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Posts posted by boater

  1. Prior to last season I made an open bet that the Beals would win 11 games. I cannot find the thread, possibly because I drink a lot. But someone took me up on it.


    Spoiler alert: they did not win 11 games. If I owe you that cash, and you can find that thread, please let me know.

    Neutral color threads on neutral carpets, you'll never find it.

  2. ...

    Keep in mind, Fat baby is good Baby !




    Also, new parents:


    Don't let those Lactation Nazis guilt you. They can be pretty aggressive and bitchy. If lactation isn't in the cards, formula does just as well. Heck, I fed Walmart's clone of Enfamil. I saved a ton of money, and I think it came out of the same vat.


    Dads, if you're in the delivery room, stay at the head of the bed. You don't want to see what's going on south of the equator.

  3. I like spicy food, as many here do. I always ordered wings Hot.


    Now I order Medium, because I discovered the wing has this thing called chicken, which actually tastes pretty good when it isn't overpowered by hot sauce.


    Keep this in your cranium for future use: Forget water or alcohol if you've eaten something too hot. You need dairy to neutralize the capsaicin that causes the burn. Seems counter intuitive, but it's true. Milk works. Sour cream works. Me.. I like some cottage cheese.

  4. No. Cut and pasted from OHSA's website

    • Be trained in a language you understand
    • Work on machines that are safe
    • Be provided required safety gear, such as gloves or a harness and lifeline for falls
    • Be protected from toxic chemicals
    • Request an OSHA inspection, and speak to the inspector
    • Report an injury or illness, and get copies of your medical records
    • See copies of the workplace injury and illness log Review records of work-related injuries and illnesses
    • Get copies of test results done to find hazards in the workplace

    Ya. I don't see any NFL OSHA violatations there. Innocent troll.

  5. Dude is passionate about football. People on TBD forums are as well. Look in the mirror before calling him a loon. If a TBD poster had well above athletic skills, they would be this guy.


    The undertone of the article was football is as healthy as ever. It ain't going away anytime soon:


    The way Knox views it, we’re all going to be creaky, hurting and dead one day. Might as well reach this inevitability doing something he loves.

    Money quote.

  6. I watched a few videos.. to refresh my June memory of last season. Some good throws... some excellent runs.


    Tyrod is good. Potentially great. Potentially the keyword. He is unproven in the franchise category (I hate that cliche, but it did work here).


    Having said that... I'm OK with the Bills not extending his contract. Two discounts are:

    • the hometown discount
    • the "I'm a rising player, and you can sign me for less than my future value today"

    I don't believe Tyrod is offering either discount.

  7. I was in government service... mostly personnel work, so I have experience with reclamation projects.


    I believe these ratios apply to all populations:

    • 80 percent of your staff is acceptable
      (20% of your staff is the problem)
    • 10 percent of your staff are asses who will change to the positive under pressure
    • 10 percent of staff are asses for life, no matter what

    Problem: there's no way that I know of, to reliably delineate those in the last 2 bullets. When you're dealing with a present day loser... it's a crap shoot.


    Glad the Bills won this round of craps.

  8. A rational article, until the gem:


    Despite the Cowboys' 4-12 record in 2015, they should rebound nicely with the top players back on the field.

    What a fricken laugher. Fixing some injuries will vault you from 4-12 to top ten?


    You'd never ever find anyone saying the Bills would go from 4-12 to top 10.


    Heck, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone saying the Bills will have a better W-L record than the year before.

  9. Oakland is a pimple in Cali. A whitehead waiting to be popped. With minor skill, you can hit the mirror.


    Oakland is to San Francisco as Depew is to Buffalo. No disrespect to the fine people of Depew.


    I could easily see Raiders in NV, and thriving. A bazillion hotel rooms and humongous population, it's a no brainer.

  10. Thanks.


    During this period of television blackouts, my appreciation and knowledge of football can be attributed listening to Van Miller broadcasts. Nothing immerses you in a game like listening on the radio and visualizing what is going on.


    The NFL Films narration was top notch, as usual.


    Ferguson, Butler, Piccone, Haslett, Smerlas, Nelson = top guns.


  11. People I know who work in the natural gas industry have told me that the general public is only aware of about 1/2 of pegulas holdings/net worth... He could make another sale any time, similar to the one made when he bought the team.

    Let me correct to internet gossip norms.


    People I know who work in the natural gas industry have told me Sources tell me that the general public is only aware of about 1/2 of pegulas holdings/net worth... He could make another sale any time, similar to the one made when he bought the team.

  12. More magical jobs. They are going to appear out of thin air for the McDonalds cook who can't read.

    Continuing that line.... the magical jobs won't appear out of nowhere. Those magical jobs will appear overseas because of the NAFTA, TPP etc (that both the Dems and Repubs have pushed).


    That's a long metrobus ride.


    New topic: there is classic misdirection here. The crisis is not minimum wage. The crisis is lack of career jobs above minimum wage.


    In other words: F--- the minimum, where are the stable medium wage jobs. That is the real problem.


    Political lemmings need to stop being tricked by the minimum wage talk, and start asking why there aren't higher wage jobs.


    When I was a dishwasher, MW was just that. Something to get you through.


    There's always a million reasons to not do something (classic Buffalo thinking), but you havent mentioned anything that can't be addressed and improved.


    Pegula built 2 new ice rinks right next to the one that already exists and he owns, and he has Harborcenter booked with events. For just ice skating! Buffalo/Erie Country/NYS would need to swing a deal where Pegula funds a portion (if not majority, if not all of it) himself. Traffic couldnt be any worse than at RWS where you basically only have 2 ways of getting there.


    This would also cover the convention center and amphitheater as well. It needs to be an entire complex. FNC, HarborCenter, CanalSide, New Stadium, waterfront, and public transit. Along with stores and restaurants in the adjacent buildings.

    I think you over estimate Pegs wealth, and under estimate his business acumen.


    He can't afford to pay for the whole thing. But even if he could, he would be a fool to go it alone.


    Curious, do you pay property tax?

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