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Posts posted by Reader

  1. 26 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    The only teams that did it successfully were the ones who could blanket the middle of the field to limit Welker/Edelman and Gronk while they brought pressure with 4


    To add to that I don't know if any QB has done a better job with the outside of football work such as nutrition, considering how their contract will affect their team, etc...

  2. 26 minutes ago, Adamb412 said:

    Josh had a great season no doubt about it, but when the big game comes he choked.  I feel like Josh's mentality is more of Alex Zverev and not that of Djokovic (Tennis Fans).  When the "No tomorrow" situation comes, he DOESNT leave it all on the field. We squeaked by the colts, without johnson INT vs the ravens, we would of scored ten points total.  Unacceptable. This is my big concern.  How does someone work on nerves? I was joking with my dad during the game last night he needs to take a shot of whiskey to calm the nerves, but obviously the dude does not have ice water in his veins which is something a QB needs.  So what are the solutions? Sports Phych? Yoga? 


    Experience, better game planning and meditation. Thought he probably does some of three already.


    Sports psychology has found that athletes are typically at their best when they don't have to think about what they are doing and the Chiefs put on a clinic in terms of making Allen second and triple guess things. For how Allen was pressured and affected he played great, but with better game planning Allen doesn't have to spend as much time thinking about things as he does.


    Meditation is the practice of helping a person not become swept up in emotional thoughts/overthinking.

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Groin said:

    Wowza.  I'm am glad that the broadcast team gave props to Beasley by saying that he thought his career was over, but his output here has been excellent (that was not a direct quote on my part).  I thought that Beasley could be OK here, but he's been excellent.


    Yeah, Romo said how based on Beas's age when leaving Dallas he wasn't expecting this type of production and is super happy for him.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 3 hours ago, FireChans said:

    A year ago they had Hopkins, Hyde, DJ Reader, etc.


    And Deshaun Watson dragged the 28th ranked defense to that big lead on KC.


    The next year, he has the 30th ranked defense and they trade away his best weapon. Despite that, he has his best year but they still only win 4 games.


    I think the Texans can be turned around pretty fast by a new voice in that lockerroom and FO. But they need a good new voice.


    Add to that, allegedly, an owner who promises to involve Watson in the GM and coach hiring process only to hire the GM without involving him.

  5. 1 hour ago, StHustle said:


    I love the comparison but don't crap on the Fitz Stevie connection like that. Allen & Diggs I would say is about 10x better tho 🤣


    I did enjoy seeing Stevie embarrass an in his prime Revis a couple times a year. Was great stuff. But yeah the Allen Diggs connection is better ten times over...


    Oan...Simms Josh Allen jingle is so stupid and corny it's actually hilarious. Hearing him sing his other jingles took the cake. What a weird ass thing Simms got himself to actually put on the airwaves but kudos to him for staying himself...at least semi unapologetically...


    That's fair, Stevie and Fitz was really good. I think part of my hyperbole is that I'm not particularly scared at the idea of Allen throwing to Diggs for the game winning touchdown with less than 2 minutes left.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 41 minutes ago, Logic said:

    Chris Simms, who we all know is a big Josh Allen fan, interviewed Josh for his latest Unbuttoned podcast. It's a 26 minute interview that's chock full of good stuff.

    I can't post a link, because you have to open it in whatever medium you use to listen to podcasts. Spotify, iTunes, whatever. Just search "Chris Simms Unbuttoned" and it should come up.

    Some of my favorite tidbits:

    - Josh says that on "shot plays", if the called shot is covered, he's coached to remember "O.S.T.": Outlet, scramble, throwaway. They want him to find his outlet receiver first. If that's covered, scramble. If that's not possible, throw it away. That's a cool reminder that Dorsey and Daboll put in his ear before those plays, and when you watch Josh in action, you can actually SEE him going through this thought process.

    - Josh says that when he sees Stefon Diggs in 1-on-1 coverage, his only thoughts are "he's getting the ball" and "I need to look off the safety first". He is 100%, no-doubt-about-it, going to Diggs in single coverage every time he sees it.

    - Along those lines, on the long TD pass to Diggs against the Colts, Diggs was actually supposed to run a post. Once he saw the way the corner was playing it, he just ran a "go" instead, Josh recognized what had happened, and put it where it needed to be. He mentioned that some QBs would have been mad about Diggs' adjustment, because they're much more particular about where they want their receivers to be and when. Not Josh, though. Says he only ever tells Diggs "get open and catch it", and he's pretty flexible as far as how Diggs gets that done.

    All in all, a great listen, and I suggest you carve out the 26 minutes some time before tomorrow's game.



    It's like when we had Fitz and Stevie except like 100 times better.

    • Like (+1) 4
  7. 47 minutes ago, Penfield45 said:

    What is with this board and hating on Lamar?


    He’s a nightmare matchup and is red hot right now, they are a huge mismatch for us in the playoffs

    I think the ravens blow KC out next week. Mahomes has been terrible for weeks now and the ravens defense is better than anything they have faced this season 


    Probably the amount of doubt, derision and other unpleasant ways the media has treated Josh and how some fans in turn see how Lamar has (their perception) not been questioned and have been relatively viewed as capable during that time. Obviously Lamar has shown a lot more than Allen up until this point, but then again there are fans who more or less say "f off" to anyone who has doubted Allen in the past and is now changing their tunes. 

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