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Very wide right

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Posts posted by Very wide right

  1. no worries at all, you are welcome to your opinion...personally i can't wrap my head around your reasoning or justification, but that's ok, we can co-exist nicely. and frankly I don't care what the majority of americans think, i only care what and how i think and what and how my kids think, as long as what i am doing doesn't hurt those that are closest to me.

    I like the way you think :thumbsup:
  2. and in a lot of places in America, same sex couples just shake their head...... :bag:

    You are welcome to your opinion but marriage should be kept between a man and a woman.I know, let me save you the trouble,Im a (insert name of choice here).You're not allowed to have an opinion like that because pop culture thinks differently and you can only be cool if you think like everyone else in pop culture.Nobody with standards cause that makes you mean and hateful.Oh by the way,the majority of America agrees with me.
  3. Surely there must be an indoor dogfighting arena in the Buffalo area where they can play this game. Mike Vick can likely put in a good word for the NFL.

    And they surely have roads and restaurants that Marcell Dareus can crash into then go smoke a bowl of synthetic weed.Goes both ways buddy.Personally I'd rather forgive than torment.
  4. You summed these complaining jerks up nicely. I have lived in the south, New England, and the northwest. Most of the cities in this country is paralyzed by the mere threat of a trace of snow. 6 inches over night shuts down Richmond Virginia and Portland Oregon for a week, and boston and NY for a day or two. Buffalo? we may have a delay, but those roads are clear by 9am. 5 flipping feet, stranded cars every where, and these A-holes are complaining that the dudes risking their life so they can go buy a pack of smokes at NOCO, arent doing a good enough job. You were nice, my retort is a bit more crass. EEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFF YOU, BUDDY!!!

    Pack of smokes? Really ?get a clue.Heres an angle you probably didn't think of.How about the citizen in serious medical distress.The West Seneca plows where I live were sent out VERY late and over half of them were stuck.This is plain and simple incompetence on the highway superintendants part.Of course nobody will be held accountable because nobody ever is in local government.So keep your crass reply.You may want to think things out before you post next time.


    OK, how many leaf vacuums do they have? How many men do they have working? How many piles are there? Are you willing to pony up for more equipment and men? I think you are a classic case of 'likes to complain guy.' RECORD SNOW FALL!!! IN BUFFALO!!!!!! Get it?

    And this is exactly why we have substandard service because guys like this accept it.Right now the town of Tonawanda has heavy equipment in West Seneca clearing the roads.You are either a union municipal worker or someone that has been taken advantage of all your life.
  5. I actually live on a main road. I swear you people are among the dumbest I have ever encountered. Sit and make assumptions about what is going on in the real world and make excuses when you are proven to be an idiot or just flat out wrong. Did you see pictures online so now your an expert on what is going on. I should go walk to the store and get some beer. Oh wait I forgot they are all closed because the roads aren't clear...



    anyway enough with that crap. Is there anyone stuck in this that needs to be dug out. A few of my neighbors and I are coming around to help out. We're heading towards Lancaster in a few.

    Thanks for the lecture.I wish we could all be that smart
  6. Amazing how people are so quick to fire everyone. The rate of snow fall plus the number of trucks plus the number of lane miles plus the speed the trucks can travel in this case meant it was impossible to keep up with. I'm sure you'd be the same people who'd complain when your municipality suggested a nice tax increase to buy more equipment than they needed just in case they get the storm of a millennium. You'd claim "fear-mongering" and the government being out of its mind. Some people are only happy when they're complaining and pointing the finger.

    Government is the chief problem here.These municipalities should just hire private contractors for snow removal and there would be no problem.There will never be one instance when a government entity out performs a private firm.I am critical of West seneca right now because of the late start.They have not even picked up the piles of leaves on the curb since mid October.
  7. That much snow in that little time is hard for any region to take care of, it's not the snow totals, but rather the rate.

    West seneca didnt get the plows out until late and then they lost control of the situation.Out of 22 plows,10 became stuck due to a late start.I will be at the town board meeting leading the charge.
  8. When did snow become such a big problem for buffalo? Whoever is in charge of the plowing and salting of the streets here needs to be fired. Everybody knew this was coming and the mayor was on tv bragging how ready they were last week and now everyone looks stupid.

    DING DING DING,You are correct sir!!! When this is over the heads of buffalos and west senecas highway department should be terminated.
  9. This is all the Federal Government's fault. When paying for college your parents income is considered part of yours until you reach 23 or 24. Mommy and Daddy make a bunch of money but won't help contribute? Sorry kid, but your yearly income is in the six figures and we can't give you any grants or subsidized loans.

    Just another example of hard working responsible people getting screwed and the slackers getting rewarded.
  10. It's all fun in the snow but the fact is, the team isn't practicing are they?!? That's not good. It's the NFL. The team that practices usually wins. It's not like we're miles ahead of the Jets. +6 turovers ain't gonna happen again.

    This is very true, I didnt even think of that


    Rookie! 57 years here and I have seen it worst. After the storm of 77 the snow was so deep we were walking on top of the cabs of tractor trailers on Abbott Road in front of One Bills Drive. Over to ECC South and jumping (2stories) off the roof in to the snow banks! They brought in a large payload to remove the snow which sometimes contain a car on Abbott road.

    Those were good times
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