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Dave in Avon Lake now

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Posts posted by Dave in Avon Lake now

  1. Even with the "gauntlet" coming up with Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Seattle & Buffalo and suppose they lose all 4, I doubt they lose more than one game the rest of the way. That makes them 10-6 at worst. I loved what the Bills did yesterday, but we will have to win 9 of our remaining 12 games that includes that same gauntlet. Tough to see us winning the AFC East with that schedule.


    I think 10-6 is the best the Bills can hope for and it will come down to a tiebreaker in the conference among Bills, Ravens, Raiders, Chiefs and Bengals with NE, Pitt, Houston & Denver winning the divisions.

  2. I read somewhere (maybe here) that the backs like getting the ball a few yards deeper so they can see the field and holes better. The Wildcat helps with that and avoids a handoff that takes precious fractions of seconds for holes to close. I agree to use it judiciously, but don't abandon something that works.

  3. Skipped the game -though I set it to record and went for a hike with my wife on a beautiful autumn afternoon. I finally peeked at the score at the end of my hike and saw Bills were up 23-7 on Carpenters missed PAT. Put my phone back in my pocket and hoped for the best as we drove home. I peeked once more when we got home and it was 30-16 with 6 minutes left so I didn't turn on the TV until I saw Bills made a FG. Thought it was safe so turned on the game with 4 minutes left to see Cory Graham's interception and subsequent safety. I held my breath as my wife and I watched the end of the game, but think I should miss live football on TV the rest of the season and enjoy the beautiful weather we're having in New England. Go Bills!

  4. Sorry about the original post. It looked much more favorable when looking at records in the individual years.


    Levy's best 5 years:

    1988 12-4 1990 13-3 1991 13-3 1992 11-5 1993 12-4


    Belichek's best 5 years

    2007 16-0 2003 14-2 2004 14-2 2010 14-2 2011 13-3


    Colts were in the division all of Levy's years. They left the AFC East in 2001.

  5. Since many of you are in a "fire Rex" mood, I thought I would do a little comparison of coaches with long periods of success in Bills history to the current acknowledged leader. I chose to compare only the periods of time they coached our respective AFC East teams. While Levy loses out due to a few tough years, it is not as lopsided as you might think. What do you think of this random information on a hump day?



    Buffalo Bills 1986-1997 122-76 0.616162 New England Patriots 2001-2015 187-69 0.730469

  6. Bills Steelers 1980. We were crazy for Bills in those days listening on radio and turning the TV down. It was a terrific day as my wife was pregnant. My daughter was born early the next morning and she is still a huge Bills fan living in Florida.


    Bills beat the vaunted Steelers who won the Super Bowl the previous year. I think that was the game Haslet stepped on Terry Bradshaw's face/head. No QB protection in those days.

  7. I can't believe how many of you have given up after one lousy game that was hard to watch. Remember the Jets defense is probably about the same as last year, but Revis (sp) is definitely slowing down. Look for Sammy to make at least one tremendous play and Tyrod to flash some of the running that buys time for big plays downfield. Shady may not rush for much, but a few receptions will keep the Jets defense off guard. Home crowd will rule and Bills win 21-10!

  8. I've kind of soured on Rex too, but have mixed feelings about 2-3 year coaching stints the Bills have had since they last made the playoffs. A few negative thoughts in no particular order.


    • There is too much confusion in games.
    • Timeouts were unnecessary although I did like the gutsy 4th down calls.
    • Defense may have improved, but Ravens have never been an offensive juggernaut.
    • He doesn't pull players who make boneheaded penalties.

    On the bright side.


    • Went 4-2 in AFC East
    • Seems to like Buffalo
    • It can't get much worse than last week
    • Running out of positives....
  9. I watched the Washington game minus the scores by the Redskinslast night and thought EJ played reasonably well against 1st, 2nd & 3rd string defenses. He still has flaws, but I believe he is about as reliable an option as a backup for the Bills. I wonder whether they will offer him backup money or let him walk next year. I don't think Cardale Jones will be ready to back up Tyrod next year and am unsure of the QB class Buffalo will have an opportunity to draft.

  10. I'm glad to see most of you are getting discounts. I've had a couple of good experiences since my last post. I really appreciate the comments on the Board because it helps to know these lessons before you call. Although I'm paying a little more this year because previous discounts expired, I know that a future call will yield positive benefits. I had to drop some of the sports channels so maybe I'll try for Center Ice next time to get more Sabres games. I do get Bruins, Nets and Rangers in CT, but miss the Buffalo announcers. Sorry to get a little off target, but Buffalo sports are the best!

  11. I agree with the poster that said he didn't like the way he went out. Players past their prime still have the urge to see if they can still perform at a high level. (See Farve) He doesn't have to prove anything but if a team thought he was better than their alternatives, (Dallas if Romo goes down, NY Jets if Fitz returns to form)it might be worth a shot. Heck maybe he'd like to backup his brother.

  12. 3rd pre season game used to be the one where you saw the starters play longer. Tyrod played 4 series last week, so I don't expect to see him much beyond the first quarter. Hopefully Sammy is used sparingly as I'm nervous about the injury bug going around. I'd like to see the defense play a little more this week. Most of the guys would have been backups except for the rash of injuries. I saw my first game with Cardale Jones at QB and my expectations were low, but I was impressed.


    Injury free or minor scrapes is my best hope for this game. I'd like to see another good defensive performance as I think the offense will be fine this year. Win and on to Detroit for the preseason finale!

  13. My wife keeps complaining that I pay for Sunday ticket and don't get preseason games. Since I don't live near Buffalo anymore, I am limited in what I can watch. Any streaming options


    As for the OP's question, I actually went to a preseason game in Chicago when Doug Flutie was the untried backup to Rob Johnson. He actually played a good part of the game and Bills won (I think) I'm interested to see the progress that Cardale Jones has made.

  14. Just to let everyone know, I broke down and renewed Sunday ticket (no Max) and downgraded my TV package. I didn't haggle just asked for the 9 discount retention offered me the week before. I may miss a few games but always record them because even if they lose I watch the highlights and skip the rest. Also, as mentioned before the basic package includes mobile so I can watch if I'm out of town.


    Thanks for the support and let's hope this is the year. Go Bills!

  15. As I said yesterday, Garrapolo may be better than most give him credit for. Pats defense is very good and will be prepared. A couple of chinks in the armor late last year showed up when Jets won in late December, but like most have said until you beat them, they're the best in the division. I expect they will go at least 2-2 with 3 home games in September. Even with rust, Brady should be able to beat the lowly Browns. I expect they will end up with 11 or 12 wins and I don't see anyone challenging that this year.


    Sorry to be a downer, but Bills have a lot to prove with a tough schedule to boot.

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