.


    He's not better than Tyrod.


    I will admit that my view and opinion of EJ's abilities was way off the mark.


    However, I still maintain that Tyrod, also, is not good enough and we need better.


    Both EJ and TT have to go.


    Go Bills!

    guess youll be wrong on both. tyrods good and ej (i thought) would make it painfully clear how a bad qb looks vs an up and coming talent.

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