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Posts posted by 4th&long

  1. I was in it Wednesday. Free breakfast food, water soda coffee and Gatorade. Nice to have shade on a hot morning. Ran into players family that was cool. Shakirs wife and parents, Murray’s cousin, he’s from Rochester, and Trent sherfields brother. Although if you are going to actually watch practice the view can be not so great at times. Players standing on sidelines can block your view. 

    You do get better access for autographs but good luck in there also. I don’t bother with autographs I want the kids to get them. My advice for that is there is a spot behind the stadium and you can get players there when they are going out to the field before practice starts and it’s not as crowded when the players are leaving the field after.

     Get there early if you got kids and want autographs definitely not as busy.

  2. 9 hours ago, chongli said:


    These responses are irrelevant. You are not the judge or the jury and don't enforce who has whatever rights. Everything with OJ was handled through the legal process, according to the Constitution and relevant statutes. He did not voluntarily up any rights. As with bin Ladin, this was an authorized military operation, and he had a chance to surrender. If he had, he would've been legally tried, just like Saddam was.


    I am also now going to bow out of this thread, as I can also see there is no point to arguing any further. People's minds are made up, and that is fine. Plus, this thread is not really about football and is becoming too political.

    You are right, I am not the judge but I am entitled to m my own opinion.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  3. 1 hour ago, chongli said:


    I don't judge. That's not my job. I don't judge Hitler or Bin Ladin or anyone else. All have basic human rights.

    The voluntary give up those rights when they do the stuff they do. The US military showed bin Laden what rights he had.

  4. 3 hours ago, Nextmanup said:

    I'm not reading this garbage thread, but I did look at this last post.  Are revisionists coming along now and somehow defending OJ? Or suggesting "no depatitations?"  OJ had a monster knife and he slit the frontal throat area of both of them.  He is such a big, powerful guy (even in his weak old age as depicted in the court room) and he was filled with such rage, anger, and adrenaline, that he didn't just slice their throats.  He drove the knife practically through their entire f-ing neck and was hitting vertebrae/spinal column at the back of it.  The heads were barely attached to the necks when he was done with his handiwork.


    Find the transcripts or hell, watch the videos; the entire many-month trial was on TV.  I watched a ton of it; I was a student back then with a bunch of free time.



    This is why I hate the guy so much. I had the picture’s saved on my phone for a time because I wanted to send them to one bills drive and ask them how they could keep a guys name on a wall that could do something like that? But I never did and got rid of the pictures. I’m sure I can find them if people need proof.

  5. On 7/7/2023 at 7:04 PM, uticaclub said:

    No one was decapitated

    I don’t know if you saw the pictures but they damn near were. Like it matters any way. They were still brutally murdered.

    On 7/7/2023 at 6:17 PM, The Wiz said:

    Actually, I never asked a question (hence the no question marks in my statement).  But you felt the need to make your feelings known.  Now you have and you can go on living your life.  Feel better?

    Yes I do thank you. 

  6. 57 minutes ago, The Wiz said:

    No it's not and I don't think most would.


    But not caring about it and hoping it happens are two different things.  If you're in the latter, I'd say keep it to yourself.

    Well you had to ask the question so I must have kept it to myself. But if I hate some piece of ***** because he decapitated 2 people I don’t feel bad for saying I hope he drops dead. Any average person I would never say that about. He is a piece of walking off human excrement!

  7. On 6/30/2023 at 6:24 PM, Buffalo619 said:

    It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with protecting children. The US has had enough of these companies and their conditioning. People are still watching tv, just not any Disney affiliated ones. 

    Worst crock of ***** take I have read on here!

  8. A lot of us off most have been on message boards for more than a decade, some even longer. This is nothing new. Why people need to get on here and cry about it, it’s worse than anything else. Let people vent, ignore it and move on. 

    • Agree 2
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

    Well, I agree to a point, but it's understandable.  What happens every year at this time is people are looking back on the season and talking about what didn't work.  Only time that won't happen is if the Bills win the Super Bowl.  


    So, what didn't work?   The defense and the offense let the team down in the playoffs.  Why?   Well, that's what people are talking about.  Not very productively, in my opinion, because I think the problems are much more nuanced than people here seem to think, but that's just my opinion.  


    I am amazed, however, that people think McDermott is the problem.   He's probably a top-five head coach, and people are complaining about him be too soft, or too oriented to the defense, or something.  I don't get that at all. 

    Who expects fans to have a productive conversation about football? What do a lot of us know? Not much or not as much as we like to think we know. But we do all have opinions. Some fans are tired of the same ending every year. Some fans are just happy to watch the team play no matter the outcome. I know for me after watching this team for 45 years or so all I care about is the Super Bowl. I didn’t even really enjoy the regular season this year mainly because from mid season on you could tell this team was way overrated. That caused me to ask myself a few times during the season what am I watching this for? What enjoyment am I getting from this? The answer was not much. I really would have been in my garage working on something. By the time I came to that conclusion it was winter and too cold to be working in the garage.  I’m not sure how much I’ll watch next year, a lot depends on Fraizer and what he does with the D, but I do know this, I am insulating my garage before next winter!

  10. After what we have witnessed in the playoffs the last three years I’m surprised this is even a topic for debate? This is a soft defense. Teams don’t fear it. 

    what is the definition of insanity? doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result? 

    some people get off on #1 and #2 ranked defense. that’s great for them it means nothing to me with out a Super Bowl title. 

    a quarterback as hot as Josh was last year and the #1 ranked D? They should have easily won the Super Bowl. 

    2000 ravens #1 D won it with Trent Dilfer at quarterback fcol!

    • Agree 1
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