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Very wide right

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Posts posted by Very wide right

  1. I haven't heard anything. You would think they would take advantage of the NYS money in enhancements to the current stadium, and exact a long term plan for a breaking ground around 2022.

    Heres an idea, how about repairing the roads and bridges in Buffalo then support the education system instead of building a tax payer funded stadium so idiots can have sex in the parking lot and set themselves on fire? RWS is a great stadium and there is NO reason to move it.Fans seem to enjoy the venue.They DO need to hire a lot more security though and crack down on the trash that seems to be growing every season.The state and county have done a good job maintaining the place season to season .

  2. Hot take as usual. He lost a game in 1986 and another in 1998 when he threw for 360 yards on the road. You seriously are the worst poster on this board.

    I am the worst poster here because I draw a comparison between Flutie and Tyrod and support my argument with facts???My entire point is that Tyrod is Flutie all over again and its my OPINION that Tyrod will never be a guy that will take a team deep into the playoffs.If you are so mentally fragile that you cant stand opinions that differ from your own without insulting others then you seriously need help.Happy new year young man.

  3. So i went out with this half Cherokee girl for a couple weeks. I felt odd texting her that I was going to the redskins game.


    She said we don't care half my family is redskins fans. Works for me.

    The most disturbing about this post is the need to start it with the word "SO". People started doing that about 2 years ago and I think others thought it would make them look cool but it really sounds rather stupid.

  4. School choice (vouchers) is a double edged sword.Initially its a great idea because parents have a choice to send their children to higher performing schools.Once the highest rated schools are loaded up with the slackers and bullies and their wacko parents they will be dragged down as well. The only positive would be the shot in the arm called competition.

    So you guys think that paying teachers less, giving them less job security and pressuring them more will result in better teachers? Hmmm...I'm not seeing that happening. Are teachers better in states that have no unions?

    A great teacher is not great because he or she belongs to a union.The problem is that the hard core union teachers literally infect the minds of their co workers to be obstinate toward the districts they work for,It produces the us against them mentality and that certainly affects the students in a negative way.


    Haven't we seen you somewhere before...



    I agree with legalization as long as I don't have to pay for the fallout. Tax the hell out of it and when they feel its time to "disconnect" and bad stuff happens while their wasted just pull the money out of the tax fund to compensate the victims of the losers.

    Do everyone a favor and actually read about what the NRA has done/is doing. You have zero credibility when you simply regurgitate lefty talking points. Saying that 90% of NRA members are for "some reform" and the NRA has fought against "said" reform is ridiculous. If there are specific reforms that 90% of NRA members are for that the organization is against, then offer up the proof. You can't, because that's simply not true.


    When the NRA opposes legislation, the organization ALWAYS puts out information on why. It is never done summarily, unlike the opposite side of the debate.

    Excellent post!

  6. Another day, another mass shooting. What will it take for this country to recognize it has a gun problem? It's going to take people who hate admitting they're wrong to admit they may be wrong about gun control.


    Obviously I never post in this subforum, I've checked enough times to know it's little more than an echo chamber for conservative talk radio points. DC Tom, LABillzFan, and the other thought leaders here slap each other on the back and never have to consider they may be wrong. Well, conservatives do an admirable job of stubbornly ignoring reality. I'll grant you that in general I think people only preach to the choir so I'm going to go against the grain and try to communicate to NRA sympathizers here.


    That's why I'm going to be blunt and straight to the point. If this post gets taken down or banned because I'm clearly posting when I'm angry, so be it.


    If you're an NRA supporter: these shootings are on YOU. That's right, you are implicit. Your actions are partly responsible for these tragedies. Your selfish, delusional, ignorant fantasies of being a cowboy hero have led to this current reality of America where mass shootings are becoming a daily occurrence. You are part of the problem that prevents gun legislation. And since there is no foreseeable opportunity for legislation and an end to the madness, at the very least, you should feel bad and consider changing your stupid views.


