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Posts posted by Seasons1992

  1. The 6-3 Cleveland game. Memorable as worst football game ever played (and the one game I came up for that year :thumbdown: )


    UGH. We had the remnants of a hurricane come through during that game. I watched the first quarter, went home to check on my house, and for some reason, had to go back for the 2nd half to watch my beloved franchise because I'm addicted to pain and suffering. Worst....game....ever.

  2. Football games don't seem to lend themselves to this. Rarely do we know a player is in his last year.


    I appreciate his greatness and have watched more of his career than any other player ever.....we see him twice a year, he's always deep into the playoffs and has been since 2001.


    But I would never applaud in the Ralph for him, unless he was on a board, immobilized, and finally raised his arms to signal he's OK.

  3. I've been meaning to start this exact same thread for a while now. I'm 37 and I've been a diehard Bills fan since my first game in 1985. I don't feel the need to give my Bills fandom credentials but needless to say I'm as big a fan as they come. My 2nd and 3rd favorite teams are the Sabres and the Colorado Rockies. I haven't outgrown rooting for sports teams because I care every bit as much about the Sabres and the Rockies as I ever have. But something changed in me last year with respect to the Bills and the NFL. When they got eliminated, I cared a little less and found it more amusing. I found it easier to cope with losses in general. I think it's a perfect storm of 1. the over-saturation/cheesiness of the NFL product/brand in 2016, 2. I hate Rex Ryan, 3. I hate Goodell, 4. the head injury stuff/loss of innocence about the game I used to love so much, 5. I follow Bills players on Twitter and very few of them are capable of stringing a complete sentence together... Don't get me wrong, I'll obviously watch every second of every game this year, I just care a little bit less than I used to. And it's evidenced by me not caring about every offseason article, ranking, etc. like I did even two years ago. I can't tell you how stupid it looks when people argue about where some nfl.com analyst ranked the Bills linebacking corps in May. It's literally dumber than a group of girls getting together to watch The Bachelorette.


    Bingo. I'm 38, feel the exact same way. I quit fantasy last year and it felt so refreshing.

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