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Everything posted by 4th&long

  1. Or maybe it’s because everyone blames him for everything and all they talk about is the picks he throws and now it has got in his head and he’s afraid to throw a pick so he air Mails it. maholmes has thrown 8 picks this year. everyone thinks he is the best qb in the nfl. Josh has thrown 9.
  2. Isn’t this what he did when he got paid? Yes, yes I believe it is! what do you expect when you don’t have a running game and any other play markers besides diggs? You better not try to take Allen’s play making ability away from him or This ids going to be a boring team with no shot at winning. Not the way the roster is constructed and how bad the coaches are!
  3. I’m sure it’s taunting. But what I want to know is why is tyrek hill not called for the peace sign when he flashes it at players as he runs by them into the end zone? The nfl is losing credibility!
  4. When I open up the Buffalo news these days I just close it, nothing worth reading. Larry was one of the greats! It’s sad to see the state of the news paper industry.
  5. All the time. Especially on special teams! Any time we have a good punt return you know they are going to call a holding penalty or a block in the back.
  6. This is what I’m talking about. People will let you hang and I would be surprised if they didn’t feed you. Just go up to someone and start shooting the crap with them. Tell them it’s your kids first game. Guarantee they welcome you. maybe it’s just me but I can go up to anybody on the street and start a conversation.
  7. Injuries happen regularly, it’s nothing new. but I was thinking about injuries today and it is starting to irritate me that by the time these big games come up our roster is depleted. I wish we could play the bengals at full strength, our best vs. their best. If they lose we will wonder what the turn out might have been had were not lost 3 all pros for the season? We don’t just get injuries like sprains where someone might miss 2-4 weeks. We get season ending injuries to some of our best players!
  8. Just go join pintos tail gate. Act like you know everyone. They are all so drunk no one will care. The pre game tail gates are like one big family bash. If I was going I would have you join us!
  9. Only one was a trade. Plus they had the off season till now. Sorry I just don’t agree with your post.
  10. A week before? If what you say is true I’m sure it would have happened more than just a week before.
  11. You can always tell who jumps through tables and hits their head too many times by their phone calls and posts on message boards.
  12. I believe this coaching staff has taken the bills as far as they can. Thank them for pulling this franchise out of the toilet and send them on their way. They are stale.
  13. I feel the same way. I’ve been watching for 45 years. I just got thru being all excited for this team during the pre season and the first part of the regular season. I can’t sit here and watch another season go down the drain just to start the whole process over again next season.
  14. They obviously quit on the coaches. Time to fire all the coaches at the end of the season.
  15. Yes. We know he can do it. Try more than once a game.
  16. We know this. (Tho I disagree on the giants) None of this makes it feel like a loss, not to me anyway. I’m not near as down today as I usually am when they lose.
  17. I don’t know why people feel like it was a loss? They were a playoff team last year also. I know they have some injuries and have been playing worse this year. But they were obviously fired up to play for their coach. They have some very good players who get paid too. This is not college ball. It was an ugly win but a win is a win, a loss would have derailed our season. as for the crowd, I know for me there wasn’t much to cheer for. I just wanted them to pull out the win and re group and come back stronger next time. The fans were getting loud for the defensive snaps.
  18. I totally agree. I’ve been saying this for awhile. Josh has a style, a game he plays and that is what made him special and they took that away from him! Free Josh Allen!
  19. Teams know he is the first read. Dorsey should use his imagination and design a play that someone else is the first read. Shock the world!
  20. We know this. That’s why my point was a trade won’t work.
  21. It’s obvious diggs is the only one Josh trusts. They will need to get another wr in the off season. I would say trade for one but we all witnessed how they treat players they trade for last season with Hines. And Davis will not be getting a big payday!
  22. He’s finally playing well, one of our only healthy D ends and now people are talking about trading him?
  23. They don’t(at least some don’t). I forgot who it was but I remember yelling at a bill collector to mail me the damn bill and I will pay it!
  24. It no secret why the bengals ran all over us in the playoffs, Jones was out. He is our best run stuffer.
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