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Posts posted by 4th&long

  1. 5 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    It was a joke.

    Being a person who loves to joke with people, to the point that is If I ain’t joking with you it means I probably don’t like you, this is what I learned about joking with people especially family. If it is not a joke to them (not funny) it is not a joke! 

    Diggs just had a tough offseason and had to answer a lot of questions in camp. He’s been trying to say the right things. I’m sure he doesn’t need or want this and wasn’t happy with what she said, potentially making things worse for him. And he is a leader on the team, not of the press. Jmo

  2. 2 hours ago, oldmanfan said:

    Yes.  At worst an off the cuff thing.  And instead of Diggs actually being a leader and having a private discussion if he was upset he had to go and tweet a bunch of stuff.  

    let me ask you:  is there some truth to what she said and if so is that her fault?  Or Diggs?

    I don’t get how Diggs is the bad guy for her being caught on a hot mic saying something about him? Sure there are different ways he can handle it but if he was not happy about it and didn’t handle it the way you would have doesn’t mean he is in the wrong.


     And I’m not thinking what she said was true. have you or anyone ever heard of him treating local or National reporters badly? I haven’t. 

    he said he always treats them with respect and I didn’t hear any media types calling him out for lying.

  3. Bring it on, the right will just look as stupid and corrupt as usual. 

    5 year investigation into Hunter, what did that bring up? A gun charge? I never gave a ***** about Hunter anyway. The right just wants their pound of flesh because of all their corruption is laid out in the open for everyone to see. Soon the lefts corruption will be laid out in plain sight for all to see. But this ain’t it. Is Biden corrupt? Sure, he’s a politician, of course he’s corrupt. But this is just something to help expose the right further. But the lefts turn is coming!

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  4. 1 hour ago, RoyBatty is alive said:

    Ok so we lost it at the end and HOW is this all on DORSEY?

    This is what I was thinking. I thought we were going to get some facts on Dorsey and what he is doing wrong. 

    i am not defending Dorsey tho, it seems like the further we get away from dabol the worse Josh gets.

  5. 11 minutes ago, quinnearlysghost88 said:

    We honestly say this every time. We keep waiting. We need an OC that holds him accountable. No one holds him accountable for going off script. 

    I hear ya. I was just hoping this one will finally sink in because of the magnitude of it. He has made bad plays and cost us before but not like this. To me this game falls squarely on his shoulders. Those 4 turnovers were just brutal. We win that game 13-3 or so without them. Good enough for me. If that is not a wake up call he will never have one.

  6. 1 minute ago, JMM said:

    How many times are we going to say this?

    I’ve never said it. He says it but never follow thru on it. My hope is that the embarrassment of the loss and the fact that it can be pinned totally on him finally changes him. 

    he thrown bad picks before but I don’t think a loss could be pinned squarely on him like that since his rookie season probably.

  7. I think this game might finally wake Josh Allen the ***** up and he will stop being a turnover machine. He is the single reason we lost this game and he knows it and he knows he’s sucked. If the result of this loss gets him to finally realize that a lot of good will come from it. 

    on the flip side of this game doesn’t teach him that we are screwed.

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  8. 18 hours ago, BillsShredder83 said:

    Doesn't work hard compared to who? Me? Sure.  Other OL? No f'n way. There's proli 3 tackles on Buffalo that are hungrier to push their play than him.


    Twist it anywsy you want. This is not the work of an OL trying to take the next step.  I don't care if he was #1 in the league, let alone middle of the pack....

    U think Trent Williams, bakhtiari, lane j, tonsil etc etc etc are crash dieting when they should be getting their strength up? They aren't 


    Strength is pretty scientific. If you aren't eating right (and especially if you're in a giant deficit) you're getting weaker... in a league on the razors edge of top performance.


    Nutrition + proper weights = strength


    Take one or both of those out and it doesn't balance out. There's no room for opinion on this, you're anabolic or catabolic.


    Spend 4months catabolic and in a nitrogen deficit, you're going to be weaker.


    (Not to mention the opportunity lost of running 4mos anabolic, its a 2pt swing here)


    Cardio and strength are the pillars of OL play, and both spent a third of the year in the dumpster. Polar opposite of taking the next step.


