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re enlightener

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Posts posted by re enlightener

  1. i was starting to finally see him use the middle of the fileld during the last 3 games and he played very well in seattle. BUUUT then he took a huge crap on the field in cincy. Doing his best trent edwards impersonation, you know like the times we lost 6-3 or 9-6 because its just too hard to get a 3rd and 4 or 3rd and 6.


    The idiot didnt throw deep once all game. Never threw a slant or seam route...AGAIN. Couldnt see the guy waving to him wide open nearly everytime he broke from the pocket.


    Tightwad is tightwad for a reason. Too tight with the ball to risk a pick, but then will lose the game on concecutive 3 n outs. I think we had 4 in a row to close out the game.


    If im the coach i scream in his face to throw a god damn slant once in a while.

  2. Per the norm, finally now, everyones piling on Tyrod....not me.


    It has been me in the past, but even after a huge beating yesterday, and in Miami, I am seeing alot of improvement in Tightwads game.


    Two sundays in a row now he has used the middle of the field. He threw alot of nice passes, seam type passes, yesterday for first downs, the kind of which he has never thrown in 1.5 seasons. He has started to run up the middle more as well. When he REALLY wants a first, he will take off up the middle and makes it look so easy. The problem has been his penchant for always scrambling sideways, and getting 5-6 yards on third and 7's. Many a game was lost last year do to scrambles up the sideline when the middle was wide open.


    If you think he played bad because of the score yesterday, he didnt. Youre wrong and thats that. His numbers yesterday were the same as always but should have been even better. To start I blame the missed FG giving NE time to get a lucky FG, thereby causing the score to be so lopsided we were forced to go for it every time and press. With no wide receivers thats hard to do. I also blame Clay for never making a tough catch. I also blame a crap defense, (mainly gilmore) and I also blame not having McCoy.


    With these 5 contributing factors we got trounced. But tightwad was not one. He actually played well considering AND THIS IS COMING FROM ME!


    Stay positive Bills fans, Tyrod may be turning the corner and when we get goodwin mccoy and woods back (and dont play new england) we will be much more competitive. In any case until we draft someone at qb, he is the best option we could hope for and can definitely get us some wins.

  3. we're missing a whole 1 guy on defense, and getting back 2 big men in dareus and shaq, the d should be as good as ever at home this week. If tightwad plays the same as last week (pretty good imo) we have a chance. We still have clay and goodwin can burn em for a couple long ones if tightwad will throw em. Touchdown mike and bush can run effectively. Id be much more worried if our LT or QB were out then our wr's which are overrated anyways. How many honestly good wr's has brady had the last few years?? Zero.

  4. This offense is pretty damn good. Over the last 2 seasons, by any significant statistical measure, this offense either ranks around the middle of the pack, or near the top, depending on what you're looking at.


    As we all know, in 2015, this offense was #1 in the NFL in "big plays" (Big plays are categorized as rushing plays that are over 10 yards and passing plays that are over 25 yards) with a big play percentage of 10.04%.


    In 2016, so far the Bills are #2 in the NFL in big plays with a Big Play % of 10.19%. So as an offense, we're technically doing even better so far than we did last year at producing big plays, which is significant when you consider Sammy has been out all year and we have nothing else at WR.


    A big part of the reason our big plays are so high this year is a result of the rushing attack with 33 big play rushes, compared to 9 big play passes. In 2015 we had 70 big play rushes and 32 big play passes (the 32 big play passes ranked 12th highest in the NFL and the 70 big play rushes ranked #1 in the NFL).


    So far in 2016, the Bills rank:


    #12 in the NFL in Team Scoring Drive Efficiency (how often the offense is able to put points on the board)


    #6 in points per game.


    #8 in the NFL in drives of 10 plays or more before ending the drive with a score, turnover, or end of half/game.


    #11 in QB rating in red zone.


    #5 Red Zone scoring % (TD only)


    #3 in TD/INT ratio.


    #2 in rushing yards/game.


