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Artful Dodger

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Posts posted by Artful Dodger

  1. Yeah.  I was 30, and a few years ago I was beginning to doubt whether I would live to see the Bills make the playoffs again, much less be contenders.  The current Bills' team was worth the wait and I think they're as good as some of the Bills' teams which made it to the Superbowl 30 years ago.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, DCofNC said:

    The untimely and ultimately, bad throws/decisions gave Arizona the momentum and lead.  Yes he made a comeback, and one helluva throw to Diggs, but, that should have been gravy, not go ahead.   Josh had a bad game today, made some really stupid throws and could easily have had 4 picks had Peterson come up with the ball he usually does on the first one in his arms and the absolute bone head throw away to the middle of the field Singletary bailed him out on.  This was the “ bad Josh” we can’t have.  He was great on the last drive and the D should not have given up that TD, but they should not have been in that position. 


    Allen did not have a good game, and the Bills still would have won against a very good Cardinals team except for a freak play at the end.  He did what he had to do to get the team the win.  It's not on him.

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  3. 4 hours ago, ALF said:

    The other Senate race had the Democrat candidate with the lead


    Raphael Warnock (Dem) - runoff
    Kelly Loeffler (GOP) - runoff


    The top two Republicans had around 45% of the vote.  Below the presidential level, there was a lot of unexpected Republican strength probably to counteract the perceived nuttiness of the left wing of the Democratic Party, so this it will be an uphill battle for the Democrats to win both Senate seats.  Even if they do, it will be 50/50, and conservative Democratic Senators like Joe Manchin in West Virginia might break away from the party on some of their more controversial ideas such as packing the courts or eliminating the filibuster.

  4. 2 hours ago, Dragoon said:

    I kinda consider myself an expert on how Rome fell. Our parallels are shockingly similar. 


    Can you please share what you think the parallels are?   I'm in my mid 50's, and people have been talking about this for my entire life, but I struggle to see what the parallels are.  There are no hordes of Visigoths at our borders and we don't drink from lead pipes.  Also we have a pretty good system of government which ensures a peaceful transfer of power every four or eight years. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, TwistofFate said:

    Per nfl.com, Buffalo's playoff probability currently sits at 89%, ranked 6th highest in the NFL. 


    Let's get it done men, starting with another W this week. 


    The Bills are in a sucky division and probably just need to go 4-5 the rest of the way to win the AFC East. 

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  6. 7 minutes ago, billsbackto81 said:

    I love stats that back up player situations. Fournette is and has always been a very good back. Jax very well would have won our game 2 seasons ago if Fournette didn't get ejected because he was abusing our D that game up until then. He is and has been a very good back. He's just not a process guy and he's a problem in the locker room. A one year deal wouldn't be the end of the world and it would give us the deepest RB stable in the league.



    The Bills look as if they've got two good backs already.  Does any team in 2020 need the deepest RB stable in the league? 

  7. 8 hours ago, Greg S said:




    No surprise really. With no real training camp or preseason games the smart thing to do is go with veteran. The Bills face the Fins week 2. Although the Bengals will probably go with Burrow week 1 so anything is possible.


    The most dangerous position in the NFL is the starting QB position when Fitzpatrick is the backup.  Tua should thank his lucky stars he'll be sitting on the bench.

  8. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:


    They did:


    "In the case of the Florida massage parlor investigation, police were apparently struggling to get the women they busted to identify themselves as sex trafficking victims, with Martin County Sheriff William Snyder telling CNN that they repeatedly asked the women why they would “go and allow themselves to be trafficked,” to no avail. “They had the ability, they could’ve walked out into the street and asked for help,” he said. “But they didn’t.” Instead of taking this as a sign that these women were willingly engaging in this work, police continue to seek ways to “explain away this evidence,” 




    Weren't the women working in the parlor in their 40's and 50's?  I'm no expert, but there's probably not a lot of demand for middle aged sex slaves. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, DFT said:

     Despite his clout and the right to be egotistical about what he’s done, he’s still hungry, driven and humble enough to ensure his areas of opportunity (experience) don’t go without effort to rectify.  This is the first time I’ve seen a winning coach for the Bills make a move like this.   Either ego (Ryan, Marrone, Gailey, Williams) or ineptitude (Jauron, Mularkey) has prevented it in the past. 


    Yeah.  It tells me he doesn't have a large ego.  He just wants to win.


    Marv Levy used to say something like, "It's amazing what you can get done when no one cares who gets the credit."    Both Levy and McDermott are really smart coaches, and not coincidentally, neither has a big ego.

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  10. 9 minutes ago, JohnNord said:

    Not sure how this is newsworthy


    One of McDermott's biggest strengths is that he's smart enough to be willing to reach out to people he can learn from. 


    When he first became coach, he went out to dinner with with Kelly, Thomas, Reed, Smith, Tasker, etc. to try to get a sense of where they thought the team had gone off the rails.

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  11. 6 hours ago, first_and_ten said:

    And 72 players testing positive for the Covid. There probably won't be a season.


    Players are going to get sick.  They'll be quarantined and they'll return a few weeks later.  And then assuming recovery grants you some sort of short term immunity, the players won't have to worry about getting it again, at least until after the season is over.   Finally, COVID-19 isn't that big a deal if you're 24 years old, especially if you're a professional athlete in great shape.


    So there may be players out for a couple weeks here and there, but hopefully there will be a season.

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