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re enlightener

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Posts posted by re enlightener

  1. Check the stats:





    Tyrod doesn't throw a lot of INTs, which is good but other than that he's at the bottom of most stats that one might look at.


    And if Buffalo doesn't have the BEST running game in the NFL this year at 5.3 yards / carry, T.T. is not even in the discussion as being an NFL QB.



    read my post on tyrods option for an actual assessment on tyrod. comparing 2 guys in different systems/conferences/teams is like comparing 2 cars that have the same top speed....and thats it. totally ridiculous waste of a thread.

  2. Because QB is the most important position the logical thing to do is attack that spot till it is proven to be fixed.

    1. Pick up the option on Tyrod

    2. Go get best available FA maybe Mike Glennon type.

    3. Cut EJ and play Cardell this week.

    4. Draft a propect every year till something hits.


    Until you have a QB you have nothing in this league. So do it all till problem solved then focus on the rest. So do it all.

    trent dilfer disagrees

    It's astounding that you actually needed to provide stats to support this idea. The collective IQ of TSW continues to plummet by the day.

    thats where i come in, to double it.


    We have to give a guy a real chance? What have the last two years been?

    agree w what you said, but a new qb will probably lack 5 things i wrote on the checklist and yes maybe will anticipate wrs open and throw more complete 3rd down passes, but i think taylor can learn a read for a 5 yard pass, will a new guy run, throw bombs w touch, stay calm when guys claw at him and juke and escape for a 3rd and 23 and get 30?? taylors biggest weaknesses are the easiest to fix, his strengths are nearly impossible to teach.


    i see the future you know, i see him being better next year.


    Because lots of QBs hit their prime in their 7th year after 6 years of either doing nothing or sucking.

    i dont think his first 4 years on the bench should count, did Moulds' or SJs' first 2 show their talent at a much easier position?

  4. Tyrod Taylor is no where near as good as Mike Vick used to be in his prime. I stopped reading after I read that.

    maybe reading is hard for you? also mikes vicks "prime" was about 2 years long. He was figured out and never had a winning record afterward. Taylors last few games and running stats blow away Vicks combined stats projected over a season. Next year will be taylors PRIME in my opinion.

  5. Nope get a score when it matters.


    Buh bye.


    4 losses


    Sea - get a Score QB many top 15 do to close the game


    Raiders - complete a pass QB stop giving 3 and outs and short fields when game on line


    Ravens - Do something QB like really look like you belong


    MIA - get a score when it matters QB you know the two cracks in OT you had


    Have a better record than 1 or 2 wins QB when trailing by 4 points or more at any point in the game.


    See can ask alot more from a QB

    i think alot of what you said is coaching, we saw in the miami games (both) taylor using the middle to come back but defense let us down, baltimore had Roman to blame. Seattle had a bad ref call and no one open the last play w one guy in the endzone (woods)


    I really think when u limit a qb all game by running so much you lack rhythm and lose comeback type games. 166 yards a game will do tthat to a qb who only uses the sideline. but that has been progressing these last 4 games. we almost beat the raiders and seahawks but for defense and poor reffing.

  6. I am trying to figure out what the big deal is here


    We all knew Ryan was gonna get fired


    Its the last game of the season.....probably want to see if EJ is worth gettiing kept


    I hope they also play Logan Thomas

    ya like we dont know if EJ is good or not? maybe lets give t edwards another chance too.

  7. They are 7th in points and 12th in yards, but presumably you know that and just choose not to include the stats.

    news flash: Ryan L Ballz never has any substance to his one liner posts. props for a two liner today though....must be getting some tutoring.

  8. QB attributes I see in Taylor...


    arm strength- check

    deep ball- check

    uses the sideline- married to it but currently separated

    uses the middle- FINALLY!

    throws with touch- average

    accuracy- improves as season continues

    throws pics- rarely

    fumbles when hit- never

    panics and throws ball over head on fourth down- never

    uses legs well- best in the league

    throws 3 yard passes on third and long- way too often

    vocal leader- doesnt need to be, you see how this guy dresses?


