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Posts posted by 4th&long

  1. 49 minutes ago, sherpa said:


    I'm not sure what this sentence is trying to convey, but that's another issue.


    Retirees, or people on fixed income might have a different view re inflation of the past couple years.

    I don't blame any politician for all of it, but they all share in the blame for crazy fiscal policy.




    I fixed it. Damn phones. 
    I’m sure it’s tough on people with fixed incomes. 

    worse off than 4 years ago and the pandemic was just getting going and the Orange Jesus was in office? I doubt it. But even then I was having a good time. I had fun during the pandemic, I feel for people who got seriously ill or died. And no I don’t think it was all a hoax, I have a cousin that was in the hospital, almost died and will have complications from it the rest of his life. 

    l just say back and laughed at everyone fighting and did what I could to have fun with my family. I enjoyed having extra time with them. I figured people must really hate their families. Everyone was crying having to spend time with them.

  2. 1 hour ago, JaCrispy said:

    I am happy if you are so well off that you don’t notice the effects of inflation the passed 3 years- or that the effects of massive illegal immigration is causing on inflation- paid for by our tax dollars…


    You saying people are only spending $25 more on groceries, shows that you may not have a full grasp of how much prices have gone up…


    People today, are literally paying DOUBLE, for groceries, as well as other consumer goods, than what they paid under Trump…And for lower and working class Americans, that means EVERYTHING!

    I call BS. I do our shopping. It has not doubled . They have gone up no doubt and it suck’s. I’m sure your wages have gone up to help. My brother likes to cry about prices. He calls me one day to tell me he just got a job for $32 an hour plus ot and benefits on top of it. Nice raise for him. Every day since or everyone I talk to him all he does is B word about prices, no mention of how good he has it working in this country or the fact that they have way too much money in their savings account.


     Prices going up sucks. but get sick or suffer a serious injury. Have a major health issue or death in your family. Then come talk to me about being “worse off”. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, BillsFanNC said:


    Who here said illegals commit the majority of the crime Mr. Strawman?


    The issue with illegals is that they're here illegally and shouldn't be here to murder, rape....oh nevermind. 


    A strawman followed by a deflection about guns...how very useful idiot playbook of you.


    Or maybe not..




    I didn’t say anyone on here did. But it is what your orange Jesus tries to imply to scare all his sheep and rile them up, keep them on standby to commit more crimes for him, then he can hold up a Bible and throw around phrases like law and order as he breaks the law. But that’s ok, vote for him, the next 4 years ought to be a hell of a ride. 

  4. Obviously the border needs to be secured. But you sheep believe the majority of crime in this country is being committed by illegal immigrants? Look up the numbers.( Per cap) us citizens commit the most crime followed by illegal immigrants. Legal immigrants have the lowest crime rate. 

    stupid to talk about crime when the side that it is trying to make an issue of it won’t do anything about children being shot in schools. 

    If I was a Democrat I would tell republicans if You want something done about the border do something about guns!

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 3 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

    Worse off now…my dollars don’t go as far, and my government has decided to put foreigners before American citizens, for potential future votes…👎

    I find this hard to believe that people are actually worse off? Personally I am way better and I have a family of 6 too but stuff for. I don’t base my life off the cost of groceries! I don’t base my life off of people crossing a border! My kids are doing great, they are healthy. My wife is healthy and happy! We have everything we need. Are people really this ***** shallow? Never mind it’s obvious that they are. People aren’t happy unless they are bitching about something. 

    if your life is in the toilet because you spend $25 more per week on groceries you have a lot more problems than spending $25 more per week on groceries. Don’t let these dumb ass politicians tell you you are worse off today, even if you don’t like Biden and vote Republican, I don’t care. Enough of the stupidity! Did you sleep on the street last night? Did you go to bed hungry? No, then stop crying and help someone who might have!!

