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Posts posted by Ozymandius


    Well, considering that Rubio has already been contacted by a number of donors who have told him that they are most likely going to back him in 2020, you'd be wrong about that. And not only are you wrong, he will be one of the front runners.


    Unless he's contacted by tens of millions more voters, he will be dead in the water again.


    There are a number of problems with a Rubio candidacy:

    • He's unpopular in his home state of Florida, which has a strong Tea Party faction. Florida remembers Rubio's betrayal on immigration. They went for Trump this cycle but if Trump were out of the race, they would've gone for Cruz. If Rubio can't deliver Florida in the general election, what's the point?
    • Rubio is Cuban, and non-Cuban Hispanics (such as Mexicans) tend to dislike Cubans, as I'm sure you're aware. Using Rubio to win over the Hispanic vote will not work
    • Really? Rubio's not going to serve in office the next four years before making another run at president? The candidates with experience this cycle like Jeb had horrible personalities and speaking skills and other defects, but next cycle, there will be experienced candidates who can speak and inspire. They'll learn from the Jeb experience, and then they'll hammer Rubio for not accomplishing anything, and they'll be right
    • Rubio is attached to an ideology -- neoconservatism -- that looks to be dead to me. I think conservatism itself might be dead within the next few years as the demographics continue to turn towards the Democrats' favor, but the particular strain of neoconservatism is for sure dead.

    Immigration (for the GOP primary) and his youthful looks were two obstacles he had to overcome and although they were things that he could have overcome, it was those 5 minutes in N.H that did him in. He rebounded in S.C but the damage had been done, not because of any sort of residual effect that it had in voters mind but because he didn't knock out Kasich. Kasich staying in the race is what did Rubio in, but the blame for that lied on squarely Rubio's shoulders.


    I think the calculation is that having more political experience is not seen as a positive as much as it used to. From what I'm hearing, his plan is to remain visible and run again in 2020.


    Getting raped in his home state had something to do with it, I'd say. And Kasich's vote share wouldn't have helped Rubio there.

    Also, yes, Florida doesn't allow you to run for both Senate and President.


    I'm with you. When you call everyone a racist, then no one is a racist.


    And that's not fair to people like you. An actual racist.




    ZING! Ouch! LAMAO!


    It is like the star bellied Sneetches, who's who now?


    OMG, LaBillz re-stating what I had already said. ZING! Burn!

  4. Is that right? I'll be sure to remember that next time I hear it. It would be a first.


    Yes, you wouldn't use the word when speaking to each other. (Especially not when speaking to each other in Arabic or Farsi, obviously.)


    But what happens when Muslims communicate with the kafir like that alleged girl was doing on reddit? Another example here (see the "Cell Phones" section. And it's used twice more on that page.)


    Not saying she's not a fake. She could be.

    You have to excuse Ozy. In his mind, darker big nosed people are interchangeable.


    I wish that American Jews were darker, to be quite frank. The ability to pass as white is a cornerstone of their power.

  5. derail threads? I was responding to an openly racist person who was spewing hate and then everyone jumped on me.


    Your tactic of "I was just fighting racism" doesn't work because you and other shitlibs call everyone racist. No one is going to give you sympathy or credit here. Think boy who cried wolf.


    Sucks, huh? When you run into the real thing. (Although let me add that, in this instance, posting demographic data is not racist. You retard.)


    IF Mrs. Clinton gets elected, then, 2 things will be true, whether anyone likes it or not:


    1. Obamacare dies that day...the Rs have been using Obamacare to win elections since 2009. Look at the states! Why is Ted Cruz still alive? Hillary is older than my godmother, when both die, there is NO D replacements! Both women would never suffer an albatross like Obamacare to linger around their necks longer than 5 minutes, because both women are accomplished and not stupid. Keeping Obamacare == The Minnesota Wild/LA Kings...who took all our ****ty deals to "win now". The D party has no future. They've traded away all their draft picks. They are the literal equivalent of the Redskins. But please, say demographics again...I need a good laugh. :lol: Hillary knows this, and she's not about to be the kid without a chair when the music stops. She will decimate Obama's "legacy", if for no other reason than to give the D party a fighting chance of becoming a national party again.


    2. The end of Global Warming, the political trap/gain/fund raising/major policy issue...and welcome to the "requires more

    study" purgatory that the rest of the "science"-based socialist conspiracies now dwell. Anybody remember the "Population Bomb"? No. None of you do. For good reason.



