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re enlightener

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Posts posted by re enlightener

  1. Kap is an idiot but he's doing what he thinks is the right thing. I don't think anyone should knock him for that. Hes not hurting anyone, it's a peaceful protest. I'll boo him but that's because he is the most well known star on the opposing team. We should let our play do the talking and sack him like 7 times and get a couple picks too

    he is showing disrespect to the organization and fans that fuel his lifestyle. A common ongoing problem in America these days where snowflake millennials bite the hand that feed them trying to worry about "words" and the "cause" when in the end theyre just being malcontents against their own culture and people. Kaperstank though is a true idiot among idiots as verified by his brainless play qt qb...and hair.


    That being said Shady wants us to show respect to him, if not I have it on good authority that shady will find you next time you go out on a friday night sucker punch you then kick you in the face when youre already down.

  2. He doesn't play every defensive series, but apparently you haven't noticed.

    well then you just went in a circle with your argument to try and be right, which was whether he is too old to play as a starter and shouldnt be replaced with shaq, which is the point of the thread. you made the point he wont slow down "playing" which implies starting a 16 game season. Our point is shaq will help him save wear n tear and that he wouldnt hold up 16 gamesto which you said james harrison does.


    Every player DL takes breaks and subs out btw so that point was worthless. So is your point he already is a situational player so shaq would be starting for someone else? alexander started against the rams so im lost at what youre trying to say. maybe you just want to argue.

  3. Our depleted WR corps is having a tough time with injuries. Sammy Watkins and Greg Salas are on IR. Justin Hunter was picked up to try and plug a hole, but I think Whaley should keep looking (and I'm sure he is always on the lookout to upgrade talent). I thought this thread could be used to spitball. Who would you like to see the Bills sign or trade for (if so, how much would you give up)? The are a few free agents still out there. I'd prefer a veteran who could contribute early to help sustain drives. Some teams with older vets may be willing to trade for a low round pick.

    Yes lets cut the only speed receiver on the team and a great 3rd option and replace him w a street guy. There is a reason goodwin has survived 3 training camps and 2 injury filled seasons (like sammy), he is supremely talented.


    the 2 out of 7 stat is a joke....its called Tightwad has bad accuracy and keeps throwing stupid out passes to our deep threat. What we need to do is let one of our 4 other Wr's step up and play ala Bill Brooks in the 95 season. We had fewer wrs that year than now when reed and another guy were both out.


    WR is over rated and often blamed for a bad qb/system. Stop capping on goodwin. He is an important asset that, thank god, tbd can see....even if you cant.


    No. After a 3 sack game, I'd say he definitely did not. Your logic hasn't gotten any better with your reincarnation.

    ya because no one wears down after a 16 game season, especially 33 year olds, and using james harrison as an example when he is an outlier and had a year or two off to rejuvinate himself is not logical, unless your saying every player is james harrison? there is a reason he is special. Oh and the rotation of lineman has been desired since we got tooled by dallas in 92 and brought in jim jeffcoat and ted washington to try and play along.

  5. oh another "I told you so" thread...


    dude isn't even a Bill anymore. he didn't want to be a Bill anymore. yet and still we are dedicating threads to him haha

    ya because people spend years here making excuses for "their" guy, for 3 years we had to hear how trent edwards just needs a better offensive line etc. Its a forum we get to proclaim our victory when we are proven right, the player isnt dead once he moves on, once a bill always a bill (unless it was a 1 year deal)

  6. Yes, Shady ran like Hell, but Without that pick 6, it's a different game. Still, one of the worst offenses in the NFL moved the ball too easily against this D. Can't wait until Dareus is back and healthy, and I"m really interested to see what Shaq can do.

    that D was "tired" from tyrods 4 consecutive 3 n outs. And we could have scored again on O maybe but the pick 6 put our d right back out for round 5. The D was doing fine yesterday (aside from gilmore girl) until Tyrod found a way to never get a first down for about half the game.

  7. just bumping this thread after another win. Tyrod throwing for just 124 yards and having about 4 3-n-outs in a row, arent whaleys fault, but washington and lorax looked pretty good. Even clay and mccoy played hard which I rarely say. We are a dropped int away from being 4-1, thanks darby/robbey.


    If we could get an above average qb like how Brady had 124 yards in about 5 min of the 1st quarter and ended w 400+ or even a journeyman that can get 400 yards a game like Hoyer did, we would easily break the drought. Or if we could just figure out some decent 3rd down plays besides a come back to goodwin which we do every third down, including the game winner, which barely made it in there.

  8. Business decision? Sometimes by avoiding a crushing hit, you save your body. They pitched a shutout so it's hard to complain about anything the defense did or didn't do.

    oh my god, unless players can see the future, it didnt matter that they "won" what matters is to play the game correctly on every play and win by the largest margin possible. And yes, saving your body would be a business decision, since the game of football involves the body 100 percent of the time....I dont know, is there a way to play from home? Can players just mail in their ideas and not take the field?


    Gilmore also had another 15 yrd penalty and would have easily let Hogin score and ruin the shut out when he low pointed the ball behind hogin. Hogin was hogin though and dropped a well thrown td pass.


