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Very wide right

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Posts posted by Very wide right

  1. You're calling me out by...claiming I said I saw a missile hit the Pentagon? That's what you consider "calling me out?" And you think that hurts my feelings?


    And just so I'm clear: your plan is to act like the biggest idiot on the internet, and think that will get me to "turn over a new leaf" and show you some respect? That's what you're doing? You dream up this magnificent strategy all on your own, or did you have help?

    LOL Thank you for proving my point so quickly. Idiot......idiot.....idiot Blah,blah,blah.You are pathetic.


    That's right Azalin, align yourself with GreggyT and DC Tom.If you guys move in together you could probably pool your welfare checks and shop at BJs wholesale and get all your microwave tacos and pizzas so when you sit around watching tv all day and night you can save money. :doh: Great life, sit around and shop for pictures online to troll people LOL.Eh on second thought scratch that,You three would be fighting over the computer and someone might get hurt.

  2. I was just put into a new position at work. This means I will be traveling more. I am looking to collect something from all the places I will travel to.



    I thought about shot glasses or a postcard to create a postcard wall picture but that is overdone, and just seems too generic to me.



    My question to all of you. What should I collect?



    My first stop;


    Houston, TX.

    Hotel room key fobs/cards.I knew a truck driver who kept a room key fob from every single motel he stayed at and put them on a wall behind the basement bar.

  3. One - he's a loser

    Two - he's a total narcassist

    Three - he's insane:




    Actually Tom is a great guy.Yeah I know the Buffalo snooze did a hit job on him to get even with his political views but i'm proud to call him a friend.I see you have attached a link to the "incident" involving Tom.Did you know during this time in his life he was dealing with a medical issue that included bleeding on his brain and as a result lack of rest and sleep?I see you have also included a picture of Tom that you found somewhere for "effect".I wonder if we paged through your family photo album or facebook account we could find a picture of you and then link a story about you when you were suffering a loss or medical trauma.Keep "casting those stones" brother,whatever makes you feel good.


    Seriously...what the !@#$ is wrong with you? I mean, is it a developmental problem, or were you born this way?

    Whats wrong Tom, get your feelings hurt? In the future if you want to hide behind your keyboard and call people idiots and all the rest of the crap then be prepared to be called out.You are an EASY target with all the trash you spew so you might want to turn over a new leaf and show some respect and you'll get some back.

  5. Trump's only chance is if he wakes up Monday AM and decides to replace the poor taste attacks with some stately and smart policy presentations. Don't know if he can even do that let alone make the smart decision to do so. He doesn't need to lose the edginess in his appearances completely but he needs to show some polish. I don't think he has it because what we're seeing from him over the past month or so is pretty consistent with his public persona over many years. He's got some great skills, just not all that you need to be a great President. It's a shame because he put himself in a fantastic position early in the campaign but it looks like he's just doesn't have the broad appeal that you need to win.

    Broad appeal? Welcome to the war on women.




    I'm not yet familiar with his work, as I haven't been around much lately. I will continue to treat him as a respectable poster for the time being. But I appreciate the input.



    I am not all that into radio. I worked in media for 20 years or so. But mostly TV: local, network and consulting. While consulting I did a bit of radio stuff. I also helped start a (failed) startup company, testing music for the recording industry. I worked in local TV in Buffalo, Boston, San Francisco (twice, once local and once a startup cable network) and LA (network). And while consulting, I worked for many of the major broadcast and cable networks, hundreds of local TV stations, a bit of radio and other companies with media interests such as the NFL and MLB.


    I worked with, or ran into, people in every market i worked, who started (or passed through) Buffalo. Most of them had fond memories of Buffalo, and great stories. (The best stories came from those were old enough to have worked with Irv Weinstein.)


    When a local news director in SF (for example) is looking to hire new news/sports/weather "talent" (on air, or otherwise), they look at tapes from smaller markets. I can assure you, Buffalo is a market that is well respected---or at least was when I was in the business up through 2006. Buffalo is/was also considered a good market, for those looking to rise from even smaller markets.


