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Very wide right

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Posts posted by Very wide right

  1. I hate these kinda "fans" today sucked it's week 2. They had our number but we had enough fight to get back and have a chance to tie with the last possession. Do us all a favor and !@#$ off.

    OK genius.Do you realize that the Patriots are what we measure our progress against this year? Playoffs is the goal.Beating the Dolts is no indication you are playoff bound.A victory against the Pats gives you respect and credibility as a team heading for better things.

  2. Thank you to:

    • The Bills fans chanting "We Want Brady"
    • Rex Ryan for bringing the media circus to Buffalo so everyone could see how crap we are
    • Roman, for being completely ineffective in having his team prepared
    • Our 200+ million defensive line for getting absolutely no pressure all game
    • Whoever our D Coordinator is for not being able to cover 2 people. And the same 2 people we knew it would be
    • The announcers for showing the stat of Brady being only 3 TD's short of 400. You knew he'd be going for it
    • The Refs for needing to get their quality TV time
    • Aaron Williams for just giving away 15 yards at a time

    But most importantly, Thank you to the Buffalo Bills organization for letting me know early that we won't be contenders again this year as long as the Pats are in the league. You can't stand a chance against the best, you'll always be in the middle

    We are all disappointed by this loss.I think everyone realizes that the Patriots are a measuring stick for the bills organization and we are still falling way short.The worst part is that the Patriots proved today that sexy Rexys defense is ordinary and far from elite.Tyrod is not a playoff caliber QB.


  3. Gotta give it up to Rex Ryan. The master motivator was brilliant, getting the team ready to play on Sunday. Unfortunately, the team he got ready was the New England Cheatriots. Next time Rex, how about praying at St. Fu and SHUT THE !@#$ UP?

    Rex is nothing but a fired coach with a big mouth.He is a circus clown with a foot fetish to boot and I cant believe the Bills fell for his rambling crap.I was against this hire from the start.

  4. For me the drunk fans worked in my favor.


    When I had season tickets one year we got to know the guys around us and one of them always got really smashed.



    He was really gone one game before half time and said he was going to get some beer and bring me back a nacho supreme. I was like awesome free nachos but he never came back.



    The next week he told me he got kicked out because he kept arguing with the person who refused to sell him more beer because they could tell he was already drunk



    He was never violent or swearing or anything like that just the opposite.



    He said he was kicked out because he wouldnt leave the beer line





    CBF ,you might want to check your account,I think it may have been hacked.There was a guy yesterday posting under your name stating that Buffalo has no problem with drunks and that this kind of talk was offensive.You also said you "would be watching" so I'm certain it wasn't you yesterday after posting this.

  5. I love gardening and always wanted one. Anybody have any experience they would like to share?

    Yes I have built one and also purchased a kit and built that.There are plenty online and they are quality.I don't remember the name of the outfit I bought the kit from but they were out of Western Canada.If you do buy the kit make sure you wear safety glasses while building it cause they use clips that tend to "fly" if they don't fit in the slot perfectly before you release them.They are a lot of fun to use.



    I would seriously watch your wording. This isnt your first time either


    BUFFALO does not have a problem with drunks and to suggest such a thing is offensive.



    I will be paying close attention to your posts going forward





    Did you read the article?Did you read any of the numerous posts here regarding drunks at games creating problems? Not sure what your point is here but if you are suggesting there aren't problems with drunken behavior at the Ralph then you haven't been there.As I said in my post MOST fans are OK.

  7. This area and city has a drinking culture to rival any other in the nation.


    I have not seen much drinking on the job, but come the weekend, or even 5pm, it's on.


    The Bills game is especially drunk friendly, because we're expected to cheer loudly. Sometimes, given the outcomes, that requires a serious impairment of judgement.


    For the record, I'm not against drinking, but I don't like it when people get pass out drunk.

    LOL drunk friendly

  8. lord, is this predictable or what??/ same chit, different year.


    Guess i should take being called a fool by you a sign that i am indeed a great parent as my kids have been going to games since they 6. 14 year old son will be going to 4 games this year and two games ...be sitting with his 14 year old cousin ALL BY Themselves....do you want to call Child Welfare now?


    Have never an issue in 8 years of taking them to games...zero!!!

    I just don't think kids don't need to be pissed on threw up on or witness a drunken a holes in action.Interesting though, you've never seen any of this activity in 8 years???

    I'm a season ticket holder and have been bringing my son to games for years. He's twelve now and loves the Bills as much as I do. We haven't had many issues over the years. He has seen his share of drunken idiots and he's seen me have to handle a few of them in a calm, polite manner. I think it is wrong to think you can't bring kids to a game, unless the issue is that you can't stay sober yourself. This whole "party hard" thing is the problem. People feel like they are entitled to get plastered and act like idiots. If you can't go out and tailgate without getting plastered, you're an idiot and should not be allowed in the game. I enjoy tailgating and I have a couple beers. The Bills have been better an weeding out the drunken morons, they still have work to do. But it's getting better.

    Its just important to me that people act correctly around kids.I just resent drunken idiots and their stupid behavior.


    It was a totally different type of "partying". I know, I was there. It was fun, safe, good natured partying. Nowadays it's belligerent, out of control, dangerous partying. People throwing up/pissing right at their seat, or on the person in front of them. Bills fans fighting Bills fans over nothing. Just a disaster on many levels.

    Thats why only a fool brings a child to a game .Its really a shame.

