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Posts posted by Ozymandius



    That has long been the Pro-Life position.


    March for Life denounced Trump's position, noting goal is to help mom/baby


    I'd have to see polling on that. I think there are plenty of pro-lifers who hold the TYTT position, so it's not monolithic. For example, one of the bigger pro-life advocates Scott Klusendorf is for punishment.


    Although the March for Life position very well could be the majority.


    But it'll be a great punishment. The best ever.



    Really...he's not wrong. You can't "ban" something without having some sort of negative repercussions that go along with performing that something.


    Yeah, I don't see the big deal.


    I suppose the opposition is arguing that only the black market providers should be punished and not the women?


    And what are the differences between the races?


    Oh, my friend, there are so many tomes that have been written about this subject. If you have genuine interest and because you named yourself 'Observer' which suggests a scientific mind, then I will start you with this link: http://www.humanbiologicaldiversity.com/


    If the reading is too dry, let me know.




    Do you think that races should have their own nation state? I apologize for my ignorance of the Spencer guy--only picking up what I read in some articles after you linked to him.


    Proximity + Diversity = Conflict. We see it play out over and over again in American and Europe.


    If I could populate the Earth from scratch, I definitely would give each race their own nation-state, if not continent. Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, Europe for the Europeans, etc.


    However, thru bad public policy, the races have created multicultural societies to a great extent. Particularly in America.


    So the question is now: what do we do from here?


    Many of my colleagues have very hardcore solutions. Me, I prefer to focus on humane solutions around birthrates or secession. I mean, many of my colleagues refer to me as an SJW, and they may be right.


    In any case, I would want America to look something like this:




    You are a white supremacist?


    No. I think whites are better at some things, worse at others. Only God can add it up and determine, on balance, which race is best.


    However, I will definitely notice and point out the differences between races.

    Truth be told, I think most people notice. It's only the pointing out that makes me different.


    You're a pig for posting that completely ridiculous childish BS, and I don't make wagers with pigs.


    Rather be a pig than a chicken. Bawk buckbuckbuckbuck BAWK!



    Just get Katrina to tell her story like it was told in the Enquirer. How hard is that? She's Trump's diaper changer. Surely she can confess to back up the story!


    Where's Katrina????? Have her tell her story!!!!


    Katrina Pierson did not sleep with Cruz.


    Sarah Flores and Amanda Carpenter did, however. Possibly others.


    You can take all the gatorman comments of the past 12 months, put them all together in one place, and they wouldn't be as disgusting or embarrassing as this single post.


    You're a pig, Ozy, and I'm only glad you're showing everyone the true face of Trump so the rest of the people who think he's some special brand of conservative leader can genuinely see that you're all nothing more than a bunch of Obama-like sleezebags.


    Oh, calm down.


    Let's make a PayPal bet. Sometimes between now and the general election, Cruz will have a Jimmy Swaggert moment where he has to admit that he cheated on his wife.


    I say it's going to happen. You say no. $50 by paypal?

  7. Establishment Republicans have a big-government agenda that is not representative of what their base wants. After sending a wave of Republican Senators and Congressmen over the last two election cycles, their voices have still not been heard, and they are still not represented. In this way, Republicans are directly responsible for Trump's ascendancy. He is a big middle finger towards the establishment.


    I just can't disagree more with this. I do agree that the base does not want poor minority people to be helped by government (Obamacare) but they are very big pro-government with entitlements. Trump has declared his promise to not touch entitlements. Look at where Bush's proposal went on privatizing SS. How about Ryan's plan to cut entitlements? Just no where plans.


    Both of you are wrong (or right, but I prefer to focus on the wrongness.)


    The base is obviously cleaved in half, between the "very conservatives" (Cruz supporters) and the "nationalists" (Trump supporters). That's the illuminating thing about Trump's campaign. Previously, almost all political observers thought the base and the Tea Party were just monolithic "very conservatives" on gov't spending and regulation. But in fact, among Tea Party voters, Trump is getting about half and many of them were former Dems from the 60s, 70s, and 80s.


    These two factions both have reason to hate the establishment and they've been united in their anti-progressivism and anti-establishmentarianism.


    But they do wan different things.

  8. I don't blame people for hating Muslims. I understand. I can only speak to you fine folk and pray I change a mind or two (not f'in likely). Lol. This is the only forum I participate in.


    Believe it or not I might be in favor of Trump's plan to go after the family of terrorists. Hey, if it persuades these ppl to stop I'm all for it. It's worth a shot.


    You're a good man, Justice.


    Men like you and men like me have collaborated before.


    Let's stop terrorism for real.

  9. Apparently there is a sex tape...can't wait!


    It's not a sex tape. The scumbag Rubio supporter and advisor Rick Wilson stalked Cruz and taped him and a woman going to dinners and hotels repeatedly.


    Some background here and also here:




    That source said an operative allied with Marco Rubio—but not associated with his official campaign—showed the publication a compilation video of Cruz and a woman other than his wife coming out of the Capitol Grille restaurant and a hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But the outlet opted not to report on the video, which demonstrated no direct evidence of an affair.


    Here's Wilson tweeting about the video that he distributed to media outlets:




    It's just a matter of time before the video leaks.


    Where is Katrina? She is Trump's spokeswoman also called out as having an affair with Cruz!


    Where is she? Where is her press conference? When will she take the mic and confirm her affair to put an end to the Cruz campaign???


    Enquiring minds want to know!!!


    Oh you missed the press conference this morning?


    Here's a clip:


  11. Wow this confrontation just happened on CNN. Gotta admit, Carpenter -- after being initially shocked -- puts together a convincing denial.


    (Gotta admit, part 2: Adriana Cohen is part of the Shtetl of Mettle for even broaching the topic.)

  12. tayracist-768x445.jpg









    Wait. So something with artificial intelligence praises Trump? Why am I not surprised at that?


    Yeah, neither am I surprised.


    This is is Microsoft's creation, the latest in artificial intelligence, built to use machine learning to learn the world and respond. The bot began with a clean slate, unbiased about the world, using only logic to learn the state of the world, its problems, and how to solve. And thus, it led her to Trump.

  13. Tay Tweets: Microsoft AI chatbot designed to learn from Twitter ends up endorsing Trump and praising Hitler






    “Tay is designed to engage and entertain people where they connect with each other online through casual and playful conversation,” Microsoft said. “The more you chat with Tay the smarter she gets.”


    So you want republicans to be....democrats? o.O


    There are more than just two political ideologies. It's just that the USA has a two-party system, so it's tough for the other ones to express themselves.


    Europeans would instantly recognize Trump as a far-right nationalist.


    So that's the crux of the issue here. If Trump wins the nomination, then at least for this one cycle, the Republican Party will be a nationalist party rather than (at least theoretically) a conservative party. And if he actually wins the general, the GOP may remain a nationalist party into the future. Those are the stakes.


    What you nutbags seem to miss is that even if Trump gets the nomination, guess he will be by his side in his campaign. Yes, the GOP establishment.



    That is, of course, true. No matter how "outsider" you are, you're not going to win a general election without the RNC apparatus.


    However, for the time being, the establishment is lining up behind Cruz. Jeb, Linsey Graham, donors, etc.



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