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Doc said:


    Yes because a stay had a snowball's chance in Miami of happening, right?  Right? :rolleyes:


    But looks like he had the money anyway.  And after Truth Social goes public, he'll certainly have enough if they seize anything.



    What law?  This is a civil fraud case, not criminal.  There was no crime because no one was harmed except the feelings of TDSers.  And this will fail on appeal.


    And to answer your question, no, I would not do business with him.  But that has nothing to do with anything.  No one was forced to do business with him or to accept the appraisals for his property.  That they did tells me they wanted to do business with him and were fine with what he told them.  Again there was aggrieved party.


    The question is now will investors do business with NYC if they see they can screwed based on their politics?

    You couldn’t do it. I couldn’t do it, he can’t do it. That is my problem with it. I was in business for myself till my back went. When the govt wants their money the come take it. Doesn’t matter if you have 4 young kids and a stay at home wife. I went to work with a herniated disk! ***** trump. He gets no sympathy from me. If it wasn’t wrong she could not have taken him to court and got a judgment against his company! Get real!

    1 hour ago, Doc said:


    It's called a civil case.  Look up the difference between that and a criminal case.  Then take some Midol and lie down.

    Who cares what it’s called? I thought all these charges were helping him? What is the problem?

    • Eyeroll 1
  7. On 3/18/2024 at 7:16 PM, Doc said:


    There needs to be a harmed party.  Otherwise it's partisan chicanery with a crooked judge and DA who are no better than Trump.

    What a whiner! The law says he can’t do that. This is a country of laws right? 
    or is it ok for the Orange Jesus to commit crimes but no one else can? Where is all your crying for all the other white collar crimes that “don’t hurt anybody”? 

    let me ask you and others this? would you do business with trump? I wouldn’t. That pos would screw his own mother to make a buck and he would screw his own daughter to get off!

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  8. Trump is an idiot of epic proportions. What does that tell you about his supporters? The worst part is he is dangerous for the country as a president. Don’t take my word for it, listen to the people that were in his cabinet! No one supports him. 

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    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  9. I’ve been going to chiropractors for decades. As a flooring contractor my back was always a mess. They help tremendously! They have been adjusting my neck the whole time also. If someone has had problems with that not much I can say but my experience has been great. I walk in bent over, can’t move well, stiff as a board! Walk out feeling free! It’s way better than going to a doctors office. They cost $150-$200 just to walk thru the door then you get raped at the pharmacy to get a prescription. Got to a chiropractor for $50 or so and go home feeling much better and no trip to the pharmacy.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. 26 minutes ago, mjt328 said:


    Not sure I agree here.


    Allen had his WR open in the endzone with a 3 point deficit, and he should have ignored him in favor of milking the clock?  That seems like a really conservative mindset, and in some ways could be considered "playing for the tie."  It's hard to score in the Redzone, so I think you take the shot when it presents itself.  I think he did the correct thing 100%.


    I can guarantee that if Mahomes had a WR open in the endzone in the Super Bowl, he would have taken the shot too.  The time ran down because the 49ers were keeping everything in front of them, and they were unable to do anything else.  Not because he's superior in situational awareness.  And at the end of the day, he was unable to give his team the lead in regulation.  That also left the 49ers with a chance to win the game.


    Again... this is why I get frustrated with how the media analyzes the legacy of football players and teams.  There are SO MANY factors that go into every win/loss.  There are SO MANY players who have a role.  It truly is a game of inches, and unlike other sports where you have a best of 7 game series, the NFL is one and done.  The difference between hoisting the Lombardi trophy and going home a loser... can literally come down to the ball bouncing off the foot of a special teams player that nobody has ever heard of.


    People feel the need to prop up Mahomes over every other QB because of his Super Bowl rings.  So they come up with all these "reasons" that he's vastly superior to Josh Allen, Joe Burrow, Lamar Jackson, etc., etc.  They used to do the same thing when comparing Tom Brady to Peyton Manning.  Or Joe Montana to Dan Marino.  In truth, there are lots of reasons why the Chiefs have 3 recent titles and the Bills have none... and virtually none of them have to do with Allen being an inferior QB to Mahomes.




