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Very wide right

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Posts posted by Very wide right

  1. He's doing things the right way because he's getting paid millions upon millions of dollars to do it. Take away the money, and he's just another dog-killer with a penchant for fumbling at the worst possible time.


    And for the record...if you get convicted of murder and serve your time, when you get out of prison, you're still a convicted murderer. So from this moment forward, I'll do my best to refer to him as a convicted dog-killer.


    Cuz that's what he is, and if it were up to me he'd never set foot on a professional football field again.

    LA BILLZFAN, I do respect your opinion I was just trying to point out your selective outrage.You obviously are quite affected by animal abuse and I do understand and applaud your concern.To pretend that animal abuse is the only black mark on the National football league is just naive.The NFL is like any community and you know the rest.I feel very strongly as a Christian that a man deserves a second chance and Mr. Vic appears to be a model citizen since his incarceration and i would argue that he has done more to combat animal abuse since his release than the people who shun and attack him.
  2. Please, the dog-killer convict is good for a couple of moronic turnovers. If he were cut by the Jets today, he'd have no one interested in him and be back to killing dogs in a month.

    You are out of line sir.The dog killer served his time and now donates large sums of cash to animal shelters and animal rights foundations.Unless you have been nailed to a cross you aren't perfect.In fact if you research it a bit you will find a Bill or 2 that have crossed the line with women as well as their driving habits on milestrip road putting human lives in danger.Not trying to be a prick but like I said,the man served his time and is now trying to do things the right way.
  3. So we were planning on driving to Buffalo for the game in a couple weeks, but we decided to say screw it and just fly. We bought tickets last week and are all set for the game. Cannot wait until I see the Ralph! Getting jacked!


    Best of luck until then!

    Where are you coming from? Enjoy the game.
  4. It seems like everyone including, Doug Marrone, is acting like we have no chance here. We are 5-5 but are still in a good place with our schedule. We still need to billieve that this team still has a shot to make it to the playoffs. Our d can carry us there and when Jackson gets healthy we will have a way better offense. Jackson gives us the blitz protection we dont have with anyone else, and thats why orton has looked so bad in the past 2 game weeks. We still have a chance and us as fans need to fight for our team.

    Thank you very much!WE LOVE YOUR OPTIMISM when things seem so bleak.Would you like a job in our PR dept.?

    Barack hussein Obama

  5. Are you saying he's going to do what makes fans happy or because we know more than he does?

    No,I'm saying that any business owner will gravitate toward what his customers want to continue to sell product.A football man like Polian for example will make decisions based on whats best in the longterm and some of those decisions will be very unpopular but prove to be correct.Just because someone has loads of cash doesnt mean they are capable of making the correct football decisions.
  6. If you live on the East coast, do yourself a favor and allow a day at your departure port before joining the cruise. That allows you time to adjust to the 3 hour time difference, but more importantly allows for weather and Air Traffic delays crossing the USA.


    Too many people roll into Seattle/Vancouver too late to get to their ship. If you miss the boat, you get to fly N to the first port, in some cases WAY N, all at your own expense.

    You are correct sir. Even if just cruising out of Miami,get there the day before.
  7. I think its important to remember that Mr. Pegula is not a football man or a hockey man.He's simply a guy with a lot of cash. I will absolutely guarantee that most people here know what would be better moves for this organization than he does at this point.When making moves with the Sabres his input on a head coach was based on what would make the fans happy so he picked fan favorite Ted Nolan.I strongly believe when he has had enough with this coaching staff he will find a replacement based on who the fans are screaming the loudest for at the moment or the result of some PR firms survey.

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