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KikO M G

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Posts posted by KikO M G

  1. Does anyone else feel like this is our Super Bowl this year?


    This was a rebuilding year from the start. Injuries guaranteed it. They will likely be overmatched today with Tuel under center and should focus on a strong end to finish 8-8. Show the team is heading in the right direction with their rebuild.


    I thought of a good thing! Tuel used to cold weather games from college??

  2. Game going to come down to turnovers. Tuel needs to manage the game and avoid making them against the NFL's best. This defense needs to step up today and take over the game.


    If the game comes down to turnovers it would be a miracle result for Bills.

  3. Its too bad that we all will have to live with EJ and his steady decline as a QB. Every single game he got worse. We wont see a shot at another QB until this coaching staff gets canned, which is how it looks already. This team has a lot of good players but still cannot move forward. Run defense still sucks, we still run the ball the first two downs and then throw a three yard pass on third. We have seen this same stuff year after year. Except this year we suck even more. How's ole geno smith doing down there in NJ? Pretty dam good. How are the Bills doing, pretty crappy as usual. What is the single most common thing about this team? It cannot be the players or the coaches, yep ownership. Hate to say it but expecting anything different with the same ownership means the same results. Even Jerry Jones cant buy his way to a playoff.


    This is troll-worthy.

  4. Maybe the short week scenario with Cleveland really WAS the absolute worst case. You know he didn't take a single rep with the 1s that week with such limited practice time between games.


    Doesn't matter if its Thad or Tuel or Flynn; the story to beat the Chiefs is the same. Run, stop the run, take care of the football. Houston gave them a game doing two of those things. Keenum's turnovers hurt them


    Tuel needs to understand, and I am sure Marrone and co will communicate to him, that he's not squaring off against Drew Brees today. Don't try to be a hero. Just execute what will likely ve conservative play calls and err on the side of caution. Protect the football. Give the defense and the RBs a chance to compete.

  5. With all due respect, how many of these QB threads are you going to start? They all devolve into the same discussion.


    It's THE story for the Bills this week. Maybe this season. Starting a rookie UDFA against an undefeated team in week 9 with long shot playoff hopes on the line. I want to examine it from several different angles. If the mod feels they are duplicative he will combine them, but it hasn't happened yet...

  6. Now that it is being reported that Tuel will start against KC, I figured there was no time like the present to stop my bashing of him and start the positive thoughts before game time.


    You can do this Jeff! The team and the city believes in you! If you prove us all wrong, you will be on sports radio shows all over the country Monday morning. Go Bills!



    I can understand why we would think that with a week of practice reps with the first team, that Tuel will be better prepared and do well tomorrow. I'm not buying it. There's just as good a chance that the Cleveland game is in his head, he's reading the social media criticizing his play, and that he will be pressing as a result. We'll know after a series or two if the game will be too big for him. If the coaching staff were absolutely convinced, they NEVER would have split the reps with Flynn to begin with. Not an easy task for Tuel knowing Flynn is gonna come in if he screws the pooch. I just think the kid is a choker.


    GO BILLS!!!


    It might be Tuel reading this very thread that prevents him from playing well tomorrow.


    It is possible, though, that he could start off with the jitters and then settle in. Manuel started slow in his first few starts. The defense is going to have to be HUGE tomorrow to give us a chance. That's the case no matter who starts at QB, but as someone else mentioned, a much smaller margin for error with Tuel. Perhaps marginless.

  8. My issue is the what seems to be a lack of confidence and toughness from Tuel. He seemed unsure about himself and was more worried about whining for penalties than playing a good QB. He may be just as talented as Lewis, or maybe moreso, but talent alone is not enough in the NFL.


    I get it that confidence generally takes time to build up and I'm not saying Tuel will never have it. But Flynn gives you a better shot at not shrinking from the moment. He's been there before. This is a national game and a very important one for this team. I really hope Marrone is considering who has the best chance to rise to the occasion instead of just considering what he sees in practice.

  9. I don't get the argument that Tuel wasn't prepared for the game he had to enter in CLE. Isn't that what a backup QB is supposed to be ready for? He knew the playbook. He had been at all the practices. What was the problem?


    You really think he's going to look any different than that tomorrow against a MUCH better defense, because he had a few practices with first team reps? Ridiculous.

  10. On game rewind I just watched every throw Tuel made in the Cleveland game. Yes, he was bad. He was rushed and off target a lot. But he made a number of accurate throws, in particular one long one to Woods that was broken up by the coverage. He threw a screen to Freddie that took the Cleveland rush (which was all out) by surprise and gained a dozen yards or so. He also seemed to be mobile in the pocket and aware of the rush.


    This doesn't tell me he's going to have a great game, but with a week of preparation with the first string, and some adjustment of the game plan (screen passes, please) to counter a stacked box and heavy rush, I think he can play well enough for the Bills to win.


    I also think that Marone and Hackett want to win this game (duh) and therefore would not play him if they he did not present the best chance for them to do so. I expect he will play much better than he did being thrown into the Cleveland game with no prep.


    I find it very hard to believe that Tuel puts the team in a better chance to win than Flynn. Flynn will at least be decent. He's proven that. Tuel might be dreadful. The team probably has a 25% chance of making the playoffs if they win this game and a 1% chance (if that) if they lose. You can't leave it up to Tuel in this spot, IMO.

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