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Posts posted by Ittakestime

  1. Why should they? Nothing in the recruitment brochure is really equal. There's weather, cost of living, schools, sponsorship possibilities, etc. The last thing the NFL should do is try and get deeper into a rulebook. They mostly succeed in spite of themselves already.


    It is not as much as advantage as some people make it out to be. The game checks are from where the game is played so not every game has state income taxes. Secondly, state income taxes are itemized deductions, so they save money on the fed taxes.


    Draft a top TE in rd 2 of the draft is the backup plan..


    OL is the priority in FA


    Not too confident on landing anyone that can make our line better.

    OK....this is where I ask.....WHAT WOULD YOU DO?


    Ill wait.....



    Forget Clay and go after Cameron and Gresham. Gresham is the best blocking te available which is something we really need.


    If Clay "uses" the Bills to get the Fish to pay him more than they wanted to, then the Bills win. If the Bills get him for what they wanted to pay, then the Bills win.


    The only way the Bills lose is if they put all of their TE eggs in the Clay basket. They need a backup plan that doesn't involve Lee Smith.


    In no way shape or form do the Bills benefit by offering Clay and Miami matching. We need to worry about our team, not about Miami's salary cap. Strike out on Clay, there is nothing left in FA

  4. What it comes down to is that Rex's system needs depth players to have multiple roles. Rex's system relies on a lot of players that interchange a lot. His d will have certain plays where players will only play on that play. In normal d a team could probably get away with have 16-18 d players active on game day, however, Rex will require into the 20s. A guy like Fred who is a backup, who doesn't play D means that is one less player Rex has available for his D. If you are a back up not on the lines, you need to play special teams.

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