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Posts posted by Reader

  1. 2 hours ago, TheyCallMeAndy said:

    We have a 3rd Ertz thread of 20+, a thread about Josh Allen’s dog, and the daily ‘someone said something mean about this team’ thread.


    Yet we are patronizing a new poster who posted something thoughtful and interesting. 

    Makes sense. 


    To be fair, I'm not convinced this isn't in direct response from the 'someone said something mean about this team' thread with Chris Simms.

    • Like (+1) 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Buffalo619 said:

    Funny but doesn’t matter profession.

    I live in So Cal. Most important quality is the type of person you are. Kind, loving, thoughtful. That is what really matters. Gay isn’t a personality trait, it’s a sexual orientation. 





    Pretty sure "Gay" is talking about one's sex life according to you.

  3. 7 minutes ago, Buffalo619 said:

    Could be anything why he’s looking for attention. Hiding what? If I talk about my sex life at work, I get a visit from HR and have to go through sexual harassment training. It’s not appropriate whatever the circumstances or preferences. 


    Saying one is gay = talking about their sex life?

    • Like (+1) 2
  4. 1 hour ago, KennyDavisEyes said:

    My assumption (based in common sense) is that most ppl who haven’t been vaccinated (in our magnificent USA) probably aren’t going to get it.  Ever.


    So, I’m saying, either pin ‘em down and jab em.


    Or quit projecting your (not you in particular)….. but the overly-emotional-vaccine-fanboys  need to quit projecting their fears onto others and live and let live.

    Either your medics works for you or it doesn’t.


    I appreciate the respectful discourse. Based on how you see it, would you prefer for the NFL/NFLPA to get rid of the option of allowing players to not get vaccinated, but in turn avoid certain activities vaccinated players are privy to?

  5. 17 minutes ago, KennyDavisEyes said:

    Do you want the govt to corral ppl to the town square, strap them down, and inject them?  

    If not, then it’s best for the upset ppl to just let it go bc all the consternation and resentment only effects the individual suffering from those emotions.


    Are you honestly saying our only two options are physically forced vaccinations or essentially the opposite? 

  6. 34 minutes ago, dwight in philly said:

    Didnt read thru all.. JMHO,It is still a free country , although, not sure of how long, Beasley is within his Constitutional rights to decline the Vax. Move on.. 


    How much did you read of the thread? Any?


    Beasley has the right to decline the vaccination and he has the right to experience the consequences from his employer for doing so. The ire with Beasley is that he seems to want to exercise his right, but get upset/outraged if others exercise their rights in response to his right.

    • Eyeroll 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, pepsicat17 said:

    It seems like you’re trying to make a reasonable comment in the pursuit of a rational dialogue (regardless of the opinion itself, which is the way it should be) then you just have to let us know you’re not a “judgmental liberal with zero tolerance for alternative perspectives”.

    How can anyone have an “intelligent and objective dialogue” when you make a closing statement like that?


    I am a very open and tolerant person accepting of everyone...unlike those liberals


    Just in case anyone is guessing my view on this, the above statement is definitely /s

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 2
  8. 1 minute ago, YoloinOhio said:

    The biggest thing is he should have just done this all privately. Reach out to the nflpa to air his grievances.  If you don’t get the vaccine, ok, no need to tweet about it. He says last year he wasn’t going to do Twitter anymore after cowboys fans were all over him for signing here. He needs to take his own advice. It’s a toxic environment for these types of topics. 


    And lost in the shuffle of the "It's his right" posters who somehow ignore the 50+ posts clarifying what others are upset with Cole about is the fact that most of us agree with your point and consider that the main problem here.

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Agree 2
  9. 14 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    The infectious agent mutating will impact the effectiveness of both natural immunity and of vaccination, if the lock mutates and no longer fits the key, as you say.

    But the duration of immunity, immune memory if you would, is another variable.  Immunity to some diseases is lifelong - measles and smallpox are examples. 


    Immunity to other diseases diminishes over time - the recommendation to get a tetanus booster every 10 years is an example of that, pertussis would be another.  To use your analogy, the lock is the same but the key has worn down.




    It's not the decision to not be vaccinated which is contentious here.

    It's the statement that he's not going to follow the protocols, he'll either accept to be fined to the point where he's playing for free or retire.


    Retiring isn't a problem either (though I'd hate to see him go), but it's a leadership problem for a veteran to publicly declare he will flout the protocols.


    Is there any way to make that a heading at the top of this thread? I have seen you type out that statement quite a few times now.

  10. 1 minute ago, Big Blitz said:

    Before you get "vaccinated" you sign a waiver that no one is responsible for any serious side effects you'll have now or in the future.  


    It's all good tho.  



    "Stop being a baby and take it!"



    --Same people criticizing those saying "stop being a wuss it has a near 100% survival rate if you're under 60.



    Bizarre.  Absolutely friggin bizarre.



    The protocols are trash.  Have Cole sign the waiver saying no one in the NFL or with the Bills is responsible if he gets it.  


    Done.  That's how life should be but we're in peak stupid stupid times. 


    Is there a reason you are ignoring how the poster clarified the "Stop being a baby" line is in regards to HOW Cole is handling this, not about his views?

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