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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. You know if he thought he could get away with it he would ***** HI’s daughter.
  2. I suppose it’s the media’s fault that she lied about meeting Kim ?
  3. We are not living in China. An animal is an animal. In this country a dog is man’s best friend. Every culture is different.
  4. It’s always the media’s fault LOL. Weak. It’s been more than 10 days, what’s the other side of the lies, I mean story?
  5. So if you read any of my posts you know I don’t care about Biden. I’m not left, I’m not right. I just don’t like trump. And neom now unless you got pictures of her you can post. i just found it ironic you talk about Biden when maga is posting that stuff. we have two old men who crap themselves, wonderful. Never trust a fart.
  6. We do. Do we really need two? Putting an animal down to put it out of its misery is different than what the B word did. These people will try to spin it like it’s the same. (Not taking about you) I’m sure your uncle did what needed to be done. That is not the problem.
  7. Who would have thought that if you want to be VP to write about killing your dog? Didn’t she have someone along the way that would tell her this might not be a good idea? This is man’s best friend! Then she defends herself by talking about killing another dog? And she is Governor of a state. Do we really need two Dakotas?
  8. I missed this back in February. I don’t know any of you but I am very sorry for your loss! It’s good to hear they have good support. I have 4 boys. I just can’t imagine?!! 37 is way too young and he has a beautiful family!
  9. President vonshitzinpantz and this idiot. How did the Republican Party go from “Biden is old” to “we love and support the guy in diapers”? LOL 😂 only in politics.
  10. Nice spin. 40th straight month of growth! Unemployment still 2% lower than when trump was in office! People see thru this bull *****. The stock market is doing great? why is that? figure that out and you will have your answer to why prices are so high. I laugh because people think if the re elect trump prices will automatically drop. But keep your head in the sand, that will solve everything.
  11. Trump is such a fake. It is to the point that I don’t need a reporter to tell me those pizza boxes were empty. If he’s carrying those boxes you automatically know. And the pizza that they did have in the firehouse? You know he didn’t pay for it.
  12. Alright you convinced me, you can say what you want about anyone in this thread. But we all know Biden is a dumb ass. Just post pictures of Kristi if you have them.
  13. “Topic bully” is a good one. It’s got to do more with I can’t stand when you are talking with someone and they deflect. That’s not what the point was. Just a pet peeve of mine. We already know Biden is a dumb ass and there are 10 threads on it. This is the kristi is a dumb ass thread. The point was made about her being a milf which was valid and at least gives her a redeeming quality.
  14. So, not arguing with any of this, why post this here? I thought there was a Biden is a dumb ass thread already? This is the Kristi neom is a dumb ass thread. Can we keep it separate? Neom will never get to President or Vice President of the USA she is such a dumb ass. At least Biden lies well enough to be President!
  15. No *****?! She’s lying about the dog biting now. Don’t fall for it. In the book she said she hated the dog, it was useless, she couldn’t train it. Note of those are reasons to shoot a 14 month old dog. Again the reason there are animal cruelty laws in this country, because this country is full of dumb asses!
  16. Nice try buddy. She’s getting hammered from both parties, trump won’t make her his running mate now. What will be your excuse when he excludes her? Will trump be out of touch to? No surprise there are people on the right defending her, there are sick bastards in all walks of life. This is why there are laws against animal cruelty. tells me all I need to know about people that defend her, but then again we should expect that because they already support trump!
  17. It’s obvious she doesn’t hunt much. She’s not much of a farmer either. Any farmer I know wouldn’t shoot their dog and brag about even if they did. All these people talking about farmers like they know something. I never met a farmer that put an animal down and bragged! She’s nothing but an ####### and people defending her…? Two peas in a pod.
  18. This is just dumb. Do better. She did ***** yup killing the goat. Don’t be so sure.
  19. I wasn’t criticizing. Every culture is different. I have had dogs that are smart. Right now I have a dog that is dumb as a stump! I’ve heard pigs are smart.
  20. Well when it’s what you eat for dinner that’s a whole different story. Some cultures do that. Exactly. People are so quick to defend her they don’t get this. And now we are supposed to believe the dog was attacking everyone? Right!
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