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Posts posted by BuffaloHokie13

  1. 10 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

    You do understand these aren't "paintballs" you used when you were a kid right?

    Police shot this guy int he head with a tear gas canister. they are using non-lethal weapons to try to harm people: 

    Cops bragging: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/florida-police-video-black-lives-matter-protests-rubber-bullets-a9598361.html?jwsource=cl

    Look, I'm not going to take it any further because it's incredibly clear you have no interest in engaging. The thread's way off course at this point anyway. You completely ignored the receipts part of my original requests and pasted the expected stories that omit the exact context I referenced. I rebut and you seemingly accept all but 1. Some cops are bad and don't deserve to be cops. Hopefully when they show their colors they are held accountable for their actions. Many of the scenarios being presented are being framed a specific way intentionally, however. The country isn't fascist. Try to dial down the hysterics. If things were actually as you describe there would be no need to remove context or sensationalize the events. Have a good day and go Bills. 

    3 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:


    What do you describe as the difference between an innocent person accused of no crime being "abducted" vs "apprehended and taken away"?

    This is false in the cases I documented. Most of the people abducted are never even charged with a crime. If you claim different I want sources. otherwise your statement is a lie.

    They are suspected of a crime, questioned, and released. That isn't abduction.

  2. 4 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

    Don't pull your back trying to defend this.

    1. Paintballs? That was a turn I did not see coming.

    2. The article itself states that a small group began throwing rocks, waterbottles, bricks, etc. at officers.

    3. Detained and abducted are very different things. Also, I believe the agency clarified that they were questioning specific people based on evidence of crimes committed in the days prior.

    4. Ignored lawful orders to disperse, though admittedly more aggressive than expected at first glance. Not sure if there's more there or not.

    5. Lots of one perspective there and I'd need to dig into it further. 

    6. I assume this is the same as #2, but from another source?

  3. 2 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

    So what do you call it when police march down neighborhood streets shooting people on their porch, abduct citizens without warrants or cause,  deny people of their right to protest, physically assault and arrest the press and shoot first responders?

    What exactly do you think a fascist police state is? I mean really, what do you think is missing?

    Those would be terrible things! Where is that happening exactly? I'm looking for receipts here. To be clear I'm looking for all circumstances surrounding police marching down streets and shooting people. I'm looking for abduction (not detention for questioning) without cause. I'm looking for protests (not riots, no projectiles thrown, no torches or saws to cut fences, etc.) that are being denied. I'm looking for the assault/arrest of the press without multiple requests to disperse. I'm looking for first responders being shot who are not part of an authorized no knock warrant that erupts into a firefight.


    You seem to be getting your information from sub 30 second video clips on social media that ignore key context which provides insight into why some things may happen. I suggest properly researching some of the events that outrage you to fully understand what occurred. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

    Are you saying that you're ok with literal fascism, or you don't agree on the definition of fascism.

    Because anyone that knows the definition of fascism is saying that's literally what is happening under this regime. We are living under authoritarian rule in a police state.

    And here I thought you couldn't be any more misinformed. If you think present day USA is a fascist, authoritarian police state you're willfully blind to reality. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Of course it did - Trumps gestapo was not there to create peace - they were there to give the weakest President of our lifetime a campaign ad. 

    It backfired

    Trump ordered federal forces to quell Portland protests. But the chaos ended as soon as they left.

    That's an odd headline considering they haven't left, and state police have been brought in to supplement the police presence. Is it an opinion piece?

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 2
  6. 1 minute ago, bilzfancy said:

    Just curious, how many on here wear a mask when they leave the house? Be honest

    I do. Not in the car, but from condo to car and from car to office - yes. There are quite a few older people in my building and I have no intention of risking their health. I also use the stairs instead of the elevator for similar reasons. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. 1 minute ago, bilzfancy said:

    If everyone is wearing a mask but I'm not, what's the problem? If I get the virus, it's on me, but if everyone else is wearing one then I can't spread it, right?

    It's the opposite. Wearing it doesn't protect you, it protects everyone else from you. The funny analogy going around now is to pretend masks are pants and the virus is pee. If you aren't wearing pants and you pee on someone who is wearing pants they still get wet.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 8 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    I think it's safe to say that NO ONE will back Trump if he loses the election and refuses to leave.  There will be lots of people complaining that the results are tainted (just like the left has done for nearly 4 years) but I highly doubt anyone here would be cool with him not leaving.   That's if it even happens.  And it won't.  

