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Very wide right

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Posts posted by Very wide right

  1. Not trying to throw a wet blanket on this thread but these stats you speak of don't shed much light on reality.Every team has a different degree of difficulty in their schedule so obviously the stats don't tell much.When any team in the NFL plays the Jets twice ,it's gonna pad your stats big time and the Bills have had a fairly soft schedule so far.

  2. Climate change isn't a debate so much as an incomplete theory. And it's likely to always be an incomplete theory, simply because the earth's climate is so damned complex.


    And because of that, it should be up for debate...all the better to investigate it. No one ever learned anything by assuming they were right.

    Now this is solid and rational reasoning that anyone can agree with.It's just that the Al Gores of the world want to change entire industries and allow the EPA to run roughshod over America .
  3. Thank you for clarifying. Because of your most recent efforts, I now understand what your problem is: you're functionally illiterate.


    Here is what I said:




    What you somehow construed this to mean, is that I think all people in this thread, with any opinions on anything at all, are morons (which may well be the case, but it's not what I said). You've ignored my very careful language which specifically targeted people espousing mind-shatteringly ignorant opinions about Net Neutrality; and, as if that weren't dumb enough you've finalized your idiocy with a reverse "No True Scottsman" logical fallacy.


    For whatever reason, you seem to feel it wise to have, and worse, forcefully express, opinions which you aren't qualified to hold.


    In the immortal words of Adam Sandler: "They're all gonna laugh at you."

    Like I said,your just not gonna get it.
  4. What, pray tell, does that have to do with Net Neutrality?


    I'm sure your response will be riveting.

    Your previous post basically called just about everyone in this thread stupid so I figured since your soooooo smart you must have personally known Mr. Gruber because he thinks people are stupid too.There cant be too many guys as smart as you around.Suprised you couldn't figure that out but you must be one of those guys that is so smart you have no common sense.


    There have only been maybe two posters in this thread who have any actual understanding on what Net Neutrality is, and what it's implications are. The rest of you need to stab yourself in the brain, through your eye, with a knitting needle. Failing that you need to stop having opinions about things you don't even begin to understand.

    That would be this post calling people stupid.
  5. There have only been maybe two posters in this thread who have any actual understanding on what Net Neutrality is, and what it's implications are. The rest of you need to stab yourself in the brain, through your eye, with a knitting needle. Failing that you need to stop having opinions about things you don't even begin to understand.

    Do you happen to know Mr. Gruber from MIT? Hes smart too.
  6. Global warming is BS just like most things the power elite try to brainwash us with, it's just an agenda to ban fossil fuels.

    You are correct sir! It was Obama that happily said that you can go ahead and build a coal burning plant however the EPA regulations wouldn't allow it to be profitable.The very same bunch are dictating to the auto manufacturers new regulations for miles per gallon on pick up truck engines.Cant wait to see the construction crews trying to tow a low boy with some crazy turbo charged 4 cylinder engine laden with pollution controls. Cant use an incandescent light bulb pretty soon because they cant manufacture them.I could go on and on but all these mandates are dictated by the false religion of global warming.Hope things are about to change now that Americans seem to have woken up on election day.
  7. With a new owner, the NFL demanding a new stadium, and the reality of lake effect snow squalls, does the team and politicians expedite construction of a covered stadium (e.g domed or retractable roof)? It will be expensive but it looks like there may be no other choice. Further, with all the press about Buffalo's snow, can you imagine how hard it will be to sign FA's without one?

    Im a 100% in favor of a big new stadium with a retractable roof as long as the demanding owner pays for it.My guess is he wont because he is a very smart man and he knows that would be a waste of his money because he would never recover that investment.Plus the chief problem is the fans and media getting to the stadium during weather like this anyway.Plus I love the Ralph.
  8. I have a severely autistic nephew.


    Doesn't mean you're not a retard I just wanted to throw that out there.

