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Everything posted by BILLSviaPHILLY

  1. I've seen him play plenty...'very good' is about as big of a reach as I've read in this forum. Plus, "when he's healthy" is like saying "congress works well when they agree with each other"... Also, touching on the "spend the money" argument...we need to pay our defensive stars like Dareus, not absorb Bradford's high contract (which was simply a product of being before the rookie wage scale). Not to mention there are decent FAs on the market that can help plug holes and give the Bills depth. Free agency is really there to help good teams over the hump, not make bad teams relevant. The Bills are on the cusp, so they absolutely need to spend money wisely in free agency to solidify their roster.
  2. Why the love for Bradford? Cause he's young and was once the #1 pick? Ryan Leaf once fell into that category too. Bradford is mediocre and insanely injury prone and does not have the arm strength to play winter ball in Buffalo.
  3. I'm trying to figure out what those who are against this have in mind as an alternative? Take a risk with our 2nd round pick and essentially assure we get no starting caliber players in this draft? Overpay for Cutler who has proven he stinks? Jeff Friggin Tuel? Or is it just that you think Sam Bradford, who isn't actually available, will end up on the Bills somehow AND THEN NOT GET HURT??? Here's the bottom line: The Bills are not in line for a franchise QB this year. BUT they can still win with the way Roman wants to run his offense. Run the ball effectively and limit mistakes...Ya know who will limit mistakes? McCown! The other piece to his equation is that EJ is still not a lost cause. He was not supposed to start as a Rookie. Remember Kevin Kolb? Between his concussion issues and the mishandling by Saint Doug, EJ's had a tough first two years. Maybe he breaks out. Maybe he improves enough to be a better game manager than McCown. Hating on the McCown move is 150% a faulty false hope philosophy that the Bills can get a 10 year starter this offseason. They cant. But the team is talented enough around the QB position that if the O Line is improved, they dont need a Tom Brady. Remember, Trent Dilfer won a superbowl.
  4. True, but concussions are a bigger issue than say Julius Thomas' ankle injury that's like a first time thing. I still think Cameron is on a different level than Clay. Much more athletic IMO.
  5. If $6 mill per is the number, I think Jordan Cameron can be had for close to that, and besides his injury history, is definitely worth more than Clay.
  6. Can someone bring up the board where everyone complained that Pettine was leaving and that the Bills were switching defensive schemes? This D is ONE YEAR removed from the system Rex is going to implement. And they were really good in 2013. And they had a much worse secondary in '13. Gilmore wasn't even close to what he is now. And Rex's D thrives with a shut down corner - see Revis, Derrell.
  7. I'm honestly having a hard time grasping anyone who thinks we take a step back. The Bills absolutely won IN SPITE of Marrone, not because of him. He mishandled the offense (especially the O line), which was suppose to be his specialty. Players are already (anonymously) talking about how they didn't think Doug was genuine. Players love playing for Rex. So defensive genius loaded with player talent + players actually wanting to play and win for each other and the coach + an absolute, undeniable upgrade at the offensive coordinator coaching spot...AND YET you think they take a step back???? That's just good old fashion hatin' with absolute disregard for the facts at hand.
  8. Couldn't agree more. And to piggy back off of this, free agency never works when you are trying to completely fix/overhaul a roster. But adding depth and plugging holes, which is what the Bills need to do, is where free agency can be extremely helpful.
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