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Dave in Avon Lake now

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Posts posted by Dave in Avon Lake now

  1. Although I'm not sure I endorse this, Mike & Mike were talking about Garapolo today and comments from his former coach. Apparently he has a quick release and he's very accurate based on what they said. I know most of you don't like the Patriots, but somehow I suspect he will be better than many people suspect. I only remember he was able to avoid a very good Bills pass rush in that end of season game a few years ago and even created a touchdown when Brady couldn't generate any offense in the first half.


    We'll see once he has 3 games plus the pre season to get ready for us. And just to make it perfectly clear I do not and have never been a Patriots fan in my 15 years in New England.

  2. I don't think I will talk to retention when I call back. As a long time DTV subscriber(2001), I have the classic package that costs more than any other package except premiums. I am going to go with the mid tier package that costs $70 per month as all my previous credits are expiring. Has anyone here switched their TV package to afford the cost of Sunday ticket?


    My biggest complaint has been how much the price of Sunday ticket has increased over the years. I think it used to be around $150 back in the early 2000's but has steadily increased to over $300. They scaled it back for basic a few years ago and went down to $180, but now they are up over $240. I guess most of that is probably Goodell's fault. I wish there were alternatives as I am not a bandwagon guy here in Patriots and Giants land.

  3. OK I'm rethinking my position, but I still think they charge way too much money for the Ticket. Also, the Bills haven't made the playoffs since I subscribed to Sunday ticket so maybe I hexed the team.


    If I call back and resubscribe don't blame me for another year out of the playoffs.

  4. I called today and talked to first guy and he only offered $5 a month off the ticket. I received Showtime for free for 3 months but politely asked to speak with customer retention. Once there the best offer was $9 off. He said in reviewing my account history I received too many credits. I told him each time I received these credits it was for equipment upgrades. He was not swayed, so for the first time in 15 years I will not have the ticket. I do get quite a few games as both Jets and Patriots are on every week, but I'll have to find another way to catch the Bills games.

  5. I'm a big supported of what Chuck Knox did in Buffalo. They were also rans and no one was going to the stadium in the last 70s. With the OJ Simpson trade and some veteran signings he really turned the team around. They made the playoffs in 1980 and 1981 and beat Miami after a decade of futility. Then the strike happened as previously stated and Wilson soured on Knox and players like Cribbs left for the USFL. It was tough to see them fall off a cliff while Kelly opted for the USFL.

  6. Great topic. I'm considering Cleveland game as my son in law is from Ohio and we went to Bills game in Cleveland a few years ago. It has been almost 20 years (1999)since I've been to the stadium, so I'm sure a lot has changed. I haven't lived in Buffalo since 1983, but the last time I was in town my son and I had a great time in Allentown.


    I'd appreciate tips on parking and enjoying the tailgate experience as I have followed this board for many years and would like to put a face to the names. If I bring Cleveland Browns fans will they be welcome? When I went to their tailgate, everyone was really nice because our teams have enjoyed misery these last several years.

  7. I think the divisions have gotten too watered down where it seems every year there is at least one weak division that allows teams to make the playoffs that don't deserve to be there. Also the scheduling doesn't seem to benefit weaker teams in a division since you play two divisions from each of the conferences and with New England so dominant the last decade, it has really worked to Buffalo's disadvantage. I advocate two divisions geographically aligned that balance the out of conference schedule based on previous year records. I know it is old school but it helped teams compete for a playoff spot every year. They could still have the same number of teams make it, but based on record with only two division winners with automatic chances.


    PS: I also believe hockey ruined the playoffs with the increased divisions

  8. Thanks for that last post as it really was what I was looking for. Next year could be difficult but not unmanageable especially if the cap rises. In my opinion, we should try to work out a cap friendly deal with Tyrod early and then see what we can do for Gilmore. His tag will be cheaper that Tyrod's and maybe we won't have to let too many players leave. I still like Woods and would like to see him stay as he has proven to be a great option for Tyrod if healthy.

  9. I'm going with Bruce Mathison. I lived in Miami from 1983-86 when Marino was killing it at QB and we had Mathison. I looked up his stats that season 4 TDs 14 interceptions 49% completion rate 22 sacks. We were getting beat up so bad in those days it was hard to be a Bills fan (especially with Kelly tearing it up in the USFL.

    Maybe I should change that to worst QB combo in 1985 as Ferragamo was just as bad 5 Tds 17 interceptions and 51% completion percentage. I don't know how he won 2 games.