  10. I've said this is true before.Most folks that go to Bills games are OK but there are a huge amount of scumbags at one Bills drive on gameday.Watched a group of guys verbally abuse a young child and her father because they were wearing jerseys of the opposing team.Way too much drinking going on.On the other hand I went to see the Bills play in Jacksonville and I saw zero eveidence of intoxication so yeah, Buffalo has a problem with drunks.


    I think the dumbest thing I've heard is people blasting Whaley for saying something he didn't say.


    He referenced "purgatory" with regard to draft position; as in: "We're too good a team such that we won't lose enough games to pick in the top 10, where you normally get a QB. That makes it tougher to get a top-flight QB prospect in the draft."

    How could we be "too good a team" ? didn't we just set a league record for missing the playoffs?Also, GMs don't mention QB purgatory unless they feel a QB is a pressing need.



    If you can't see the forest between the trees then not much any of us can say. Name the last QB that was wildly inconsistent inaccurate and unable to do full progressions that all of sudden mastered them? Sure QB's struggle but they demonstrate those traits way more than EJ has to date


    I've pulled for the guy, but I am saying it again, he'll never be a consistent starting QB he will at best be a good backup in this league, his inaccruacy miss timing and inability to see the full field are not correctable. You can not teach those traits, you can hone those skills but you can't implant them all of sudden


    I suspect EJ will have a couple great practices but will have equally bad practices for the rest of camp. He may put together a decent preseason game or 2 but will also make us scream in agony

    Go check film on Brady during his first 10 games.Good thing he had support from the team cause it wasn't pretty at times.He is now the most celebrated quarterback.Give EJ time.

  13. He gets crap because he's not good. That's been how sporting events have worked since they were invented.


    Would you sign EJ to another contract?

    Yes I would sign EJ to another contract.I'm a huge EJ fan .I think there is plenty of upside here.I think the dumbest thing I heard this preseason was Whaley making the statement the we are on QB purgatory.Great way to show confidence in your players,call them out in the media.

  14. From a college board - all teams - in general very critically thinking fans:


    1. Bills saw a 6'5 guy with great character, personality, and work ethic and failed to notice he was not a QB worth drafting anywhere near that high. EJ is a great guy and played for my team but I said at the time he was a guaranteed bust, was shocked any professionals could watch his tape and see a 1st rd pick. His biggest problems weren't really ones you can dramatically improve. Yoy either have good timing, anticipation, and feel for the gane or you don't. A QB with horrible anticipation, timing, and ability to read a defense in college is not someone you draft on day 1. EJ would wait until a WR made his break and was open and stationary before he would throw it. The very first game Jameis played it was night and day, Jameis anticipated and threw before guys even broke. WRs didn't have to wait on the ball because of an EJ floater or late throw. Not everyone is Winston, but EJ had god awful timing and anticipation. Jameis could also read a defense, see the field, and knew where his WRs were supposed to be 10 times better in game 1/as a FR than EJ as a Sr. I don't think EJ always knew where everyone was supposed to be which is why he had to wait until they were there to throw it. Jameis knew where people were supposed to be so he was anle to anticipate better. EJ is a smart guy but I don't think he was football smart.


    2. I'm a Nole and will never understand how they saw tape of EJ and thought he was first rd much less a top 15 talent. Dude had horrible timing on his passes, couldn't even read a college defense, threw floaters, constantly spun away 10 yards to turn a 10 yard sack into a 20 yard sack, couldn't go through his progressions, etc x 10.

    God damn you hit this **** right on the head. Him getting drafted in the first round will probably go down as one of the biggest WTF moments in the history of the NFL draft. I literally laughed when he was drafted. Look, nice guy, represented our school with class and all that jazz, but he was horrendous. He was absolutely the governor on that 2012 team. Had we started Winston over him, I have no doubt we atleast make the national championship game and probably win it. That 2012 team was just as loaded as 2013.


    3. EJ could never hit the broad side of a barn! That's why he never played for a NC at FSU. Jameis took the very same roster EJ had and won a Heisman and a NC as a Freshman! I was shocked to see EJ get drafted in the first round after continually over throwing every WR for 4 years.


    4. Just to reiterate what fellow Noles are saying ITT, I was floored when EJ was taken 15th overall. All those guys with alleged great FB minds looked at the tape of his career and thought he was the answer. It fvcking amazes me that multiple people signed off on that pick. What a disaster. Just a great kid that has slow eyes and no killer instinct. How does that happen?


    i did not cherry pick a thread on our QB situation. There's much more here: http://forums.rivals.com/threads/holy-****-ej-manuel-is-a-waste-of-space.185328/#post-4622295


    You will never see VT fans talk this way about Tyrod.


    In fairness, FSU fans are spoiled by 5-star talent and feel entitled to win more than most fan bases - not necessarily a bad thing - just is.



    Well obviously this harsh criticism proved to be wrong.I for one am happy EJ is our starting QB.

  15. Well, now our defense doesn't have to defend beyond 15 yards as Fitz couldn't hit water from a boat beyond 15 yards when here or Houston.


    Whoo Whoo.


    It's so funny hearing pundits talk about Chan's past success with Fitz. Did they not see the record of 13-33 in Buffalo? That doesn't look like success to me.

    Yeah cause that was all his fault.If we had a QB we would had been wildly successful.

    So much for Rex having been the ringleader of that 3-ring circus. And not a good start for the Todd Bowles era.

    But Rex DID take the boys to the movies yesterday :flirt:

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