    #1 in rushing yards/attempt


    #1 in QB rushing yards



    Three main areas we can still improve:


    Passing yards per attempt, we are rank 27th. One caveat regarding this stat is that the Bills rank #18 in QB Air Yards which calculates how far the ball is thrown beyond the line of scrimmage to the point of reception. So we just aren't getting yards after the catch basically when we do complete passes. Partly b/c of subpar throws at times, and partly b/c our WR just aren't good/explosive. The Bills rank dead last in the NFL in YAC.


    We rank #24 in 3rd down conversion %. I would like this number to move up to at least around 15-18 in the NFL.


    We rank #30 in sack percentage (the rate of QB sacks a team suffers for every pass attempt). ln other words, we're giving up too many sacks. All three phases are to blame here in my opinion: TT, O-line, WR's. They all need to improve.



    So that pretty much sums up where we stand statistically on offense in the majority of statistically significant categories. There are areas we need to improve, but overall, this offense is a GOOD offense. I can't wait to see Sammy and Shady play an entire season together. Hopefully it'll happen one day.


    Go BILLS!

    i agree the offense is good, and being held back by a guy that wont use the middle of the field. I will say that sunday in a loss to miami, tightwad was pretty good. He threw alot of middle routes and even a seam route to clay, first this year! If our running game and defense wasnt crap along with our oline being suddenly porous, we could have won easily. All we need is a good all around game with tightwad using the whole field and we are a top 5 offense.

  5. You are who we thought you were, and now it sounds as if we're letting you off the hook. Congrats.


    Who are you again....?

    well he's no johnny hammersticks ( fart noise )


    but to the OP, dont apologize. I noticed years ago posts would be torched for typos or using the wrong synonym. Eventually that became commonly accepted as lame and people stopped flaming syntax. But Its still all about peoples favorite players here and they will defend them and insult you as if they were their own mothers. (some I think are) Maybe in 5 - 10 years this will finally change but I doubt it. Ive posted opinion based on facts here for years, only to have biased posters, in love with their "super star players" you know guys like trent edwards, true number 1's like SJ, hungry go-getters like mario williams, fearless watkins and now tightwad), ridicule me, insult me and call for my well written post to be locked. All of which bore themselves out to be true, the problem was I was always a year or two ahead of the popular opinion. Low and behold the player I called out would be gone 1-2 years later along with 20-30 national stories about how they werent playing well thereby validating my opinions. Did I deserve to be insulted for seeing the truth that others here didnt? I never cursed or ripped anyone else personally but that didnt stop my being banned as they were left free to leave insightful one-lined posts disparaging someone elses. I actuall took 6 months off and just read and honestly it was better that way. Posting here no matter how smart or right you may be, invites any Joe Numbnuts, Hugh Jackass or Ronald L Ballz to respond as if they are your equal in knowledge or comprehension, words that some posters here cant even spell. Just make your case as well as possible with as much evidence as possible and realize what your doing is akin to raining on some little girls parade, but just do it and never look back.

  6. ^ so the entire response is "screw the numbers, my eyes tell me the truth"?


    Even though I prefaced my statements with "no chart for receptions, just routes", you leaned on that as your counterpoint.


    I can't respond to opinions that lack any contextual evidence.

    your chart and game were the evidence, the chart shows a huge amount of points for outside routes based on success, the percents listed are attempts, i made the point he lives on the sideline meaning its where he makes catches, routes ran are not an official nfl stat. You ignored a key part of your own evidence. Also the miami game was his first featured game and ej was the quarterback, that is far from a normal performance for watkins, ie no deep balls, no outside balls were even thrown because ej doesnt excel at those throws. I also by memory remember nearly every game, big catch td etc, going back to the 90's. I watched every game focusing on watkins hoping he wasnt a coward but the proof is there. It was your job to find a stat, i dont need one.

  7. Also, just for fun, his first big game in the NFL pretty much silences your entire point all by itself:




    Now, if you want to go ahead and find a catch distribution chart that backs up your assertion, I'll listen.



