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Posts posted by Ozymandius

  1. Almost all the data-based, respected election analysts -- see National Review's Henry Olsen -- believe Trump has a better chance than Cruz in the general.


    I think that's right, but they would both have a chance. Hillary is that weak a candidate, and frankly, people are just fed up with the left's lies/political correctness.


    You mean the people who create the jobs and grow the economy?


    You sure you shouldn't be voting for Bernie?


    I prefer the businesses that create jobs without lobbying. I'm surprised you would identify anti-crony capitalism with leftists. Both conservatives/libertarians AND leftists decry cronyism. It's just that the former are still pro-capitalism; they just don't want the gov't to pick winners and losers.

  3. Has there ever been a small government conservative? I've never seen it, I've seen conservatives cutting programs they don't like but they usually use any money saved plus more on government programs they do like.


    That's correct. In reality, special interests like the US Chamber of Commerce control the GOP. No matter who is in charge, D or R, you will have pork and corporate welfare.

  4. I must admit I've been shocked at how quickly Breitbart and Drudge have become nationalist websites.


    I don't think people get it. All the media that are friendly KNOW that he's not a "small gov't conservative." They see that he's a nationalist and they think that's the future.


    And they're right.


    American conservatism is dead. European-style right-wing nationalism is back, and man, I can't wait to curbstomp cuckservatives and progressives.

  5. What the !@#$ is the issue with gunning down innocent people just enjoying themselves on the beach? Chickenshit mother!@#$ers. Man up you bunch of puzzles and bring the fight to people that can actually fight back.


    The point is terrorism. Knowing you can just be lounging at the beach and be under attack is the terror.


    If they only attacked armed militias, that's not so terrifying.

  6. Why don't you guys just drop the facade and come out and say it....you think BO is just a niqqer and wasn't your President....feel the hate...feels good doesn't it


    lol, you are such a parody of a shitlib. trust me, none of these "conservatives" are racists. all of them would be horrified by true racists. "conservatives" are just leftists that like low taxes and want to protect Israel (while not understanding why their movement cares so much about Israel)


    it's very, very dangerous for shitlibs like you to call everyone racist even when they're not. the term "racist" loses all meaning and when true racists come around, you can't stop them because no one takes you or the term seriously.


    actually, keep it up! you're helping my cause!

  7. Alt - right movement?


    Wow even the white supremacists have gone new age.


    Oh, you have no idea the amount of consternation and embarrassment we have over the naming. Our leaders are sort of gay, I have to admit. We've continued to use "alt right" because the other name they came up with was "Identitarian." Yeah, they're gay. (Sometimes literally, in the case of Jack Donovan.)


    The root of the problem is that, in actuality, we're just the right-wing, period. The true right-wing. Cuckservatism co-opted "the Right" in the 50s/60s in America (and its appendage, Canada). But in most Western countries, they would recognize Trump as a far-right candidate. For example, in France, Trump would fit right in with the far-right National Front party of Marine Le Pen. All the European countries have a similar far-right party that is anti-immigration and anti-globalization.


    As I've said before, the other Republican candidates are more "conservative" than Trump. But Trump is more right-wing than them. We really should just call ourselves "right-wingers" but in this country, people will think we want to lower the capital gains tax, lol, instead of deporting Mexicans and Muslims.


    How do you go from Lyin Ted to an endorsement? Trump torpedo's bridges that he has yet to cross.


    Trump at heart is just a dealmaker. Cruz has now also campaigned on building a wall, so Trump would just extract a promise from Cruz that Trump gets to be the contractor that builds the wall. Also, Jeff Sessions would be a great go-between to smooth things out between the two of them.


    As for how Trump could explain it to voters. He'll just say he didn't like the dirty tactics Cruz's Super Pac employed but he does trust Cruz on immigration. And if Sessions trusts Cruz, then that's good enough for Trump. I mean, they're politicians. They'll figure something out. Throughout history, there have been bitter primary campaigns that have ended up with the competitors on the same ticket. I don't expect that to happen here, but I do believe an endorsement could be made.


    I'm not looking out for him, I'm just pointing out the irony you stupid asshat.


    There's actually no irony. The old-school racists like David Duke or the guys on Stormfront are big Palestine supporters.


    See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Duke#Public_address_in_Syria


    Although I don't associate with the old-school guys and consider myself to be part of the more modern alt-right movement, I do have quite a few Muslim friends. The Muslims love me. We agree on Israel and Jews like 95% of the time.

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