    Totally agree. A guy it’s wide open in the end zone you take your shot. Against that secondary that might have been the last time that game someone was open in the end zone. The name of the game is score td. If the game was tied I would bleed the clock and kick the field goal for the W.

  11. Anybody who posts things that Allen needs to do doesn’t watch games or know football (although I don’t really want to insult someone, I just can’t think of a better way to word it). It is not Allen. Those passes need to be caught. It is obvious to not leave Travis kelce wide open etc.

    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  12. 9 hours ago, VaMilBill said:

    I have no idea why any coach would take the ball first in overtime in the playoffs. If your defense is supposedly that good and you trust them to get a stop, kick it. Let them get the stop, force a punt and get better field position and higher chances for getting the requisite yards for a FG 


    If your defense stinks and will just allow a TD anyways, you know exactly what you need on offense and have four downs per set of downs to achieve it. Plus if you do score a TD, and your defense stinks, just go for 2 and win the game with your offense and don’t give the other team another chance once it goes to sudden death. 

    It doesn’t seem like a cosmic idea to me. What do I know. 

    They wanted the ball the third time which makes sense. None of you thought that far ahead.

  13. 48 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I was 4 years old sitting with my dad and older brother in the Rockpile for the first ever game in 1960.   Like Shaw as a kid  I lived for the Bills; we got both the News and the Courier and I devoured every item Bills related.  To this day the Hit Heard Round the World is the greatest play in the history of Bills football.  

    So when you ask how is older fans do it, part of it is the memories we have.  We will always have the memories of the 2 AFL championships.  For me personally, I have memories of going to watch my dad ref charity basketball games when the  Bills would play back in the 60’s, and hanging out in the locker room with my heroes.  Or watching OJ live.  Or being there for the Monday night opener in ‘74, still the best football game I’ve ever seen.  Or helping carry the goalposts to Ralph’s box when we finally squished the Fish opening day in 1980.


    Other more modern memories to be sure.  The SB years, watching the K gun and Bruce and Thurm and Kelly.  Now watching Josh and not believing the talent that kid has.  

    When you grow up in WNY (Town of Tonawanda for me) the Bills just were an integral part of your life.  And remained so for many of us when careers caused us to move away.  I moved in 1983 after grad school,  but it doesn’t matter.  The memories and tradition keep you a fan forever.  And you pass it along.  Both my daughters grew up just outside Indy, and my older one has been a fan since she could watch football.  One of my proudest parent moments was when they would have Colts Spirit Day on Fridays and she’d wear her Bills stuff to school.  My younger one is a more recent convert but proudly wears Bills stuff on campus most days even though she’s in Bengals country.  And the two of them, my future son-in-law, my wife and I group text through each and every game.


    So why put myself through this for 64 years?  Because I cannot imagine life without doing so.  They’re the Bills.  They’re my team.  They made my hometown a major league town.  Like Shaw, I’ve mellowed with age.  I was sad Monday morning, but not despondent.  I think Josh will get us a Lombardi or two before he’s done.  With the current coach?  Maybe, maybe not.  Changes will be made, some will work, some won’t.    But come next September it will be like every fall since a 4 year old, waiting all week with anxious anticipation for how my Bills will do that week.  

    It’s in my blood, as it is for so many of us.  Go Bills!

    Brilliant as always Shaw.  

    Maybe I need the mellow part. I think I want to win the Super Bowl too much. The other day I was thinking I need to give that up, I might enjoy the games more on a weekly basis. Every injury, every game, every loss my first thought is how does this affect our Super Bowl chances? I’m losing my love for the game. I’m not even sure I’m going to watch the Super Bowl this year which would be a first ever for me. 

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