    I'm not suprised you guys throw that word around so freely,it demonstrates a total lack of class that also goes well with the rest of your thinking.I'm all in on this.You are a nasty bunch and I have standards.Goodbye.Like I said before,when you know you lost an argument your frustrated mind can only respond with a juvenile personal attack.
  9. Net Neutrality is many things to many people, most of them wrong. Applying the fairness doctrine to it, though, is the funniest thing I've heard in a while. That's the equivalent of requiring Comcast to make sure I watch FOX no more and no less than CNN. :lol:




    You're really going to argue with this retard?

    Thats really classy .Did you ever stop to think that their might be someone here with a mentally retarded family member? Stop trolling
  10. They also said there would be Obamacare Death Panels. I must have missed them.

    Yes you must have missed them,every insurance has a point when they will no longer pay for medical care.Those decisions are made by "death panels".Obama himself responded to a question about care that a womans mother would get if she needed a heart transplant and Obama said that at a certain point that woman would not get a heart but a pain pill would make more sense.
  11. \


    Are you climate scientist or just repeating what you hear on Fox News?

    Yeah because FOX news,the #1 network in ratings for as long as I can remember is making up stories.They were the ONLY network to cover the Gruber controversy until O'reilly shamed the others into covering it.Like it or not they are rated high because people enjoy hearing the truth.Of course if you are like Gruber you know better and everyone else is just stupid.LOL
  12. Not at all. Global Warming models predict weather extremes.

    The mean temperature of the planet is rising.

    That's a fact.

    The distribution of this heat is not uniform.

    The planet Venus, which has an atmosphere that is almost 100% carbon dioxide and has a surface temperature of over 900F. is a 'living model' of a runaway greenhouse effect.

    Continue sticking your heads in the sand.

    You can't wish away FACT.


    I wonder if these all are so factual then why did the scientists have to skew the data? Cause ITs A HOAX!!!!


    No matter which way you look at it, the BILLS are trying to hire 500+ shovels, for $10 per hour, to remove an estimated 220,000 tons of "Global Warming from the Ralph. :lol:

    LOL,also the nation is in the grips of record COLD
  13. Actually, the official word is that man-made causes have been the "dominant cause" of warming over the past 250 years. The latest IPCC report cites a total anthropogenic radiative forcing of about 2.3, versus a naturally induced radiative forcing of +0.05.


    So your first statement is dead wrong.




    No, I resort to personal attacks because I don't waste my time trying to teach a pig to sing. I prefer just beating the **** out of pigs who think they can sing.


    And I'm not a liberal, you idiot.

    Ah ,another personal attack. I know its embarrassing to admit that you were so easily duped .Give it up,its over.
  14. Also accept that the weather isn't the same everywhere. The entire globe didn't get 5 feet of snow. The "warming" in global warming refers to the Earth's average temperature. It doesn't mean it's never going to snow again.


    Think of that extra heat as a pendulum. The more energy in a pendulum the wider it swings. More extremes at either end....like 5-foot snowfalls and massive droughts.

    Yeah but its getting colder,just ask the climate change scientists that were stuck in ice last year during the global warming cruise.There was more ice than they expected so they were stuck in the same ice that they have been telling us was vanishing.Its time to give it up and admit you were duped by Al Gore.
  15. Whatever they are calling this boogieman these days,as we were shoveling today during the record national cold wave my neighbor had a good point.When I was in high school (1980) my ultra lib environmental science teacher assured the students in my class that there was an impending ice age. A few years after I graduated from HS I heard a few teenagers talking about global warming in a book store.I did some research and I quickly realized the same thing my neighbor said today.Well before the industrial period in the world had started the worlds ice that covered most of the continent had melted during a warming period.Obviously that warming was not caused by man because the industrial era was not existent at that point so it was a natural cycle.


    Man caused global warming/climate change is nothing more than a boogieman created by the left in this country and now the world to control policy.Furthermore whenever a scientist pushes this agenda one only has to Google their name and you'll soon discover that that scientist is financed by some government entity.I also discovered a couple of years ago that many scientists have been caught skewing data because the numbers didn't match their hysterical agenda.

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