    This is unfortunately typical of TBD. You're either a "fan boy" or a "hater", never mind that many people actually have a more balanced, nuanced or neutral view.


    I'm not sure I think Darby is better. I think he is promising, but he makes mistakes, too. I think Gilmore is good, but maybe not quite as elite as he thinks he is or worth the premium contract he is going to want.

    I fall into the group that is happy we have high quality play from 2 CB most of the time.

    me too, but for 80 million gilmore girl is looking alot like nate clements at this point, i say draft another cb in the second and save money til we find the next antoine winfield, a guy who we should have paid.

  9. He threw several passes over the middle, at least two were batted down.

    several? he threw a dump off and a few short ones near the middle, outside the hash marks to a crossing clay. None were thrown between the hashes and definitely none were seam type or over 10 yards. He threw about 2 last year total and one became the highlight play where he hit clay for a gw td. It was wide open as any pass he ever threw. You have to wonder why it was so open.


    We would not have gotten OBJ in a trade back for one. We would have had to stay put to get him and even then it was said they liked Ebron in that spot more and probably would have gone Ebron.


    And again, we didn't trade three picks to move up to get Sammy...we gave up 1 additional first and a 4th. We were using that years first on somebody, it wasn't an expense associated with moving up.

    no alpha not true, when we spent 1 pick on a maybin or mike williams it was considered a huge blunder. I never said we wasted 3 picks moving up, we wasted 3 picks period since the "one" pick could have been benjamin or odb. Also, we had a potential to trade back to specifically NY's pick, so we could have gotten ODB. alas, we were rumored to take ebron standing pat and that while sucking, might have been better than 3 picks for sammy and the big contract we paid for Clay, time will tell.

  11. update: 2 more wins and whaleys team still looks good, i did a tick mark tracker of tightwad, he threw a bunch of sideline combacks again about 8 and completed 2, his middle throws were all hooks for minimal yards and one almost cost shadey an acl. He threw 4 deep balls all game here were the results....


    2.20+ yards to oleary

    3.TD hunter

    4.PI= 1st n goal


    oh and two crossing routes outside the hash which are "middle" routes kind of


    Maybe if tightwad can ever throw a seam route or even just a slant again we will start destroying teams on offense and not have to rely so much on our D. In 4 deep attempts he had 3 great results, much better than his stupid 5 yard comebacks that go nowhere.



    ....original thread follows.....


    I think winning a game in foxboro with our not yet fully manned defense and an offense with only number 2 and 3 receivers proves that Whaley has done his job well as GM. Brady would have made a difference yes, but seeing the patriots with a healthy D, a lot of momentum homefield and BB still lose handily meant that straight up, whaleys built a team can beat the patriots (minus their hall of fame QB.) and until they start handing out HOF QB's thats about the best he can do.


    Whaleys FA defensive pick ups look good and have always looked good, often better than our draft picks ie zach brown, alexander, graham, gilislee etc. Even though drafting watkins and giving up 3 picks for a guy whos brittle has finally been realized as a mistake ( my take that draft was to trade back GET AN EXTRA PICK and draft K.Benjamin ) no one could have for seen Watkins as "injury prone". whaleys mistake simply was over paying in a deep wr draft where he could have made out like a bandit with a trade back and ODB or Benjamin.


    Now the 2 problems from this year and last, have been reduced to 1. I always pondered but couldnt "prove" if Roman offense was the issue. His schemes always seemed like they stalled our offense with bursts of points here and there thanks to tyrods deep ball. Now its clear his running game was crap and "genius" or not, it never took hold and even looked worse this year. Contrast this to Ryans D actually starting to live up to expectations and you can see one has an upward trend to match its vaunted history, the other seemed to be good for a couple years in SF only to get progressively worse with time.


    the other main issue and last piece of the puzzle holding us back from the playoffs is so simple. I saw it sunday lying in the middle of the field. It was just out there in the open for everyone else to see and I thought "if only Tyrod could see it too" what was it? Well I just said what it was, it was literally the middle of the field! People in Bills uniforms kept running down and across it but unless they got near the sideline tyrod seemed to not notice their existence. He still does not understand the ease and yardage associated with the seam pass. Unless a receiver has a sideline next to him and or is completely stopped and turned around, tyrod just wont throw it there. His sideline game and deep ball are great, it confounds me how the easiest pass in football, a pass that both Fitzpatrick lived on and even Rob Johnson could throw, is something tyrod doesnt even try.


    When and if Tyrod can ever see and use the middle of the field the Bills will start rolling and will make it easily into the playoffs.

  12. Good call on the officiating - huge factor. Too many games in recent years decided on horrible calls.

    Yes, especially the obvious help refs give big market teams. I know this is real


    I also notice on any big play I dont ever react in real time like the old days...I have a built in delay on every good play where I wait for the stupid flag from the stupid ref who will take away a 30 yard 3rd down play from us for a ghost penalty. Later they may "even" it out with a holding call on 1st and 10 for the other team when they throw an incomplete pass anyway.


    the flags and the stupidity of what a catch is have just changed the game for me,

  13. it never ceases to amaze me how the posters here dont want a seasoned vet who is old but miles better than our continuing merry go round of project qbs. I remember the same type of poll 5 years ago when carson palmer wanted out of cincy. Everyone here said no, that he sucked and was washed up. I know he sucked sun but hes 5 years older now and has thrown for thousands more yards and probably a 50 more tds in 5 years then our qbs have combined.