  10. I was wondering if anyone has heard what is going on with Gilmore now that the signing period for tagged players has passed. I can't remember the rules. Does that mean we can't negotiate until after the season? Do player agents talk to teams during this period? When exactly can they discuss things again? Just a few questions on my mind as I would hate to lose him after the year.

  11. I know this is not PC, but AT&T used to have the worst customer service when they were our internet and landline provider in CT. I used to spend a long time just to get a real CR and usually they were from some other country. One told me he was a proud citizen of El Salvador but didn't seem to understand my problem. I subsequently learned to ask for on shore services to get someone from this country.


    I have never had this problem with Direct TV and I have told them I hoped things wouldn't change when AT&T took over. I'm not sure if that could happen eventually, but as another poster recommended if you don't get what you want call back later to get someone more reasonable. Customer retention is my best bet so far, but the last time it took an inordinate amount of time to reach them. I usually call in the evening around 7 p.m. and try to strike up a conversation. Guy recommended Ray Donovan when he offered me 4 months of Showtime for free and I really liked the show.


    My advice is to keep calling back. They recognize loyalty even when your contract is not up.

  12. I have yet to make the call, but customer retention was always the way to go. My bill had been going up and up over the years to where the basic TV for "classic" lineup is $85. I have some credits expiring, so I'm not sure what I will be able to get from them. I agree the nice approach is always best and sometimes while you are talking they will sweeten the offer more or throw in premium channels for free.I'll let you know how it goes when I convince myself it is worth the amount of time you have to spend on the phone to get a reasonable deal.

  13. Since Buffalo ticket prices and costs in general are much lower than most other areas of the US, it automatically deflates our standing. I know Patriot fans are big on social media, but mostly because they feel they were wronged over deflategate. Also, since Buffalo is a relatively small market, the population would tend to decrease sales numbers. As far as national audience, that goes to the success of the of the team in recent years. I would venture a guess that our standing in this type of survey would have been much higher in the 90s.

  14. I predict Taylor has more TDs and yardage. I don't see the fumbles though. I also think Shady tops 1000 this year. Karlos wont get the yardage or TDs as he did last year. Watkins will continue to get double teams, so I think Clay gets the ball more. As far as surprise to make the team, I'll go with Listenbee over Williams.

  15. I was wondering after so many comments about why we love the Bills, someone said the tailgating. I used to live in Buffalo during the Knox years and went to several games when endzone seats could be had for $8.


    I don't remember tailgating in those days and no it became extremely popular when the Bills were going to Superbowls. Did one guy start it and it kept rolling. That brings up another question for people who have tailgated elsewhere. Who does it best. I've done it at Gillette, but I think its only popular since it is so hard to leave the stadium on RT 1 after the games.

  16. Yea I still love the Bills. Grew up in Western NY and watched the Browns more as a kid. When I lived in Buffalo from 1977 my love grew. Team started getting better after OJ was traded and I went to a lot of games. Moved to Miami and endured torture from local fans in mid 80s. Moved to Washington and made it back to Western NY during Super bowl era, but never made it to a live game. Finally bought tickets and flew back to a game when Flutie was there. I haven't been back to the stadium since as the Canadian fans were so annoying and the aluminum seats were really cold (I really wasn't prepared for cold weather game even though I came in from Chicago)


    I've been in New England since 2001 and have attended a few games at Gillette. Met some great Bills fans there but as you can imagine and expensive waste of money.


    I still watch the Bills every week as a Direct TV Sunday ticket subscriber since 2001. I'm finding it harder and harder to commit my time, but I'll probably keep watching and hoping. I know I feel better when they win and am now finding it easier to get over the losses. Still a Sabres fan too!

  17. Went to a game at Rich stadium in 1981 or 1982. It was cold and snowing and Bills were behind with very little time left. Thought we would leave early to beat the crowd. As we were outside walking to ourcar, we could hear the crowd roar. We missed a Fergy Hail Marry to Roland Hooks that won the game for Bills.


    My first game ever was in the mid 70s. Me and my friend drove over from Rochester to see OJ. It was pouring rain and we left at halftime.


    My last game in Buffalo was in 1999 and Bills scored a late touchdown to go ahead only to lose on a last second fieldgoal to NY Giants. It was a December game freezing cold and we flew back to Chicago only to run into obnoxious Giants fans at the airport.

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