    Also, just for fun, his first big game in the NFL pretty much silences your entire point all by itself:




    Now, if you want to go ahead and find a catch distribution chart that backs up your assertion, I'll listen.

    i guess it shouldnt amaze me how someone can watch the games and still find a stat that in no way proves their point, but then again if you contend that point of course watching the games has little effect on your opinion, however misguided it may be. First you talk of routes not catches. Sammys second game was your example lead by ej manual who likes/loves the crossing pattern. Sammy was a rookie in his second game after barely playing game 1 in chicago that year. He had to run those routes and had a good game but probably re-aggravated his ribs that day because the next game san diego and then houston were by far his worst games where he would paw at any ball in traffic and not make a real effort. I was furious because we could have easily won in houston and the next game manual was pulled for orton but i blamed watkins just as much if not more. Sammy henceforth began a campaign of pu$$itude where he would sluff off his middle routes and not get the ball thrown his way but then go all out on deep balls as long as he'd beaten coverage, things got worse when tyrod took over who also loves the sideline for different reasons.


    Even that route tree you used shows "points" and if you look closely youll see a massive amount of points were outs, corners, flys and hooks. his hooks are sideline variety, i know because i watched every play since the houston game wondering what was wrong with twatkins. He obviously has been hurt throughout all 3 seasons and wanted to hide that and avoid contact as much as possible....any doubts? look at his rac from 2015, good for last among top 80 something receivers, look at his screen game, non-existent, why? im sure coaches must see he wont run them hard. werent we all sold on his rac ability from college? Where did it go?


    the fact he is still a deep threat meant he was never shelved in those seasons for injury. Goodwin got shelved for the whole year in 2015 and might have been able to come back, thats a good 8 games or so he lost out to roster moves. Watkins will get the 8 week exception this year. That and the fact watkins is at least 30lbs heavier than goodwin was also my reason to call watkins glass, while goodwin was stupidly used through 2013 and 14 getting crossing routes and middle hooks for 4 yards and an injury. he was never supposed to be a number 1 do it all guy.

  8. Now if he would actually catch the ball

    so did he catch that ball sunday? the only deep one thrown to him? just checking, do you watch the games or just make invalid comments?

    What the 2014 season where he had 1 catch? Yea. I watched it. He sucked then too.

    ok so it was 2013 i meant, he had some real nice bombs, dropped virtually nothing and was mis used or would have done more. 2014 he was hurt almost all year. guess watkins is better at being on ir than goodwin though.

  9. I still say EJ could have been a better QB if he were given the time.

    well no, this is a crap statement, tyrod cant handle a D thats about to close out a team in the last 2 min, but ej cant handle the whole game period, and he had enough starts to see the obvious, or do you still think trent edwards just needed a better line?

  10. Wait, so the guy that never landed on IR until this year is "glass", but the guy that's been on IR every season of his career is not?


    And yes, Sammy has made many catches over the middle and in traffic--if you haven't seen them then I'm confident that you haven't been watching

    isnt this season a season? and goodwin played half a season year 1 and part of year two, about as many games as sammy so far, and no not "many" go find it the stat and if its even close to 20% ill give you 20 dollars, sammy lived at the sidelines, where he could sneak out of bounds immediately after the catch.

  11. The Bills are better on third downs and are scoring more points. Tyrod is running the offense quite well.

    way to give credit from the run game to tightwad. He has almost lost 2 games that got close (49's,rams) with too many 3 n outs in a row, and def. lost the very winnable baltimore and jets games because of his ineptness. rams were tied after 4 out of 5 drives going 3 n out for example. Even the cards were coming back as we stopped scoring and had to rely on 4 ints in a row from the defense, imagine if those ints were tds or even fgs...we would have lost that game too.


    that being said, if missing wide open guys in the middle of the field on nearly every third down is your idea of running the offense well then I apologize.

  12. You know it's bad when you are banking on glass Goodwin to stay healthy.


    Also, don't forget that clay and Felton are banged up.

    i think the glass nickname should have always been for watkins, I havent seen goodwin on ir at all this year, or even miss a game. Always funny how the smallest guy on the team gets made fun of when 300 lb lineman and 220lb receivers cant stay healthy either. He should get a little slack since he weighs 180 and got hurt getting laid-out running ridiculous 5 yard crossing routes his first and second year instead of deep balls. He could have just pulled a watkins those years and drop everything not near the sideline so he could duck away from contact.

    its easy to keep plays alive when you miss the guy wide open in the middle pull it down and run it to look like you "saved" the play. We lead the league in 3 n outs and led the league last year too. His scrambling masks what is a huge hole in his game.