    This year alone, there have been more mass shootings than days in the year. These are not "isolated incidents" like the NRA likes to pretend. You need to take a long look in the mirror and realize how badly your attitudes affect the rest of the country. It's absurd how easily accessible weapons are available to psychopaths. Who's to blame for that?




    "Guns don't kill people, people kill people."

    Easily the dumbest defense. Guns kill people. None of these mass murders happen without the ease of guns.


    "If we outlawed guns, criminals would find a way to get them anyway."

    So instead let's make it easier for "them" to get them by having them widely available? How's that working out? The reality is, because gun manufacturers have made SO MANY of these portable death machines, OBVIOUSLY they will not go away overnight. But legislation is the first step; rooting them out is the second step. It's like saying that because withdrawals are bad, you should just keep doing heroin forever.


    "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

    Where are all the good guys with guns then? You guys have been asleep at the wheel if you're supposed to be the ones preventing these. Nevermind that this quip doesn't sync up with reality at all; the amount of times a shooter has been stopped by an armed civilian have been so few that it's little more than an anomaly. Stats show it's far more likely that having a gun in your home makes it more likely for a gun death to occur in the home than it being used in a "positive" way, but I'm sure Obama just made up those stats to scare you, though.


    "It's a mental health issue."

    Hey good point, social services should be expanded in this country. Unfortunately that would mean higher taxes! Well, we know which segment of the population will be blocking any efforts to improve this then. Even if we did somehow improve access to mental health — which won't happen — the first realization people would come to would be "oh well obviously we should get rid of guns, that's an easy one."


    "The government fears armed citizens!"

    So incredibly delusional. The government taps all your communication, engages in drone warfare on a regular basis, etc. etc., but they're afraid of your sidearm? Get over yourself.


    "It's for protection!"

    It's for your absurd fantasies. Protect you from what, home invasion? Sorry, that's not nearly good enough of a justification. Guns are overwhelmingly used to attack, not defend. And your possessions are meaningless. Nobody wants to steal your DVD-VCR combo.


    "But the shooting today happened in California, which has stronger gun laws! See? Gun laws don't work!"

    The laws are not strong enough anywhere. Waiting periods, background checks, written tests. It's not enough. We need to get there on a nation-wide level because gun sales are still through the roof at gun shows and still pass state borders mostly with impunity.


    "Way to politicize a tragedy."

    If we can't talk about this now, then when? When it happens to someone you know?


    "But I like hunting!"

    At least this one is honest. The reality is your hobby sucks. If your daddy got you into hunting and that's how you bonded, your daddy sucks. Hunt with a bow & arrow, or a knife, or even a musket if you want. Go ahead and keep the muskets.




    If you're an NRA member and you read all this, you're probably pissed and looking to score points by somehow proving me wrong. Go ahead and shoot the messenger, I don't care. Call me whatever names you want, like that makes what I'm saying not true.


    Maybe in time you'll consider that these tragedies are preventable and that we need to at least "TRY" reducing access to guns. That does not happen until the NRA has less power in our government. And that doesn't happen until their base starts to turn on them; until gun sales stop GOING UP whenever there's a mass shooting. That's why I'm reaching out.


    The NRA needs to be recognized for what it is — an enabler of terrorism. We need to stop dancing around this hard truth just because we've been living the lie for so long. White male sociopaths with guns are terrorists, plain and simple.


    If you're a gun owner, if you're one of the fools that buys into the NRA rhetoric so they can keep making money off of your delusional and fearful fantasies, the best way to send your "thoughts and prayers" to the victims of these shootings would be to take your gun and shoot yourself. Go ahead and do it today, even. At least then the blood on your hands can be your own.

    Typical mindless idiot

  7. Dear members,

    I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all members here a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year for you and your families.I'm heading to my winter residence in the Caymans and I'll be returning home in the spring.Take care!

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