    Taylor is good, not great, but a weapon at least as good as michael vick was ever imagined to be here and now that he is using the middle of the field and his tight-end we see what a tightwad can do when he spends a little cash. I see him actually as a younger more potent version of Flutie. Flutie had a stellar D to work with and got us into the playoffs, Taylor had the "Ryan wrecks" defense.


    Flutie left the bills after throwing 3tds and no pics having a 158.3 qbr against the seahawks on dec 23 of 2000 leaving the bills with an 8-8 record in a year where johnson wasted half the season. similarly, Taylor threw 3 tds, and no pics a 115 qbr in possibly his last game in buffalo. I was sad that xmas when Flutie left, I would be sad if Taylor left on the same note.


    why wait to start over or get an aging vet when we have a guy in house for decent money whos worse attributes are his reads on third down? that can be fixed by coaching and experience. Andrew Luck he'll never be but Luck will never run like Tightwad and I dont see us drafting 1st overall anytime soon either.

  9. For all those that says you absolutely have to pick of the option. Hypothetically they dont.


    What changes on the Offense? What do you lose? What is it that this offense cannot be without?


    Now is that worth a 16M cap hit and essentially being married to TT at min til the end of 2018?

    yes its worth it, tightwad is using the middle now, he will be much better going foward.

  10. Rushing defense, on display AGAIN yesterday. Ranked 29 in the league, rushing yards / game.


    That's basically the front 7, correct? After a D heavy draft and signing a few true FA gems. Couple really great pick ups. Seriously.





    Offense has been an issue and the QB / passing game obviously, however if the Bills were not horrible up front, they probably would be in the playoffs in a couple weeks.


    You can't have bad run defense and a not too bright head coach, as we saw yesterday. It's just too much to overcome.


    2 rushing plays after Rex gave the ball back to Miami - almost 80 yards RIGHT there - game over.



    coaching coaching coaching, wasted talent, we are the 2014 jets with twice the talent

  11. Funny thing about that TD, as awesome as it was, is it was still a high risk of a play (great reward), and if you watched the three receivers streak down the field to the same area, how wide open the middle was if one of them had a route that cut shorter. Glad Tyrod made the throw, and know Sammy will catch it if given the chance, but also shows some interesting pieces of Lynn's play calling.

    i seem to recall saying this....alll year,, 2015 to be exact.

  12. Easier said than done, but I do agree that people need to reset their expectations and not heap 17 years on whomever. Fact is we have a good chance at a winning record this year, yet our team has regularly gotten booed at home, because we all know we're missing the playoffs again. I'm not sure what other fanbases are like, but does a .500 or 9-7 team get booed at home regularly?

    this is dumb comment, they got booed for multiple three n outs in a row resulting in losing games, also "they" means taylor. also your going to criticize a stadium full of people as if its their fault the team was playing like crap again? should they all just accept crap because we might go 9-7? big f ing deal!

  13. (Obviously this is a bit tounge in cheek but really we're just spinning our wheels and I think to make the long lasting, team/organizational defining changes we need, we need to get new blood in the organization at all levels. We just got new owners so what better time then now? We all deserve it as long time BILLS fans and more importantly to the Pegulas, paying customers.)

    dont post and then change tones w a disclaimer. post exactly the point and tone you mean and stick to it. We all know this isnt an exact science. also the common poster here cant read past the first few lines anyway before flaming you and calling u a troll.

  14. No, I would like to know how you know this? Because your post shows you don't

    know jack about blood sugars, diabetes, whatever.

    oh its not like diabetes, diabetes effects the whole body and is due to insulin levels etc. tyrod may just lose the amount of blood sugar where his brain is affected. this is a newer area in psych and very hard to measure since its mental. but id like to see sats on opening drives from tyrod vs other starting qbs, i bet they are good, also opening second half drives. He tends to run alot more in second and 4th quarters as well.

