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Artful Dodger

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Posts posted by Artful Dodger

  1. It takes the NFL further away from its history, and the chains work just fine.  If they go ahead with this, as usual with things of this nature, it will probably slow the game down as the NFL seeks precision at the cost of entertainment.  Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do something. 


  2. For your mental health, it's important to keep your emotional distance from the Bills.


    Expect them to lose in the most horrible and inexplicable ways.  Celebrate when they win.


    Otherwise, they'll rip your heart out.



    -A fan since 1973



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  3. I expect that when something works, unlike Dorsey, he'll keep doing it.  I expect that when the other team has a known defensive weakness, unlike Dorsey, he'll try to exploit it.   I expect that lost look on Allen's face when he's sitting on the bench between three-and-out and punts to go away.  

  4. The thing that most confused me about Dorsey is that as soon as something worked, he would immediately do something else.


    In the Cinci game, on the first drive, they had a lot of success with an uptempo, no-huddle offense, so of course they went away from that for much of the rest of the game.  Then, when time was nearly out and they had to drive the ball down the field quickly, they did, easily.  


    I could never figure out what was going on in the guy's head.  

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  5. As a 40-year Bills' fan, eventually I figured out that the best way to be a successful fan is to keep your emotional distance from the team.   Look for the best; expect the worst.  Celebrate when they do well, but don't let the team rip out your heart, because you know they will.  So if they're on a roll and something inexplicable happens, like the coaches play prevent defense to allow the other team to drive the ball 50 yards in 13 seconds, or a player dies on the field, or via a stupid penalty the Bills allow a redo on a missed field goal to lose a game, I go into chill mode immediately.   

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  6. I believe that he's constantly seeking to recreate the incredible dopamine rush he got from throwing all those long touchdown passes in the playoffs against the Patriots and the Chiefs two years ago.  He needs to figure out that that on a hot day or when you're playing against the Jets, a couple of beers can taste pretty good.  You don't always need to hit the hard stuff.

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