    I respect your alternative viewpoint, but I flat out have a much lower opinion of the Dems.


    Being against Obamacare is racist, and none of them wants to be racist.


    Global warming is settled science, and none of them wants to be anti-science.

  7. This is a great thread on Reddit:


    Hey the_donald, I'm a 19 year old girl living in America with muslim immigrant parents. Until yesterday, I had not once removed my Hajib in my life while outside. I tried to do it once when I was 10 years old, and my parents grounded me for a week.

    Let me tell you something right now, there are no "moderate muslims". There are no "assimilated muslims". Throughout my life, I have been to three different mosques regularly. Everyone there had some kind of animosity to America. Either they support jihadist actions outright or they refuse to condemn them, or they victim blame christians and the west. Every time theres a terrorist attack, all over the media there are reports of muslims who speak out against jihad or protest terrorists.

    This is bull ****.

    The last time I went to service at my mosque was right after the Brussels attack. You want to know how many of them were condemning it? 0. Not a single one. My parents over facebook (which they refuse to let me post publically to) both started complaining about Islamophobia that would sprout. Not even a faux prayer for the victims. I've been secretly watching Trump and his speeches for the last few months, and agreeing with what he says about Islam. This religion is !@#$ing garbage. You want to know what people at my mosque say to me when I ask them about Trump or about terrorists crossing the border?

    "Don't speak woman"


    It continues

    Oh heck, this part is great, too




    The worst part is all the liberals on campus apologizing for mulims, especially the Bernie girls going around wearing Hajibs "in solidarity". Well congratulations, you are officially a conquered people of the caliphate. When liberals do this and encourage more muslims to enter the country, people at the mosques are not sighing in relief that whites aren't racist, they are giddy that they are accepting the new islamic state so easily.

    Only Trump is standing up to these animals. We don't want a single one in our country. If Trump doesn't win, I will happily die the last woman not covering her head. Liberals have no idea what Islam really is.

  8. It's not that you're far off, it's that you're a muppet who views everything along racial lines.


    I think I view the appropriate amount of issues along racial lines, actually. But, in any case, it's better to err on the side of thinking too racially instead of not thinking about race at all. For example:


    Education: 3 Approaches To Higher Test Scores


    1. Liberal Progressive - "We need to spend more money! These poor children don't have enough money!"


    2. Cuckservative / LOLbertarian - "Muh Charter Schools! Muh School Vouchers!"


    3. Nationalist - "You know, we actually don't have an education problem at all. We have good schools. The only reason the USA ranks low in comparison to China or Finland is because we have waaaay more Latinos and Blacks than those countries do. Our Latinos and Blacks drag down the overall average; our Whites, Asians, and Jews excel at testing. In an apples vs apples comparison, we don't do any worse than the top countries."


    The third perspective is desperately needed in American politics.



    Gee, I wonder why China, Singapore, and Japan top these lists.


    Could it be that their countries are full of Asians?

  9. lol, the "Yuge" gives it away that he's going to bash Trump after endorsing Cruz.


    you guys are so paranoid.


    "Detroit Republican" Rand Paul is not going to endorse Trump.

    Rand is a Reason.com left-libertarian fag, not a manly right-libertarian shitlord like Stefan Molyneaux

  10. This is a similar breakup map to what that Russian professor claimed a few years back.


    I do agree to a point that in order for a nation to be successful, it's citizens have to have a common culture, ideals, language and vision for what they want the country to be as well as sovereign borders. If you do not have those elements it will lead to conflict, tension, political gridlock and frusteration.


    Right now in modern day America there are too many chefs in the kitchen all fighting over what meal should be prepared.



    Exactly. Great post.

  11. Eh. We will see. I never counted Wisconsin among Trump's wins. It's a very cucked state like neighbors Minnesota and Iowa.


    If he loses Indiana and some states in the Northeast, then yeah, he's in trouble.

    Here's the county map so far. Trump should be relatively weak in Wisconsin but should sweep Indiana and the remaining Northeast.

  12. There is zero chance now that Trump will be the nominee. Zero. He will not get 1237 and he will not be chosen at the convention.


    lol, even if he has only 1200 delegates, he can buy 37 with his hotels and golf courses.


    He's the nominee, unless he falls FAR short of 1237.

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