  15. I actually may be more than an amateur psychologist. funny how people accept losing and just look for the next draft pick for hope, or someones firing. Never really seeing the problems for what they are, buuuuuut thats why im here.

    And whatever i do, its not the typical job most posters here probably have...plumber, logger, unemployment check casher etc.


    That being said the disorder is not akin to diabetes. Its a psychological disorder however, so mild it wouldnt show up on tests or make someone faint. It would just do exactly what i said, make someone less cognizant and unable to process higher level brain functions. Its the same feeling people get when adrenaline surges and they get tunnel vision or cant think straight for a moment, but in this case its longer lasting and not due to adrenaline.


    Anyone flaming this post, feel free to leave your credentials in the response and your explanation for halfrods fast starts and extreme contrasts in performances quarter to quarter.

  16. Follow up.... i suppose i could have made a more intellectual thread like " fire rex" or "tyrod sucks" or the ever popular "draft so n so" thread.


    Without getting too into how i know this...i believe tyrod has a serious issue with blood sugar. The mind stops processing higher level thought like computation, analysis etc. It can still function at a primitive level however, ie fight or flight response. I notice tightwad often has stretches of decent throwing, followed by 4 to 5 3-n-outs in a row. He seems to do well to start every game, comes out in second halves and does well, but has looked pathetic in 2nd and 4rth quarters. I firmly believe his mind tires and he resorts to his legs. If a team spies him, like cincy did, he becomes a completely worthless piece of crap, kind of like trent edwards, who people blamed the concussion on for this issue. I wish someone would look into this because it may be the reason for his lack of play making half the time.

  17. Prob not with Goodwin, that guy is Fra-gee-lay

    is that italian?

    Someone call Ryan Denney. All the guy does is score touchdowns.

    without several thousand posts, like the barflys here, your intelligent and mindful comments are not valid. As poignant as that opening day morman to morman connection was. (god knows trent turdwards wasnt going to win the game alone)


    so one guys article disproves the fact that taylor cant see guys who are wide open? Guys i see on replays that arent even focusing on them? Tightwads been throwing sideline, running too early, and missing guys wide open down the middle for 2 seasons now...next youll say trent edwards was good since Bill Walsh said so, he just needed a better oline.


    When will people stop making excuses for other peoples problems?? the Obama strategy doesnt work in football...or life for that matter.

  19. Well here is the thing...there are plenty of teams that have QBs that put up QB stats, move the ball up and down the field, but don't score points the way we do...


    We score points with Tyrod...a lot of points... his low turnover ratio and lack of fumbles plays a big part in this...very few, if any QBs turn the ball over as rarely as Tyrod...

    true. and there in lies the rub. i see this too and its why i havent gone full bore anti tightwad yet. The sad part is, is that with 2 or 3 slants or seam passes, we would have 2 or 3 less 3 n outs per game and score even more points, along w resting our defense longer. Tightwad is truly stupid to not have noticed how he sucks for half a game until he throws a deep ball or hits a tight end on the run. Why cant he start out playing how he finally plays in the third quarter most of the time?

  20. sammy is not the problem....tightwad had 2 burners available sunday and clay who gets a step on any linebacker....its that hes too dumb to see things develop...hes starting to fake his read and just running 2 seconds into every play....no sense of timing or rhythm...where is the slant? the streak? the middle crossing routes where the catch it in the middle not after they cross the entire field?


    Even his scrambling sucks as he pretends to still want to throw as he fades to the sidleline and barely eeks out 3-4 yards on 3rd and 10s'


    Tightwad really regressed sunday and it has nothing to do with the other players on the field...hes just too dumb.

  21. I always thought there should be a Friday night game. Won't have to compete with prime time college football on Saturday, and gives us a night game that we can actually stay up and enjoy without having to worry about work the next morning (well those of us who work mon-fri anyway).

    agreed, why not, thurs games make the week too short for prep also.

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