    Nah, there are definitely a few who would still back him. People are idiots.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 44 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

    It's called trolling you. And he did it beautifully. 


    It's not his fault you can't differentiate between a question mark and a period. 


    That's on you ;) 

    Actually, this makes me wonder. What does he not want the media focused on? Because this is such a chum bucket that it almost has to be intentional. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  10. 9 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    If the GOP thinks they saw protesting in our streets now... just you PIGS wait and see what comes next 



    I'm confused. Are you saying that you need mail-in voting because it isn't safe to vote in person, but if the election was delayed for safety purposes you would go outside in large crowds?

    • Like (+1) 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, Magox said:


    He’s the only real option available to slow down this radical leftward lurch.  He was doing so well (by his standards), staying on message.  I noticed that over the past couple of days his tweeting activity was going up and I knew that was a harbinger of stupidity to come.  Sure enough.  

    Bingo!  Stupidity.


    Now Pompeo is saying the federal government has the authority to delay the elections.   GOP politicians who are up for tough elections are hiding from journalists so they don’t have to answer to the pack of rabid journalists on if they agree with Trump.  

    It’s like pulling for your football team who is on a losing streak and just shaking your head of all the turnovers and penalties that they are committing.



    I think the affordable housing tweets were even worse, but that's my field so maybe it's more personal. 

  12. Caleb Farley, CB, Virginia Tech
    Rashod Bateman, WR, Minnesota 
    Patrick Nunn, DB, Washington State
    Micah Parsons, LB, Penn State
    Jacob Panasiuk, DE, Michigan State 
    Greg Rousseau, DE, Miami
    Rondale Moore, WR, Purdue
    Jaylen Twyman, IDL, Pitt

    Farley is an incredible playmaker and we will absolutely miss him on the field. Gotta respect his decision though. Is this the first domino, opening the opportunity to others or a standalone move?

  13. Quote

    Instead, the Trump Administration has established programs like Opportunity Zones that are driving billions of dollars of capital into underserved communities where affordable housing exists, but opportunity does not. Programs like this shift the burden away from communities so they are not forced to comply with complicated regulations that require hundreds of pages of reporting and instead allow communities to focus more of their time working with Opportunity Zone partners to revitalize their communities so upward mobility, improved housing, and home ownership is within reach for more people. Washington has no business dictating what is best to meet your local community’s unique needs.

    That's a much more reasonable explanation than Trump's tweet that should really be deleted if he had any good advisors. 


    5 minutes ago, GG said:

    Which one is the fascist move, btw?


  14. 20 minutes ago, ALF said:

    Judge Andrew Napolitano: Portland protests are about dissent, and without dissent we'd have little freedom

    Only a government hateful or fearful of the people it claims to serve uses force to silence them.


    The federal forces in Portland are doing far more than protecting a federal courthouse. They are listening to people’s phone calls and capturing their text messages and emails without warrants. They are materially interfering with lawful dissent.


    It is one thing to build a wall or a fence around a courthouse and man it with armed guards. It is quite another to wade into a crowd of peaceful demonstrators with tear gas of such intensity and ferocity -- its active ingredient is 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile -- that it is prohibited in wartime by treaties to which the United States is a signatory.



    Honest question, is there any evidence of the federal law enforcement officers interrupting a peaceful protest? My understanding is that they waited inside the courthouse until things escalated to the point of needing to be dispersed (i.e. fireworks and other projectiles being thrown inside, fences being cut by saw or torch) and then, well, dispersed the crowd. It seems to me that the actions of the feds in Portland were almost universally reactionary and prompted by other acts of aggression towards them or federal property. 


    Also, is there any evidence of his claim about unlawful surveillance? I haven't seen anything about that.

  15. 18 hours ago, BillStime said:

    Ladies and gentleman - the President of the Divided States.



    Nothing like going back to his housing-discrimination roots. Just what daddy taught him!


    He should've just stayed out of this one. Completely out of touch and really a poor representation of the decision as well. Leave it to the actual press release next time! 


    https://www.hud.gov/press/press_releases_media_advisories/HUD_No_20_109#:~:text=WASHINGTON - U.S. Department of Housing,ineffective— so much so that

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