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Posts posted by wnysteel

  1. I have a few examples of absolutely abysmal officiating, and i need to rant.


    --pass interference in the end zone against Cleveland. Setting aside my hatred for the Patsies, that was an awful call. Especially in that situation. Let the players play. Or at least, call PI if its cut and dried.

    --The TD pass in the endzone of the Bills game yesterday that was eventually reversed. BOTH feet were out, and the official was standing FIVE FEET away and was oblivious. I saw it real time and knew immediately it was the incorrect call

    --2 roughing the passer calls. One against Detroit yesterday, where Foles was hit exactly as he released the ball, was not hit in the head, or driven to the turf. And the call a few weeks back, where the defender hits Brees in the middle of his chest. I know all about protecting the quarterbacks, and in theory, I support it. But if that's the case, then why no call when EJ slides and then gets drilled yesterday?

    --pass interference against McKelvin yesterday. Now, i only saw one replay, but it did appear that Leodis attempted to slow down the WR, but completely whiffed and missed him. The pass was overthrown, and the flag comes out

    --i didn't hear anyone talking about the hit on Woods. Hello??? Hit on a defenseless receiver??? Here is the link, with excerpt below for this rule: http://nflcommunications.com/2011/12/27/definition-of-a-defenseless-player/


    It is a foul if a player initiates unnecessary contact against a player who is in a defenseless posture.

    (a) Players in a defenseless posture are:


    (2) A receiver attempting to catch a pass; or who has completed a catch and has not had time to protect himself or has not clearly become a runner. If the receiver/runner is capable of avoiding or warding off the impending contact of an opponent, he is no longer a defenseless player;

    It's time the NFL went to full time officials, who are regularly tested. Its a fast, (sometimes complicated) game with lots of rules. Get it right, or get new officials.

  2. I know this recent loss by the Bills appears common place in the past decade or more. Fumbles, penalties, shooting themselves in the foot and so on can seem to become common place. But remain calm in reaction and bare in mind, the team is building toward a brighter future as of late.


    Take the time to study what our needs our. The teams weaknesses and strengths. Draw a line from A to B and look to the draft to see where the team can benefit the most in new personnel coming in. Don't look at this loss as the end all be all for the Buffalo Bills. Many of you are younger and have endured the past 13 years. Well, many of us that are older have seen this before, the late 70's to 90 period.


    Be advised, better times are coming. Draw strength as Bills fans from this experience, don't give in to anger. Instead, focus on what can be achieved in the off season since the playoffs are lost.


    With that said, I'd like to offer my most humble opinion on one topic. Put aside the fumbles for a moment. This team has a real issue with the deep ball. The QB is young yes, but after a handful of games with EJ at the helm, I can tell you with most certainty, this cat has no real skill with the long ball and unless he finds that skill, it's all over before it begins. Just my 2 cents on analysing what I see.


    On the positive, the defense is monster, not quite perfected, but dam near good enough to get it done.


    giving up 34 points to road team (sort of) that has 2 wins is NOT monster

  3. The number is 60%. I just saw a study from 8 nfl seasons and if you lose the coin toss you have only a 40% chance of winning. It was from 124 OT games.


    Most people, including me, feel that flipping a coin shouldn't play such a big role in a football game. You and Tucker think it should.


    I'd rather put the result on skill and playing the game instead of how a referee flips a coin.


    but playing defense is part of the game! also, your 60/40 stat is skewed i believe. you need to look at how many times a team won the coin toss, and on the first drive in OT, drove the length of the field and won. maybe 60% of the time the coin toss winner won the game, but NOT on the opening drive. could be the 2nd or even 3rd drive. so that stat is not entirely relevant.

  4. I've been at 3 games this year, parked in private lots on California, and walked to the stadium with a nice buzz and open container. I have walked by cops and haven't had an issue.


    I have a feeling the story up thread is the vast minority for this situation and many of the tickets are for obnoxious drunks. 73,000 ppl 109 tickets, that is an incredibly low percentage.


    it seems that while this may have been true in the past, they are now enforcing the law, instead of "looking the other way".

  5. I refuse to believe there are acceptable buffalo wings outside of a 50 mile radius of WNY.




    - Duffs IS better than anchor bar (anchor bar shouldnt even rate) - if you dont like sauce then why are you eating chicken wings?


    - Bar Bill in East Aurora is well worth the drive out there for probably the best wings (go next door for the best beer store in WNY - Aurora Brew Works)


    agreed on both points. and how about mammoser's in hamburg?

  6. What would you expect from interviewing O-linemen? Mr. Sullivan, our problem is that we have a few guys that can't play in this league?


    hey, i read it on the internet...so it must be true...


    they have had some very good rushing performances (except against the jets). 7th in the league. so some things are working. jets do have a good tandem inside so i'm sure that contributes to their ranking. i wonder if its a scheme issue, or talent issue (why they struggled against the jets)

  7. With Spiller getting hit BEFORE he even gets to the line of scrimmage tells me this line needs some serious upgrading to be a competitive playoff team


    re: this point: jerry sullivan has an article today, the o-line was interviewed and they said its a matter of missed assignments, and "easily correctable". i think the problem is an issue of sometimes poor blocking, and other times CJ missing holes. we'll be better with better talent, but part of it is mental errors it seems

  8. ESPN sport science analyzed this, and determined that (basically), it was made uncatchable because of the interference. kuechly bear-hugging Gronk (in effect) did not allow Gronk to stop/come-back to the ball. they said he would have been able to, had he not been interfered with. the wildcard factor was the safety who intercepted the ball however; Gronk would still have had to fight him for the ball.

  9. i still don't quite get it. if i am ejected and i come back 3 weeks later and have a ticket to a seat in a different part of the stadium, how is anyone going to know i am there (assuming i just mind my own business)? do they expect the ticket takers to memorize the facial features of every single person who is ejected?


    i read that to be, there isn't a way to catch you, only if you screw up again.

  10. They had a pretty good game on Sunday stopping the run.... then of course they gave up a big one. They need to stop having these lapses on defense, in general.


    We gave up 65 yards on 22 carries (2.95 yards per carry)... then our bozo defense falls asleep for a play, and gives up a 70 yard run. If we could just stop with the inconsistent play, we'd be dominant on defense. Final line ends up being a 5.8 yards per carry.


    giving up a long play in garbage time doesn't matter to me. when it counted, the defense got it done.

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