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Very wide right

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Posts posted by Very wide right


    That would be entertaining, except that it takes about 3 seconds for Hannity to put me in a bad mood, while it takes several minutes for Carville to begin to annoy me. If I could choose two media people to ask questions, it would be Charles Krauthammer and Bob Beckel.

    LOL Bob Beckel.I like Bob,seems like a nice guy but he has trouble putting a sentence together these days.


    Come on, we're all guilty of wearing rose-colored glasses, but this is getting silly.


    He didn't get a ticket for a rolling stop, he got arrested for reckless endangerment for drag racing, losing control of his car, and crashing into a tree outside a restaurant. I like the guy as much as the rest of you, but if I was arrested twice in 30 days for criminal offenses, and pled guilty to all of them (six in total), yes, I think that might put my standing with my employer in jeopardy.


    I hope he doesn't get suspended, but if he does, it's not because he's being picked on.

    Hooorayyy somebody gets it.I was beginning to think I was the only adult in the room. Habes you are now a troll also LOL

  3. Rand could possibly be able to get a lot of new voters that wouldn't normally vote GOP. But, and it's a big but, many of the hawkish traditional GOP voters would sit it out. My father who was in the military wouldn't even consider voting for him, even if that means not voting at all. And I know there are many others that feel the same way. But it would be entertaining seeing him run against Hillary, he'd be to the left of her on all sorts of issues, such as drug legalization, the relationship between banks and politicians and foreign policy. He'd have her tied up in all sorts of knotts, Hillary would basically have to brandish her hawkish bonafides, which of course could alienate many younger voters.

    Why would a military man not vote for a freedom loving small government guy?


    It's absolutely logical. That's not why I laugh.


    I laugh, because the ACA was supposed to drive down health "care" costs, but health insurance costs are going up due to the mandates of the ACA that were supposed to prevent it.


    Also not germane to your original post, so I'll drop the subject here.

    The Germans have nothing to do with it.


    I've mentioned this before but I'll mention it again. When I played little league 45 years ago we all got trophies. The difference now is that kids and parents feel entitled. I remember when I got mine I'd look at it and wonder why was I getting it? I sucked!

    Ill bet you still have the trophy though! I still have mine from hockey

  6. Oh please. He smoked weed and drive fast. Bruce and Kelly, allegedly, loved Pepsi. Thurman drank like a fish.


    Dareus has had a very hard life and made some dumb choices. But he is quite possibly the best at his position in the NFL.

    What an idiotic response.Perhaps if he ran into a family while he was racing on a public road or a child riding a bike it would be ok because he had a hard life and hes a good player.You guys are embarrasing to all Bills fans and frankly Im losing interest in the Bills because they are quickly becoming a franchise of scumbags.



    This is a joke, right? How many DUIs did Bruce get? How many drug tests/arrests did he have due to cocaine? How many rapes has Cornelius Bennett been accused of? How much drinking and carousing did Kelly and crew do?


    If anything, this team with guys like Incognito and Harvin, is the closest we've had to the Polian-era teams in the last 20 years.


    All of those guys, Jim, Thurman, Andre, Bruce, etc, thank their lucky stars that the internet and social media werent around when they were playing.



    edit: Oh, youre a troll. My bad for feeding into it.

    Yeah, there was no social media around then.LOL Go ahead and spread your rumours about Jim ,Andre and Bruce.You sir are and idiot.You better be very careful as well.The folks your targeting with your vicious slander might be able to afford a lawyer .Worst of all Jim and his family don't need your crap either after what he just has been through.

  8. You do realize that those days have been over for OVER 15 years?


    I would prefer to win

    Yeah, thats the last time they won.Marv Levy always said, "you cant win with stupid players".

    What do you expect him to say in an interview? Obviously actions are going to speak louder than words, but at this point, even if he hasn't changed, do you expect him to come out and say "I don't want to play with any of these f****ers. And f*** this p***y humbled bulls**t!"

    Not at all.I just expect paid BIlls managers to be smart enough to see through it.I know most fans are clueless but the brass shouldnt be

  9. he does have mental issues and went to rehab for 6 months last year. He may be able to deal with things better going forward. No guarantees but he does have medication,

    Well I hope for the best for this man personally but its hard for me to root for morons.Between this clown and Dareus racing down the road and crashing near people it makes me wish for the Polian days when we had warriors playing for us that had character

  10. You implied that they're not elite. Would you say Green Bay's offense is not elite because of how bad they did against that same "not elite" offense?

    To be honest the last elite defense I saw was the superbowl era Bears.

    It's possible I just don't see it happening though. I hope I am wrong but with Brady in the division, I don't see the Bills taking the division. As far as taking the wild card, I think the Bills will go 10-6 and I just don't think 10-6 will be enough to cut it. Look it really all boils down to EJ Manuel. Matt Cassel isn't going to be doing wonders for this team. The third year is the real test, and NOBODY and I stress NOBODY knows exactly what Manuel will bring to the table. As far as from what his teammates say, he has improved a lot. I would love to see him on the offense calling the shots and scolding the other players when they don't perform correctly, but we don't know if he has this mastery of the offense yet. I don't think it was Manuel being buddy-buddy with the players, as CJ would say, as much as it was him not understanding the professional routes and defensive reads, as he was thrown into the starting position without ANY guidance from a veteran or QB coach when every scout out there for the 2013 draft stated he needed time to transition into the NFL. I am really hoping EJ Manuel has his breakout year.

    Nice post.This guy gets it.

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