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Posts posted by BuffaloHokie13

  1. 1 minute ago, IDBillzFan said:


    But if you read my post and took that as me defending Trump, repeating it more slowly probably won't help you.

    Kinda like how me saying at least we can all agree that you can be skeptical of a doctor's opinion on the pandemic was a defense of demon lady when in reality my point was simply that past crazy opinions do not invalidate new opinions by default. Maybe she's right, maybe she isn't. Strongest defense ever!

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  2. 44 minutes ago, shoshin said:


    Everyone is not POTUS. 



    Quoting a woman who believes that alien ***** and sex with demons makes us crazy shows a lack of mental and leadership discipline you might look for in the President of the United States.



     If you're going to wade into a scientific debate, sources matter. Trump does not care though because he thinks he's right. Back to lack of mental discipline. 

    Do you think that, as POTUS, he should personally vet every person before retweeting them? Or do you think, perhaps, someone asked him if he saw the video of the doctor seeing positive results from HCQ and he retweeted it without even thinking because he's a narcissist and revels in his opinions to be reaffirmed? 

  3. 1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

    Masks don't work, even though real health experts say they do 

    Interesting. I feel like I've seen mixed messages health experts on that - and I think that probably comes down to their definition of 'work'. I assumed she made statements about HCQ.


    I feel like the baseline stance on masks is, 'well it couldn't hurt'. Opinions on their effectiveness vary pretty widely. The excuses about oxygen deprivation are particularly dumb.

  4. 4 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:

    Over half the nation dislikes him per polling - not that it's all the accurate. 

    Going back to FDR, only 4 presidents have peak disapproval below 50%. Ford (46%), Kennedy (30%), Eisenhower (36%), and FDR (46%).

    4 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    I'm criticizing Trump for retweeting misinformation from her. At the same time he criticizes Fauci. That's wrong and its killing people 

    So you're positive that it's misinformation? There's absolutely no way that her observations are correct? 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tiberius said:



    She might be the blind squirrel that finds a nut. 


    Would you be defending a person that was claiming aliens were screwing people and causing cancer if the President wasn't promoting her? I doubt it 

    You are confused. I'm not defending her. I haven't even watched the video. I just see incredible irony in the group saying believe doctors scrambling to invalidate a doctor. Kind of like the group that says believe all women quashing a woman who comes forward with a claim against Biden. I also think that the entire concept of a prior bad opinion invalidating other unrelated opinions is incredibly dangerous, because everyone has had a bad opinion at some point. So I'm glad we at least agree on that.

  6. 1 minute ago, Tiberius said:

    It doesn’t matter that she thinks alien spirits and their sperm are a health concern? I’d say that absolutely kills her credibility but you just excuse it away? Wow 


    You wear some think political blinders 

    You might want to re-read what I said. Her previous statements do effect her overall credibility, but they do not make all future statements invalid by default. I literally started my post by saying that being a doctor doesn't make your statements beyond scrutiny. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    How about him tweeting a video of a doctor saying no masks who also thinks alien demons have sex with people? 



    So, does everyone agree at this point that being a doctor does not mean your statements about the pandemic are above scrutiny? Because I've seen a lot of people talking about how dumb it is to believe a random on Facebook over a doctor - and generally I agree with that - but you should still process what doctors are saying to determine whether you should listen or look for more information. Doctors make mistakes, heck their work is called practice. That lady might be correct. Her previous statements have no bearing on the validity of the statements in the video, though they certainly give insight on her credibility overall. 


    How do you feel about the HCQ study that used the wrong dosage based on the wrong drug?

  8. 2 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    I dont recall the Michigan protest lasting weeks or months?  Could be the difference.

    They also didn't throw anything, light any fires, or destroy any property. The description of 'storming is exceptionally pathetic considering everyone who entered the building waited in line and was subjected to temperature checks. Also, to my knowledge, any ww2 era Germany references were being applied to the governor, not being worn by the protesters. If I recall the signs correctly, they stated 'hail Whitmer'. 

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  9. 3 minutes ago, SlimShady'sSpaceForce said:


    What thread here isn't polluted with outright bias?


    Democrats / Liberals are championing Antifia, they are promoting violence against the MIB.  etc etc 


    Democrats / Liberals are clueless Morons and Idiots.   


    Yes,  there are posts with the reverse.   I'm just using the ones directed at me because I don't drink 

    You do understand the difference between bias, opinion, and satire, right? Yes, people post the Babylon Bee. They tend to keep it to Greg's stashes and the thread dedicated to bee pieces.

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