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Rochesterian Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Rochesterian Bills Fan

  1. Is White out? I know he hasn't been practicing but still haven't heard it confirmed. Also I'm not sure the staff play to over look anyone. And even if the Titans offense gets rolling you're not explaining how the Bills only score 13. I don't mind you picking the Bills to lose but I don't see a cohesive narrative to explain it.
  2. I think his expectation is the Titans will have found a way to tight up on D in their downtime. This game feels like bad juju, buy I mostly feel that way though. Well we will see if it happens in 7 hours.
  3. I just gave it a listen, they think an energized Titans defense can slow down the Bills offense. Admittedly possible but I'm not sure I agree with that since they really haven't played well yet this season. This game does feel like real bad juju to me.
  4. He really didn't deserve all that pressure heaped upon him either.
  5. It is a safe step and isn't relevant to any gay players in the league. I'm not political about sports but I loathe it when people or organizations wear causes on their sleeve but don't really want to take any actions that might inconvenience them or expose their interests to risk.
  6. This is incredibly hollow considering how little the league has done to actual encourage players to be openly gay and support them.
  7. I am a bit concerned as well. We won't know for sure who can play and who can't for a couple days still but it is a safe bet that a couple of the early positives will be able to return while most of the more recent ones will have to sit out.
  8. Only time I'll be happy to hear something went right for the Jets all season. Really seems like most organizations are doing the right thing. The outliers must suffer before they destroy us all.
  9. Well to be honest, that is horse *****. It ignores the very real possibility of two teams very near to equal in skill going against each other. Or some nightmare scenario where the Bills get infect with COVID by Tenesse. If Josh Allen misses a lengthy stretch due to COVID the playoff hopes are in doubt. Being skilled on the grid iron does not stop a virus.
  10. I nabbed it from the Titans forum, it might be wrong. This scheduling uncertainty isn't fair, Bills are stuck in a dumb as Hell limbo. I ask myself if the league would do this to their biggest darling and the answer is no, they would have a concrete idea about how their week 5 and week 6 games may or may not go ahead, not this bastardize ***** we are getting
  11. As a side note the Bills are getting ***** and we all know it. League has done a terrible job protecting the integrity of the game. I know playing in a pandemic wouldn't be fair but we've seen nothing to indicate the league gives two rats asses about punishing Tenesse beyond hot air from pundits. Really has killed my desire to watch this season since I now feel like good or not the Bills will be screwed by other teams being idiots with COVID or WWE antics.
  12. It better the the harshest penalty I've ever seen in the NFL considering this is by far the dumbest ***** Ive ever seen
  13. I mean you might be right but CBS just did that so I fail to see the issue. Have Bills/Chiefs kick off 90-120 minute before MNF is scheduled to start.
  14. I don't understand why it can't be a MNF game. League certainly has a love of Mahomes right now and considering that MNF Week 6 is Dallas vs Arizona I doubt anyone would object to Fox having a lead in to that stinker
  15. Lets be real. Leave our Bills love at the door. What are the Titans chances winning this game assuming they can practice Saturday?
  16. That is good, I guess, but any positive test between now and game day will scuttle the whole thing. I can't imagine that the Titans aren't serious underdogs in this game right now.
  17. I'm not. I recongize no Super Bowl is worth what this virus can do to someone's loved one, even if the reason they get it is that person was reckless. That said I am interested to see what direction this goes in of the game can't he played Tuesday.
  18. Assuming this game actually happens the Bills are pretty banged up. The extra couple days might be what are needed to get a few guys across the line. Of course I'd rather Tennessee forfeits and we move on to KC on Thursday.
  19. I can't imagine the what the storm here will be if the Titans test positive again. This place gonna be popping in 9 hours.
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