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Posts posted by Ozymandius

  1. Yeah. GTFOOH with this crap.


    Mathematically impossible and I'll tell you why. I know 100s of Muslims and none of them are radicals. Not a single one. If this guy was correct then odds are heavily in favor of me knowing one.



    What does that tell me? Absolutely nothing. It's what you do behind closed doors that define you.


    You know what those 100s of Muslims think about the Orlando shootings behind closed doors?


    I don't think you do. I think you'd be shocked by how many of those 100s of Muslims approve of what Omar did.

  2. The dude was definitely gay. I don't know any terrorists, but it's safe to say they don't frequent gay clubs and get drunk. If they do they're not very Islamic, are they?


    I, too, believe that he was gay. But that just takes "hate crime" off the table. He basically chose a location that he often frequented, knew the layout well, and knew that he could kill a lot of people.


    The man was a contradiction, sure. To be both extremely gay and a devout Muslim. Irresistible force meets immovable object. And we found out what won out.


    Islam > his gayness.

  3. I agree with DR's take. I'm not so sure this is terrorism. Self hating homosexual. Maybe he wanted to take this route so people wouldn't suspect he's gay. If so, it backfired.


    lol, hide your sexuality by becoming the most scrutinized person in America?


    no one is that dumb.

    you would have to change the phrase to "hoisted by his own retard"


    Chris Callen, who worked at Pulse as a performer, told CNN's Anderson Cooper he'd seen Mateen dozens of times at the club. According to his estimate, Mateen visited Pulse twice a month over a period of three years.
    "He was very friendly when we said hi. He didn't seem like the kind of guy who just did what he did. It makes no sense," Callen said.
    "My partner said that he was very nice [and seemed] comfortable.
    Pulse regular Kevin West told the Los Angeles Times that Mateen messaged him on a gay dating app several times in the year before the attack.



  5. As a teenage high school student in Florida, gay nightclub mass murderer Omar Mateen cheered as terrorists flew jumbo jets into the Twin Towers on 9/11, his former classmates recalled.

    Self-proclaimed Islamic State devotee Mateen was a sophomore when the al Qaeda terrorists attacked New York on Sept. 11, 2001 — and classmates vividly recalled his offensive reaction to America’s darkest day, according to the Washington Post.

    One former classmate said he was in the same room with Mateen during the 9/11 attacks. While everyone in the classroom was shocked or angered, Mateen was celebrating.

    “But Omar was saying some really rude stuff. Stuff like, ‘That’s what America deserves.’ That kind of thing. It wasn’t right,” the former classmate said.

  6. It was only a matter of time before a witness says there was a second shooter and here he is. Claims he heard two guns going off simultaneously and said there was a person at the door telling people to remain indoors. Interesting. Thoughts?




    There need not be multiple shooters to achieve the high dead bodycount.


    We're taking about 300+ people packed in like a sardine can. You can miss and still hit a target. Some people will die instantly. Others will bleed out during the 3 hour wait.


    And a former co-worker of 29-year-old Omar Mateen, who authorities say killed 49 people in a massacre at an Orlando gay nightclub early Sunday, claimed he saw the attack coming.
    "He was an angry person, violent in nature, and a bigot to almost every class of person," said Dan Gilroy, who was a security guard alongside Mateen for about a year between 2014 and 2015, according to CNN affiliate WPTV-TV.
    Gilroy, a former police officer, said Mateen's behavior was so concerning that he quit working with him.



    But nothing can be done to reduce these attacks! We're just going to have to live with them!


    lol - how about we start to think in terms of incentives?


    Getting rid of the security guard who passed background checks loophole.


    This is something we will live it. It is the war of our time. There is no real solution aside from going full Israel with armed soldiers everywhere and hoping that you're not at the wrong place at the wrong time.


    We put a man on the moon. You really don't think we can solve this without a police state?

  9. The Feds have been watching him and yet he's permitted to purchase two firearms in the last few weeks?


    The Feds wouldn't want to be RACIST and prevent a guy they're watching for possible terrorist activity to purchase guns.


    To ASSUME makes and ASS out of U and ME


    Which is a fairly meaningless gesture, and not iron clad proof he was acting in concert with a terrorist cell. Lone nuts can, and have, pledged their allegiances to many organizations who have no interaction with them at all.


    The War on Terror must not be interrupted with common sense, I know.


    Agreed. Although at the very least he drew inspiration from ISIS.


    I don't want a war on terror, but I would like to destroy ISIS. Unfortunately, ISIS is a useful idiot right now for the (((schemers))) who want to remove Assad.

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