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Posts posted by Ozymandius

  1. We hope that everyone will take a moment out of their day to pray for the potential victims of any Islamophobic blowback to the #NiceAttack.



    We also call on the French government to draft legislation prohibiting anyone from driving trucks down promenades and murdering pedestrians.

    Video of some casualties (very graphic): https://twitter.com/NewsThisSecond/status/753708818119397377

  2. If an officer has to go into every situation assuming the person is armed, how is an armed populace making their job easier? Aren't the concealed guns the problem?


    Did we really think this through.


    "Gee Mr.Motorist, your tail light is out"


    Turns into full disclosure that the motorist is legally packing. What a mess of even the most innocuous traffic stops.


    A generation ago, the police establishment would have never pushed for a concealed carry populace.


    Again, does anybody ever think sh*t through.



    They have concealed carry in Thailand, Bosnia, Pakistan, Czech Republic, and Estonia, and I doubt those countries have our issues right now.

    fyi, the Dallas Police Department:



  3. Good response from President Obama (out of the country) regarding the murders.


    Of course he had to blame the guns at the end, but that's just a reflex with him.



    President Barack Obama has described the Dallas shootings as a "vicious, calculated, despicable attack."


    He described the killings as a "tremendous tragedy" and as "senseless murders."


    Obama said of the suspects, "We will learn more about their twisted motivations. Let's be clear: There is no possible justification" for the attacks.


    The president continued, "Let me just say, even as yesterday I spoke about our need to be concerned as all Americans about racial discrimination in our criminal justice system. I also said our police have an extremely difficult job and the vast majority do their job in outstanding fashion."


    Sorry, but the gun control bit erases any good that came out of the other statements. And let's not pretend he wasn't furiously jacking off to the dead cops while news was pouring in last night. The joke's on him, though. I suspect many of these injured/slain cops were minorities.


    :censored: I guess that makes it even then? This stuff makes me sick.


    They have the shooter confined to a building at this point I guess. Swat is talking to them.


    I hope they torture him to death once in custody.

    Please let Hollywood be right about Cop-Killers


    What's amazing about this, besides from the absurdity of promoting fascism (seriously?), is that the EU is a fascist's dream and yet you're supporting Brexit. That shows me you either don't understand what fascism truly is, or which forces actually contrived the EU in the first place... or both.


    You're an alt-righty. Go back and look at your history. A European Trade Union, with Germany serving as the industrial engine, has been a dream of Kaisers and Nazis both, the later working actively to lay the ground work for the EU in the final days of WW2. Look at what Nazis like Bormann were trying to do in '44 and how that is reflected in what became the EU and you'll see startling parallels.


    There's lots of propaganda coming from the establishment and the fringes of every political ideology in the wake of this decision, but one thing is clear: this was a victory for democracy over pseudo fascist systems. So are you sure you're on the right side?


    I agree that the EU can be interpreted to be "fascist" (link is to an alt-right site).


    However, for my purposes, it's clearly better for the multi-cult, progressive EU to be broken up. Maybe it should be re-constituted later once the far-right has conquered Europe. But it's sort of silly to suggest that Hitler wouldn't have voted for Brexit the way the EU functions now.

  6. dyDeokXVZ_QuOWalGjjkptITMe4w0oTacCe47Wm3

    I think you are more than a little quck to label the concept of free trade as "neo liberal".



    neo-liberal economics has nothing to do with American political liberalism



    LOL. this dude baskin has the highest ratio of arrogance to ignorance on this forum. that's saying something.

    he probably thinks Bernie is an example of neoliberal


    That sounds like fun, but the reality is whatever you think this alt-right gig is, and for whatever spoils you think you're getting, or going to get, with someone like Trump or something like Brexit, the reality is that the battles are ultimately fought in the middle...not the fringes, and the alt-right will go the way of the tea party and the coffee party and the progressives and the socialists, and in the end the people with the stomach to meet in the middle will continue to stand.


    I don't take any pleasure admitting that. And it doesn't mean you, or me, or anyone else should give up your basic principles. It just means the effort to pull people in your direction will ultimately die because you don't have any money. And the people who are making money on this right now (Coulter, Hannity, Ingraham, O'Reilly, etc.) will stop once the well dries up and they see the next revenue generator, and you'll be left alone with your Make America Great Again hat in one hand and your pud in the other.


    Believe...I got scammed once. Now it's your turn. Just watch your wallet.


