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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. Children? Or zygotes? You seem totally uncaring about the people that suffer and die from lack of healthcare, though. Heck, you guys are trying to increase that number
  2. Ya, let's punish people for printing something
  3. Maybe Trump granted Jeffry a last wish of banning abortion so his victims would have no choices after he was done with them
  4. So now a whole bunch of state wide races all over the country will have this as an issue. Right wingers in blue states can try and win elections with this, hope they do
  5. They lost on taking health care away from the poor so the war on the poor moves to going after poor women now. Yes, they really care about life
  6. Old trick, when your side is going down in the polls because you attack corporations like Disney for free speech or ban books or silence gays, say the other side is worse. And who is going where? You say Conservatives? Who is that? Ron DeSantis attacking a private corporation for free speech? That Conservatism?
  7. This guy was a cop? My God, how many people got screwed by this animal?
  8. Some old lady in line at Wegmans just told me this. Wow. so it is true. They need to kill him now. Some decent person needs to do something here And truck tires. Some of my hardest--and best days--in military was breaking down truck tires and putting them in a safety cage to fill with air in case the blew apart. None ever did
  9. LOL, this thread must have been ordered up after the latest round of polling showing Dems doing much better in mid term races Panic on the wacky right
  10. Interesting on tanks Massive organized plunder. Putin's morality on display. The sooner they scum is gone the better place the world will be
  11. Ya, like Dershowitz, Epstein's attorney...also Trump's Scum bags all
  12. And then hired the guy as secretary of labor who gave the rapist a slap on the...wrist. Why would Conald reward the guy who went easy of Epstein? Hmmm....
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