    Finally, there are many reasons one may not move to a bigger market. Perceived talent, and lack of opportunities are surely among the reasons. But for those with families (especially), who do not want to jump from market-to-market, Buffalo is a pretty good gig. WNY has a very low cost of living. It has GREAT people, good schools and is a great place to raise a family. As a member of the media, you are fairly respected and well known, but not hounded everywhere you go. Some may not want to bounce all over the country to make 20% more at each stop, only to have the money buy less and have less job security.


    While I am admittedly less knowledgeable about radio, I believe "talent" is even less of an issue in radio than it is in TV. But of course, all of the other variables still apply.

    Thank you for your reply Dean.Sounds like a great career,you should be proud.I 've been a huge fan of radio for many years .Unfortunately with technology many hobbies have gone by the wayside and radio DXing was one of the casualties of this.Now all one has to do is turn the computer on and google a radio station and there it is.Many many nights I would tune that old radio my grandfather gave me shopping for stations all over the US and Canada.


    Also,thank you for your adult response to Greggy T. Although I have him on ignore he continues to follow all my posts with juvenille remarks,I'm only aware of this when someone quotes him.The moderators have given him free reign to continue his jihad for whatever reason.


    Isn't it? Anyone who's read this board over the past 10 years knows I saw Godzilla attack the Pentagon.

    No no Tom you are confused again, Godzilla is what you watched on tv until 4 am last night,the missles are what you claimed to have hit the Pentagon on 9-11.Remember that?The whole "inside job" crap you were promoting? See this is the problem with BSing all the time,its hard to keep your BS straight.You should stick to calling everybody stupid and idiot .Its easier to remember.


    Well, if you believe talent is what matters in the radio game (I tend to disagree, though it is a factor), then wouldn't it be fair to say, you simply don't move up from any market if you aren't talented? In fact, seeing as how little talent it actually takes to do the job, it's hard to believe you would even be able to keep a job in any market, if you lacked talent.


    Remember, what you initially said was "A small market radio station will never attract talent so you get what you get.We essentially get radio personalities here that cant go beyond Buffalo". So, what exactly is your position now?

    My position is the same.If someone is good enough to work in Los Angeles or NY, they wont be working in Buffalo. Hey Dean, you sound like a radio fan, do you do any AM band DXing and if so what kind of radio do you own?

  9. @BobGlauber

    Richie Incognito says he's more mindful of what he says in the locker room, but unloads on Roger Goodell & Ted Wells. http://www.newsday.com/sports/columnists/bob-glauber/richie-incognito-says-he-s-a-changed-man-and-grateful-to-resume-nfl-career-1.10721734


    Richie Incognito is a cement head and a predator.Any team with real leadership would put this guy in his place early .During the Kelly era guys like Talley would have put Richie on a short leash with a tight fitting muzzle.

  10. So you have one room for sex with your dog, another for sex with your mother-in-law, and a third for sex with your mom?


    And you do this 3-4 times per week with kids at the house, and only stop with your perversions to take care of your wife when she's sick?


    Someone should call the cops.

    Hes a proud BILLS fan


    Im just being real.


    At first my wife never did it with the dog in the room. Now it doesnt matter. (This is actually pretty funny. He gets all scared and gets off the bed.)

    I just moved into a much bigger house. I was in a 2 bedroom. Now Im in a 4 bedroom house. Basically I moved in with the mother in law. She couldnt afford anything and Im pretty much taking over.

    I moved July 1st.

    The first week was weird. Having sex while her mom was still awake in the other room was weird. Room is across the hallway, but still.

    But 2nd week I told my wife. "Look hun, I dont care if you're mom is awake, asleep, we need to do our thing" So now it doesnt matter.

    I felt odd the first time. But not anymore. That's what I meant by IM CLOSING THE DOOR AND ITS HAPPENING.


    Regarding my mom. I would do the same. I would close the door and do it even if my mom is still awake. Doesnt matter. Im closing the door and it's happening.


