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Orlando Buffalo

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Posts posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. 8 hours ago, DJB said:




    Trent Williams issues with Skins are not financial at all according to numerous sources with knowledge of the situation. He's told teammates he has demanded a trade or his release from the club due to their handling of his recent medical situation. Has vowed not to play for them





    Excellent numbers from PFF ranked #3 over the past 3 years.


    Josh blind side would be rock solid



    does PFF make any adjustments for injury time- guys who are only available 4 days a year make for great fantasy teams but not good real teams.

  2. On 4/20/2019 at 6:36 PM, Shaw66 said:

    There was a story about when Tim Duncan was becoming a free agent, at the top of his game.   He hadn't decided whether he was going to stay in San Antonio or try his luck someplace else, a move that probably would get him more money than San Antonio was going to give him.


    Pop called him and said "let's go out to dinner."   Three hour meal, and they did not talk about basketball once.    No once.   The next morning, Duncan called his agent and told him to negotiate the best deal he could get in San Antonio, because he wasn't leaving.  

    supposedly that dinner happened here in Orlando when orlando had the inside track. the GM did not want Duncan to leave town without a deal and Pop came here. i have heard the dinner was at about 10 different restaurants so I am less certain it is true.

  3. 5 hours ago, NewDayBills said:

    Could be. I just like McKenzie a lot, I cannot explain it. He's my favorite underdog to make the roster, he's underrated in my opinion.

    i actually enjoyed watching mckenzie also but i think he is redundant with who we brought in. Though i will certainly state if they work well with Allen everything else is not important.

  4. 10 hours ago, Watkins90 said:

    The rookie salary slots are kind of a mixed bag. While veterans don't want to see the types of deals Sam Bradford got before he ever played a down in the NFL, the rookie salary structure also leads to more high priced veterans being let go each year because the rookies are much, much cheaper. 

    I understand that but I think with the exception of the top 8 of each draft the slots are basically what they were getting anyways before new CBA. So while certainly a valid point I think they will not fight it.

  5. 1 hour ago, Augie said:


    It is good for the guys who actually get to vote. Too much money into rookies was bad for owners and vets.  It took away from the amount of the pie the voting vets could receive, and who knew if the rookie could even play?  

    I am so happy that I said something like that without having the knowledge of what happened last time-I am so smrt.?

  6. 6 minutes ago, MJS said:

    Umm... they want a bigger piece of the pie. It's all about money. Obviously. I'm assuming they also want to do away with the rookie wage scale, franchise tag, fifth year option on rookie deals, and anything else that limits a player's potential earnings. They probably also want to take away the commissioner's monopoly on player discipline.


    NFL players actually get a smaller percentage of revenue than players in many pro sports leagues.


    I personally don't care one bit about all that stuff, as long as they line up and play on Sundays. I have no dog in the fight.

    i do not think that most of the players fight to hard on the rookie salary slots- the slots only hurt a handful of players each year and most guys probably resent a rookie who would be guaranteed 80 million without any production especially in a salary cap league. i would think they would fight hard for a bigger piece of pie overall and to limit Goddells power. 

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  7. i am an SU fan and watched closely McNabb and think he should be in. his numbers are really good and for many years he was the only true talent on that offense. the biggest difference between him and russell wilson right now is wilsons team won the super bowl but that was all defense. i know he is not a surefire guy but some guys on here are being unrealistic about the accomplishments of McNabb. 

  8. i read an article the other day- i can not remember where- that was written by SB referee of the Rams vs Pats*. he stated that under new rule the rams could have challenged a throw to the one yard line that would have been overturned in their favor in 4th qtr. In that case it would have definitely changed the game. when it comes to NFL officials I think the line from " Catch Me If You Can" applies to Pats* " The same reason the Yankees keep winning- they are distracted by the pinstripes"

  9. On 5/13/2019 at 8:28 PM, Bangarang said:

    Jackson isn’t someone I’d care to waste a roster spot on. I’d put him on the practice squad and continue to try and develop him. I don’t see him ever being a starting QB in the NFL (at least not a good one). 

    i have a theory that having a crazy styled  backup would be a good thing- if your qb goes down you best throw something new at them since your backup is clearly not a top 30 qb so go with something the defense has never seen. this is why i hope he makes team.

  10. 6 minutes ago, JoshAllenHasBigHands said:


    For sure! I'd be through the roof if he made it. 


    My comment was more about the presumption of his success and the suggestion we should drop one or two year starters to make room for Sills.  People have literally suggested Zay may not make the team because of Sills.  That is obviously silly. 

    i think most people are projecting out a few years- Sills spends a year on practice squad and then makes it next year as our 6th reciever and then gets better. he has only been a reciever for 3 years i believe.

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