    Find me a strength coach/powerlifter who goes catabolic for 4mos and I'll show you someone at the bottom of his sport.



    Theres are the numbers Dion needs to be at:


    Based on his own admission of 600-800cals, 2x's per day..... he's eating at 62% calorie deficit for 4months LOL

    Muscle tissue is being dissolved like Arnold lowered into the steam mill at the end of Terminator2

    That's infuriating. I can't imagine how angry the staff was. 



    You obviously can’t read, the article said he lost the weight in 5 weeks. Then they put him on a more conventional diet. 

    so let’s break this down. what is everyone freaking out about? an offensive lineman put on some weight, probably comparable to about 15 pounds for me and you. Lost it in 5 weeks, don’ spent the rest of the off-season, approximately 5 months getting ready for the season! We are freaking out over a guy who showed up to training camp in shape for the season!! Because that is the reality of the situation. 

    now I’m not arguing he is the best left tackle in football. sure the bills can do better and maybe they will, when they have the cap space. 

    but at this point he is out left tackle and if anybody read the rest of the article I am expecting a great season from him based on what he said. 

    after all, all the info we have on this subject came from this article. everyone choose to focus on the negative, not unexpected on here, but if you actually read the whole article he said he knows he needs to be all pro, not just pro bowl. With him knowing that I would expect he put in the work over the last 5 months to achieve that goal. 

    i personally don’t care if guys spend the first 6 weeks or so of the off season getting away from football and all that goes with it to get a mental and physical break. Get your mind right and get back at it.


     Considering we are all bills fans, I think, all we can do is root for him

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, BillsShredder83 said:

    He plays a mental position, and handles it very well. He's always healthy and he's still doing freak s*** that nobody else on the planet can do.


    Josh needing to lose 5-8lbs and Dion crash dieting 40 aren't in the same planet 

    If he's freak athlete enough to do this to just maintain his play. Imagine putting this effort towards improving play. This is indefensible


    Dude could've made a huge leap, but decided to, at best, tread water with his play

    Seriously? You think he doesn’t work hard? You think he’d be where he’s at without working hard? You think the bills would give him a second contract if he didn’t work hard? 

    again, this is a thread about an offensive linemen that came to camp in shape. 
    He put weight on which for a man his size was not like it would be for me and you, lost it by the end of the first week of April or so according to the article, and continued for the next 5 months to get ready for this season. 

    did the article say he was not in shape last season? did the article say he didn’t work hard? Please point this out to me. Where do you get this info? Did you watch him in the weight room? At the closed practices? I didn’t think so!


    do you people even know where he was ranked last year? 


    out of 160 starting offensive linemen in the nfl, that’s all guards centers and tackles for those who jumped Thru too many tables and don’t comprehend, he ranged 22nd in run blocking and 38th overall. He gave up 3 sacks. Not bad for a down year. Not great, room for improvement, but not nearly as bad as people are trying to make him out to be.

    33 minutes ago, BillsShredder83 said:

    This story is the equivalent of saying, hey for 2mos all I did was cocaine and alcohol, but TC rolled around and I'm 4months sober, LOOK AT MY COMMITMENT!!!


    Don't hold for applause long, it ain't coming

    Not even close. You are trying hard and failing. There is a reason he is making millions in the nfl and you are a hater on a message board.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Beck Water said:


    ? Rich Eisen asked Josh "Was there a thing?"

    He shook his head side to side 'No' and said "there wasn't"

    People trying to make something of nothing. He clearly said there wasn’ta thing.

    4 hours ago, Warcodered said:

    "Doing that extra effort, that's in the film room, that's in the weight room...etc."- Josh Allen.


    Huh. 🤔

    You can tell he has never lifted weights or watched film in his life. On the same level as Johnny menziel.

  11. An offensive linemen gaining weight early in the off season and losing wrist before the season starts? How many times you think that has happened in the nfl? Are you kidding me? And people are losing the mind over it?  That’s the problem, people with no life hating on Dawkins for getting in shape before the season started.

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