    I mean, I guess we'll see what happens. I expect to be crushing birdog and gatorman under my jackboot within a decade. There are probably more members of the alt-right in this country than there are "true conservatives."

  8. Let's not pretend there isn't a global "right" represented by people like (((GG))) and Magox pissing their pants, too.

    It may be that in 10-15 years we'll look back upon this time and think how quaint it was that we used to separate along the lines of "conservatives" vs "liberals"


    The future of politics may be fought more on the axis of nationalist vs globalists.

  9. There is an incredible theory that a Brexit won't actually happen even if the public votes for it


    A really crucial detail about the upcoming EU referendum has gone virtually unmentioned and it is probably the most crucial detail:Parliament doesn't actually have to bring Britain out of the EU if the public votes for it.

    That is because the result of June 23 referendum on Britain's EU membership is not legally binding. Instead, it is merely advisory, and, in theory, could be totally ignored by UK government.





    that would lead to more Jo Coxes


    for realz this time, nigga

    Just stop for a moment and consider true evil:

    There is more anguish from the Left over #Brexit voting than#Rotherham rapes + cover-up.

  10. Great news to wake up to this morning. A blow to the One World global governance elite. Next step for Britain should be to seal their borders and they may have a chance to survive as a sovereign nation .Now, if we can figure out a way to stop the douches in Washington from sucking us into the TPP! And of course, guard our borders.


    Dante, you would make a fine addition to the alt-right.


    Do you need me to recommend sites/podcasts for you? Or can you discover the alt-right on your own?

  11. lol, it was terrorism. But who even cares if it was not, according to some ridiculous definition of terrorism?


    A Muslim did it. And more Muslims will commit "terrorist" acts in the future. On American soil.


    We're about 5 years away from a candidate being able to become President running solely on a Muslim ban.

  12. Getting pulled over by chance is different than my idea.

    If it prevents one shooting it's worth doing.


    You have a better idea?


    What makes you think I lean left?


    Leftists tend to make statements like the first bolded one.


    If everyone never leaves the house, we would stop car accidents. If we can prevent just one...

  13. False flag operation to derail Brexit:


    Witness: Attacker yelled 'put Britain first'
    Police have not commented on the circumstances surrounding the attack and a motive wasn't immediately clear.
    But a witness claimed that the assailant who attacked Cox was yelling "put Britain first," the Press Association reported.

    Hopefully nobody falls for it, but Britain is pretty damn cucked.

  14. They're Muslim and to be Muslim means you submit yourself to God, so I'm not surprised to see them raise their hands, but it's not like he asked them if they'd volunteer to be the executioner.


    Homosexuality is a sin no matter the religion. Adultery is also. Actually I know one Muslim homosexual, or at least I think he classifies himself as a Muslim, and the entire family, as far as I know, welcomes him and accepts him.


    To me adultery is far worse a sin. You can't control your sexual preference. You can and should control your sexual desires with anybody except for your spouse. Adultery is an ugly thing. It devastates families. If you're not ready for monogamy, then don't get married.


    I'm not pushing for more immigration. This is America. If you come here you better accept it for what it is and what it is is the greatest country in the world. The most beautiful lands, the greatest of freedoms, acceptance and tolerance. If you're not on board then stay out or get out.


    Kudos, Justice. You do seem to be a good American Muslim.


    You guys? That's messed up.


    You guys as in Muslims. I think you acknowledged that the people in that video are Muslims. Or am I misreading you?



    I guess I'm simply not welcomed here. I guess I'm not American enough for you.

    As far as I'm concerned, you are welcomed as long as you don't push for more Muslim immigration. Do you think I am wrong that once the Muslim population reaches a certain size, they will demand Sharia?
  16. I suppose the difference is and we can't really call them radicals unless they act on their feelings, or am I wrong?


    I think whether you guys act on your feelings is more a matter of how many of you there are in the country. Right now you guys are 1% of the population, and we're already having issues. Once you get to 5-10%, there will be no-go zones in most major cities. By the time you get to 25% of the country, you'll have the country because all the white liberals will follow along and convert to Islam to avoid offending you guys. Then the U.S. will be a Sharia country.

  17. If this were to ever happen (which I doubt), I don't think they'd use weapons to wipe us out. They can cut off food and water supplies and we'd be done.


    And for the record I believe hell is a good enough punishment. Why would they have to die for it?


    That's good, but unfortunately there are too many Muslims who would practice strict Sharia. There was a roomful of them in that video, and as you saw, they all considered themselves moderates.

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