    Im not doing the "lets wait till everybody goes to sleep" Screw that! Cuz then I'll fall asleep too. That's my sex logic.

    Some things are better left unsaid sir

  11. Not even close.


    My point is that you advocate "dropping the hammer" on a 24-year old for drag racing, but extend the benefit of the doubt to a guy that's been arrested for violent acts in the past...and that makes no sense.


    PS--many accounts about Kane's behavior do not come from drunks at a bar

    I fail to grasp your confusion,Here goes,If Dareus was accused of ANY crime today I would be in favor of waiting until he was convicted of said crime before dropping any hammer on him.Once he was convicted I would be in favor of dropping the hammer on him.


    In Kanes case I was in favor of dropping the hammer on him after he was found guilty of assaulting a cab operator.


    In this case Kane has not even been arrested.They are still investigating the incident therefore I would submit it is premature in dropping the hammer on him.If Kane is found to be guilty of rape as I had stated earlier I would solidly be behind the effort of doling out harsh punishment.


    I also have heard plenty of hearsay regarding Mr. Kane as well as plenty of other celebrities.I have learned to dismiss most of it as nonsense from people looking to boost their own celebrity.

  12. No, not Australia....but a close 2nd....WNY! I have sold my house in Plano, TX and bought one in Rochester, 14621. I'm beyond excited and already have my season tix. My son Matt and his gf Kaitlin are escaping TX as well and will be staying at my place until his commerical building in Midland, TX is sold.


    Will be driving up with my dogs and arriving about 8/26. Cowgirls fan is driving up with me to keep me awake then she will fly home. Glad someone could ride with me...it's a long bloody way.


    i CAN'T WAIT! 1ST STOP? Wegmans and any pizza place for some decent wings.


    See you soon!!!

    First stop-snowshovel then start saving for TAXES welcome to NYS

  13. Wide Right- why is he a bad coach? As a DC, he created some of the nastiest defenses in the NFL with the Ravens. When Tannenbaum was his GM, he went to the AFC championship in his first two years with the Jets, and that was with Sanchez as his QB. Then his last two years he had Idzik who was a money guy who did nothing but purge his talent to save money and get out of cap hell.


    Rex needed CB's for his defense and Idzik didn't do it.


    He doesn't have a QB, but he has inherited the most talented team he's coached in the NFL. In addition, the Pegulas opened the wallet for top coaches and Roman has a great pedigree. Whaley picked up more offensive weapons and lineman addressing everything we need minus the QB. You know next year we'll most likely mortgage the farm for a solid QB in the draft.


    So why other than you just don't like Rex would you say he's a bad Coach. The history does not bear that out. You have every right to feel and state whatever you want, but I don't see it.


    Personally I love Rex and his swagger. He's also made Buffalo relevant again this off season. I don't expect the SB, but I do expect the playoffs. Wait til we win a few in a row. We'll be on sportscenger

    Yeah, we put up 38 points on that NASTY defense of his last season with in my opinion a suspect offense.If I'm not mistaken, the Jets won 4 games last year.I could go on.If you love Rex for whatever reason then he's your man and that's fine.But don't try to portray this guy as even an above average coach in this league,after all he was just fired for lack of results.I have met Rex and have enjoyed talking to him on 3 occasions over the past couple of months.Rex and Michelle are very nice people,I am NOT attacking this man on character.I know as Bills fans you would simply melt in his presence because he's YOUR favorite teams coach however your fanboy attraction doesn't make him great.

  14. And Kane did or didn't get arrested for beating up a cab driver?


    That's disregarding, of course, the the dozens of personal stories I've heard about the guy from former hockey cohorts (some of whom know Kane personally)

    So what's your point,Kane should be found guilty of an allegation of rape because of a previous incident that was already resolved in the court of law?The dozens of stories from drunk patrons in a bar don't lend credibility nor suggest Mr. Kane is guilty of rape.If he is found to be guilty then I will be solidly in the camp of harsh punishment .

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