  13. nice analysis, but how are you not seeing the fact he isnt throwin routes down the middle? I kept tabs on all his throws sunday, especially 3rd down, they are almost always disgusting sideline comebacks to goodwin. the kind that dont get completed but 1 out of 5 tries.


    As for his middle throws, they too are to stopped receivers on hook routes, they go nowhere after the catch and up to the drive before the hunter td, the 49ers D started suffocating those routes causing another 3 and out in a tight game at that point. the next drive tyrod finally broke his pattern and went deep. Even on the hunter td however, Clay was far more open and calling for the ball. The td was nice but it was caught at the sideline as usual where tyrod lives, Clay would have had a 25 yard gain and had an easier catch though, like every week when Clay runs this pattern and gets ignored for a 5 yarder to goodwin or woods.


    Are you not seeing this?

  14. we got to keep all the guys we really wanted...






    paid out the a$$ for...




    the only reason we could do all that was the money we saved cutting mario and we had a cheap qb for the last 10 years.

    its about time we say goodbye to the so called elite cornerback...we can just draft another like we used to do when we were going to superbowls every year...worked then!

  15. Anyone notice how Tyrod never goes to the endzone to congratulate the receiver? He just trots over to the sideline and sits down...lol..

    i think thats cool actually, it looks a little gay when they run over and hug. Ive trown passes, caught passes, like most here. its not much of an accomplishment really its all they have to do to get paid millions. Actually id like to see someone run out and hug watkins after an offseason just for not being injured....or to run over to dareus for not being high or suspended.

    He won't track them, let alone catch them.

    wow guess you never watched the bills jets game....or the 2014 season.


    marquise is money, just needs a good game plan, kinda like shady needed.

  16. The forum will kill you for using anything remotely specific to make an obvious point--just know that I agree. I like Gilmore, and wish he could stay a Bill, but he will not be on the team moving forward. He's a good player that someone will likely pay great player money. He's the next Jairus Byrd Nate clements(although he won't get that much of a premium).


  17. 148c5dc52a71835836fe5228b8409a0e.jpg option 1


    181864258070_1.jpg option 2


    red-helmet-blue-mask.jpg option 3


    BillsPL30102.jpg option 4

    I always liked the red helmets but got to say that it is my least favorite of these which surprises me. I really like the Blue ones and think we should switch to those as we transition from the old into the new.

    the blue is ok, i like the red with white facemask not blue, the second one makes me want to puke and then hit you.

  18. to release Manny Lawson...hard to imagine Lawson having a bigger impact than Alexander who has been very good rushing the passer and also active stopping the run as well...


    What a pleasant surprise from a guy expecting to be a role player and key Special Teamer.


    Alexander leading the team in sacks and seems to be getting constant pressure off the edge and even up the middle at times...


    Another key LB pickup by Whaley along with Zach Brown

    see my thread about whaley redeemed

  19. The last 2 weeks I've been unable to watch the game. 2 weeks ago I was in STX and without a tv. This past Sunday, I was driving a Uhaul to Chicago. And not only did we win, but we won convincingly.


    I'm sorry Bills nation. I've watched every game since I got Sunday Ticket in 2003 (I didn't get it this year because I had zero confidence in Rex's ability to be competent). We've sucked since then. I've gone through every possible permutation of lucky shirt/hat/food/game day ritual possible. Nothing has worked... Till now. Although, I have streamed the WGR broadcast both weeks.. So I'm not completely tuned out.


    It brings up an troubling delimma (I just watched the 4 falls of Buffalo), all I want is to watch our Bills in the Superbowl again. For my Mom, my sisters, my family, and all of us to experience that win. But, if they get there with me not watching... How can I watch the game? I can't can I.


    I'm just glad the Bills are winning, even if I haven't actually seen it. ...and everyone can rest easy this week. I'll be working in NH and unable to watch this Sunday as well.

    please dont watch again, please.

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