    I also remember our best seasons in 16 years being the seasons with other old washed up qbs and actually going 9-7 instead of 7-9 like we do every year with draft pick qbs. The only 2 winning seasons in 16 years were lead by Bledsoe and Orton. But we couldnt wait to jettison Bledsoe the next season and trip over ourselves to replace him with the great JP Losman, then Edwards the Courageous . Jeesh.


    I would love to have romo until we get lucky drafting some qb in the late rounds that comes in and actually plays like a real QB.


    edit I see ryan l billz agrees with this so now Im thinking my whole point may be wrong.

  14. it didnt bother anyone when we traded away a former receiver that was just a deep threat one trick pony like watkins who was starting to get injured alot in his 8th year. We had the same record without him that we had every year 6-10. If Watkins cant play at all maybe we can get a 4rth for him from baltimore like we got for evans.


    Then we can spend 6 draft picks trying to replace his speed over the next 3 years (ie tj graham, robert woods, goodwin, and 3 picks for sammy)

  15. lets be honest, this guy sucked as a second round pick cb, then played good as a safety but then played like an A hole getting dumb 15 yard personal fouls all through 2014, then in 2015 got 2 in 1 game before breaking his neck. His few and far between picks dont equal the turnovers he essentially gives other teams with his 15 yard automatic first down penalties when he rams a guy out of bounds on third down 2 seconds after the whistle.


    All this being said the former moron might have turned over a new leaf when he came back with a second lease on his career, hes playing smart and controlled and I felt really bad when i though he hurt his neck again. I also got furious when they called him for a penalty sunday but it was actually 53.


  16. yeah. Because some loser with a piddly job and his opinions mean so much that it affects how Sammys plays.

    i didn't forget you. I just argue with so many people it's hard to remember who's on your side on what topics.


    I don't believe I ever "conceded" that SJ was no good or not a #1. The fact is he (much like Sammy) always had some type of issue going on. In SJs case it's most likely due to his lack of preparation and laziness. Personally o don't think Sammy is any better than SJ and I will go on record that SJs career will be more successful than Sammys. Especially if he stays with the Bills which I don't see him doing so after his contract is up.


    Yes, Stevie was a warrior in the field and was not afraid to get into the middle of the field and try for the tough plays and Sammy is like Marvin Harrison only with a bigger kitty. Always going out of bounds. Doesn't want to get hit. He's out for himself first and foremost IMO. But we'll all see how his career turns out eventually.

    um since we agree so much on sammy ill give you a pass on your admission that I was right about sj, a year after a back and fourth with you about how great sj was and his 1000 yard seasons ya de ya.... i told you in 2013 he wouldnt even make the team in 2014 and he didnt. The bills didnt spend 3 picks on sammy for nothing, whaley knew sj was a pretender and he immediately became a 3rd wr in sf and then a 3rd in sd and now I dont even know if hes in the nfl. Sammy is a huge pu$$y and ive said that since 2014. In the meantime...dont make me do a search and quote your concession re SJ. their career numbers might end up being similar but sammy is a beast with a baby's mind, if he ever grows a pair he will do far more damage than SJ ever did with his 7 yard slants.

  17. ....Stevie but I'll say this, he was much better than Watkins is and numbers prove it.

    wow you forgot me? I told you for 2 years SJ wasnt a true 1 and you said he was and you finally conceded and my call about him not even being on the team the following year came true. As far as watkins, they are opposite skill types, SJ loving the slants and underneath stuff where watkins wants everypass at the sideline so he can escape out of bounds without a hit. Watkins is a complete WR who wont compete at WR. SJ was a competitive guy who made alot of 10 yard catches and broke alot of tackles. They both were injured but sammy seems brittle bone while SJ was lazy and didnt work out. If sammy ever plays tough hell be julio jones esque, but thats a huge "if"

  18. First clearly Graham rolled into the endzone then out of bounds, so why wasnt it a touchback and if not why didnt rex challenge it with a flag rather than just "talking" to the refs?


    Second, why not have tyrod kneel a couple times at the 1 and force the cards to burn time outs rather than a deep hand off to a non power back against a team selling out to stop the run?


    The whole possession took exactly 5 seconds off the clock, gave the cards the ball at the 20 on the bad kick and 2 points to boot! A total waste of a great interception.


    I went from celebrating a victory to having to get the scotch! (which I also do in a victory) This is the kind of stupidity that would have lost a closer game. We were lucky carsons good for 3 picks once he throws his first.

  19. where was he yesterday? This was when we needed him in "Gronk" mode...

    he was hiding again in the middle, a place tightwad cant understand or anticipate a throw into, this will never change, get used our high priced marsh mellow tough TE getting under used for the rest of the season. If Orton were still here hed have 8 catches a game for 100+ yards.

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