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Niagara Dude

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Posts posted by Niagara Dude

  1. NN — Dec 13th 2023

    Former NFL punter Matt Araiza will be dropped from a civil lawsuit accusing him and others of gang rape, and he is dropping his counter-lawsuit alleging defamation against his accuser as part of an agreement between the parties, attorneys for both sides told CNN Tuesday.

    The lawsuit against Araiza and two other former San Diego State University football players was filed by a woman identified only as Jane Doe in August 2022. All three men have denied the allegations.

    Two additional men were added to the civil case in an amended complaint as defendants. CNN has reached out to both for comment. The case, without Araiza, is set to go to trial in February.

    “This was a mutual settlement agreement in which both sides released each other and neither admitted any wrongdoing. The settlement has no bearing on what happened that night in October 2021. The facts will be presented to a jury who will make decisions on who did what and who is liable,” Dan Gilleon, the attorney representing the accuser, told CNN.

    NFL rookie punter Matt Araiza is let go from the Buffalo Bills after he was accused of raping a teen girl in a lawsuit

    A news release from Araiza’s attorneys said “the win is bittersweet.”

    “Matt has been forced to defend himself for the last sixteen months against false accusations and a campaign to ruin his career in the NFL. He will never get this time in his life back,” it said.

    Araiza has reserved the right to pursue legal action against the plaintiff’s attorney and law office, according to his attorney.

    Araiza was drafted as a punter by the Buffalo Bills several months before the lawsuit was filed. He was released from the team days after the civil suit was filed.

    In a news conference on Wednesday, Araiza told reporters he lost not only his career, but his name and reputation as a result of Jane Doe’s allegations.

    “This will be tied to me forever,” he said.

    Araiza said he is now focused on his career and is hoping to re-establish himself as a professional punter for the NFL. He said his agent has been in touch with some teams.

    “I am confident I will be able regain my NFL career,” he said.

  2. Fans going to the game Sunday need to get ready and bring the A game KC line has so many false starts and we need to make it hard on them. I think if we can get Douglas back and Johnson returns then we should be ok.  The Bills cannot take any chance with Martin,  they need to sign punter.  Hamstring injuries don't heal well in cold weather. Bills are lucky he only needed to punt once

  3. Just now, KDIGGZ said:

    Looks like Martin has a boo boo. Do we have Punt God on speed dial?


    Anyone worried about the FG holding, Bass can't make a kick anyhow.

    They need a punter,  you can't afford to have 30 yard punts against KC

  4. 1 hour ago, zow2 said:


    McDermott and the guys can definitely draw lessons from that Dallas game plus they are still seething over the Cincinnati home playoff debacle (also in the snow).  They will be ready.


    The Bengals game is like what happened to Dallas yesterday.  The intensity and execution was regular season, They thought they would just show up and win because it was a home game.  It was nowhere near the level and preparation needed for a playoff game.

    I don't agree because the Bengals were an experienced team that made it to the Super Bowl the year before.  The Bengals were killing us at home before game got cancelled because of what happened to Demar.  The Steelers are more in line like the Packers,  a fringe playoff team that just made it in,  the Bengals with a healthy Burrow were a legit contender.


    This team cannot afford a slow start and allow the Steelers to feel like they can win,  we need to put them away early.

  5. I just hope the Bills were watching the Cowboys getting destroyed at home,  they need to be ready and not just show up and expect to win.  We saw this season the team lose to Broncos at home and last year made 3rd string QB Skyler Thompson from the Dolphins look good in their opening round playoff game.  


    Need to be ready and not look ahead to KC game

    • Agree 2
  6. I think unless Dabol hires him as DC he will just retire because no team wants him. The defence even with major injuries improved with McDermott taking over,  which points to Frazier as the problem. The defence was not dominating but way more sacks and big plays then in previous years

  7. 8 hours ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    Please forgive my ignorance but I’m seeing interviews for Fraizer. If he gets one of these jobs will the Bills get the comp picks associated with it? I don’t know how it works with his leave of absence. Anyone know what this will look like if he gets a job?

    Frazier may get job interviews until his 70's because of Rooney rule but is never getting a job

    • Agree 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, HardyBoy said:

    I'm curious if this shows Miller was relying on his athletic ability and not enough on his technical skill set...or maybe everything was based on his ability to get bend and he never developed a more nuanced technical fundamental set of rush moves.


    It's really the only thing that makes sense...obviously they had to have seen Miller wasn't able to do the same from an athletic perspective, like elite hall of fame level athleticism, but they had to have figured he was going to be able to rely on the technical part of his game to still be impactful, but why hasn't he?


    Like Beane and McD aren't morons, as much as people might have issues with them, they are pro level talent evaluators maybe one or two people on this board are even close to the same range in terms of player evaluation... there has to be a reason they keep playing him...what is that reason and it's not that because they're morons, just please for the sake of respect for me typing this all out on a phone, please brainstorm a reason that isnt that to help further the discussion (though I fully support trolling me with "because they're morons moron" lol)

    I think he all about bending and he cannot bend

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