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Posts posted by Poleshifter

  1. In the off-season, Butch Byrd worked as a mechanic at a Chrysler dealership at Delaware and Hertel. My next door neighbor was a salesman there, and told me Butch worked in the garage.


    In the story above, they mention Paul Maguire throwing key blocks on Butch big punt return. Can you imagine your punter being out there on the punt return team? Smaller rosters, of course, so more jobs to do for each player.


    Paul Maguire co-owned Sestak & Maguire's restaurant on Elmwood in Kenmore.


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  2. 9 hours ago, aristocrat said:

    it’s tanking? How much?  Over what period of time?



    Tanking completely is what I expect, and quite soon, possibly this month.


    I'm not a financial advisor, but I know that huge changes are coming soon. I would cash out of the market, buy some gold/silver and buy some XRP.

  3. 5 hours ago, ICanSleepWhenI'mDead said:


    Thanks for the explanation.


    I'm not going to try to talk you out of what you believe is coming, or criticize you.  Wouldn't it be nice, though, if there was a way to have people stop calling you a conspiracy theorist because of your views and STILL get wealthy?  If your vision of the future turns out to be correct, there's actually a way to do that.  It sounds like you have some gains from what you've already bought.  If I'm right about that, why not sell just enough to match what you originally invested, and put that in the bank?  Leave the rest in your existing investments.  If the gains on your existing investments turn out to be as spectacular as you expect, you will still wind up being very wealthy.


    But if there's even a tiny chance that the future does not unfold as you expect, you'll have something to fall back on.  And you can explain what you're doing to the people who criticize you, which will likely cause them to cut you some slack even though they don't share your view of the future.   Wouldn't that be nice?


    Besides, you can only drive one Chevelle at a time.


    At least think about it.

    Thanks. I appreciate your concern. My wife does not like my beliefs, either, and filed for divorce. We've been living apart, but are getting back together soon.


    I have made some gains on the XRP, but much larger gains will be coming soon. So not quite time to cash it in.


  4. 14 minutes ago, ICanSleepWhenI'mDead said:

    You talk about the "big event" and "what is coming" in pretty vague terms.  Why be vague about it?  I'd appreciate it if you would explain exactly what you think the "big event" will be that is "coming."  Educate me about what you've learned about the forthcoming quantum financial system ("QFS").  Doing that would help your own investments, right?  The more people who see the light and invest in the same way you have, the more demand there will be for what you already own, which should make your own investments more valuable and accelerate your path to wealth.


    So how about it?  Don't just leave me clueless about what's coming - - please explain to me specifically what's coming.



    When I explain what is coming, people generally say I'm a conspiracy theorist and ignore what I say.


    What is coming is a complete shutdown of the internet, phone systems and media. For 10 days or so, the Emergency Broadcast System will be the only thing on TV. Among other things, the TV will show video confessions by famous people who have committed crimes against humanity.


    Would you like to see confessions by the real 9/11 perpetrators? Tune in and see. You will recognize them.


    During this period, the QFS will be implemented as well. There will be new currency, backed by gold, silver, etc. If you visit your bank, ask the teller if they have seen the new rainbow currency.  When QFS kicks in, gold and silver will increase greatly in value. The QFS digital currencies (XRP, XLM, and others) will increase greatly as well.


    It is expected that BTC and ETH and most other cryptos will drop to zero. If your crypto is not ISO 20022 compliant, it is "out of here".


    The rainbow currency may take up to a year to switch over completely.


    New rainbow currency.JPG

    • Eyeroll 1
    • Haha (+1) 2
  5. On 4/1/2022 at 5:25 PM, NewEra said:

    Considering the issues bound to happen down the line, have any of you purchased backup food? My wife just asked if we should order a 3-6 month supply pack.  Some are pretty affordable too, considering how important it could become if **** REALLY hits the fan.  


    i didn’t really think seriously about it until now and just wanted to get y’all’s thoughts.

    You would be wise to stock up on some non-perishable foods. Two or three months worth would be good.


    The supply chain issues are going to get worse before they get better, so now is the time to stock up.


    It's similar to investing in the right crypto and metals. If you happen to know big changes are coming.


    Go to 4patriots.com if you want to buy some 3-month food kits. Freeze dried food that will last 25 years.


    Like the old Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared".


    • Like (+1) 2
  6. On 4/1/2022 at 11:33 AM, ICanSleepWhenI'mDead said:

    <<My net worth is pretty low, about $100K, I guess.    . . .   I expect to have millions of dollars by the end of the year.>>


    Does this sound reasonable to you?  I'm just some random poster on the internet, but if there is anyone in your life whose judgment you respect, you might want to ask them the same question.


    I hope the "big event" isn't the resurrection of JFK in Dallas:



    If you know there is a new financial system (QFS) coming, and it will be backed by precious metals, then you may want to buy some of the crypto coins which will be used in that system. In late 2020, I found out about those things.


    Between the XRP, XLM, and silver, I expect to be very wealthy, probably in this calendar year.


    Does it sound reasonable, you ask? Not normally, but then these are historic times we will soon be living through. If you are prepared for what is coming, you can cash in big-time. Most people have no clue what is coming.


  7. 4 hours ago, Augie said:

    I have to admit, I’m curious as hell. I would LOVE some way to get a glimpse of the average net worth and age of the people getting into crypto. Are they all in their 20’s and 30’s? Do any have a net worth of a million? $5 Mil or more? North of that? 


    We are 60-ish, and my wife’s younger sister is a successful professional. She got in cheap, but still has less than $10k as of last check. It’s not 1% of her net worth. How deeply are you invested in this?


    What percentage of your net worth is crypto, and how old are you?


    I’d start a poll if I could.  

    I  bought my first crypto 18 months ago, when I was 70. I spent $725 on XRP. My wife flipped out when I bought it ("you bought something you can't see!"). I had discovered that XRP was going to be the basic currency of the new banking system (QFS), so it seemed a wise investment to me. She would never listen to my rationale for buying it. 


    Eleven months ago, I started on Lobstr, buying XLM (Stellar Lumens) and swapping them for other tokens. As it turns out, the Stellar Network will be the new stock market. While I never trusted the NYSE and Wall Street mob, I have invested in hundreds of stocks through Lobstr. You can currently buy millions (or billions) of tokens for companies and commodities around the world. I'm wheelin' and dealin'! It's a lot of fun.


    My net worth is pretty low, about $100K, I guess. My wife filed for divorce because of my crypto among other things, and we split a chunk of money from selling a house. I invested most of it, so I am set for the future. I expect to have millions of dollars by the end of the year. I had never expected to be rich, but then I happened into XRP and then XLM. I have about 40-45% of my net worth in crypto, and a similar % in precious metals too. I am just waiting for the big event to cash in some of it, keep most of it long-term.


    I have 8 nieces/nephews, mostly educated, working in tech jobs, but none seem to do any crypto. Nobody else I know does crypto either.


  8. 2 hours ago, BADOLBILZ said:



    Should be in the "do you bitcoin?" thread OTW.

    The crypto world is a place where they often talk about "generational" wealth, meaning the wealth you make will affect the lifestyle of future generations of your family.


    I know a couple people who will be facing a sudden influx of wealth due to crypto investments.


    In terms of football salaries, the term "generational" does not make much sense.

  9. Are we over-reacting? No and Hell no!


    A squib kick ticks off a few precious seconds, very important seconds in this case.


    Now we hear the squib order did not reach Bass? Did Farwell screw up the transmission of the message? Someone has to take responsibility for this massive screw-up.


    A golden opportunity - with Brady and Rodgers out of the picture - to win a super bowl. Pissed off is not over-reacting.

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