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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. Influential Republicans in Washington and among the nationwide party elite are having a belated "oh s--t" moment over the previously unimaginable prospect that Kathy Barnette could win their party's nomination for the open Senate seat in Pennsylvania. Why it matters: In Barnette, who's been soaring in the polls ahead of Tuesday's primary, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would be dealing with a general election candidate who'd be an opposition researcher's dream — potentially endangering the GOP effort to take back the Senate. McConnell has been fixated on ensuring the 2022 midterms are not a repeat of the 2012 or 2010 cycles. The Kentuckian said Republicans missed good chances to win the majority in those years because they nominated candidates who talked about things like "legitimate rape" or had to publicly assure voters they weren't witches. https://www.axios.com/2022/05/12/gop-panics-pa-senate-wild-card-kathy-barnette Have Republicans started screaming yet that its all fraud?
  2. But the average American was much better off in that period of history than before it. Maybe we are just spoiled The war on drugs was mainly a Conservative thing And how about all those Conservatives crying their eyes out over a guy taking a knee. Wow
  3. Good morning. It's just an eviction notice What pisses you off the most, about not being left alone?
  4. So are we living under a communist regime now? I mean that's what DR and his army of empty heads said if Biden won--and he did!--would happen
  5. Ya right, you would of been there, and then you would of gone down to the pro-Vietnam war rally. Clown
  6. A schoolboy wrote in his weekly essay: “My cat just had seven kittens. They’re all communist.” The following week, the boy wrote: “my cat’s kittens are all capitalist.” The teacher called him up and asked him to explain the sudden change. “Last week, you said they were all communists!” The boy nodded. “They were, but this week they all opened their eyes.” @Westside Better? A worker standing in a liquor line says: “I have had enough, save my place, I am going to shoot Gorbachev.” Two hours later he returns to claim his place in line. His friends ask, “Did you get him?” “No, the line there was even longer than the line here.”
  7. How about a joke? The regional KGB headquarters in Arkhangelsk suffered a major fire and was almost completely destroyed. Shortly after, a man called looking for help. “I’m sorry, we can’t do anything,” said the receptionist. “The KGB has burnt down.” Five minutes later, the receptionist received another call. “I’m sorry, we can’t help. The KGB has burnt down.” Another five minutes passed, and the phone rang again. The receptionist recognised the voice as the man who’d twice called previously. “Why do you keep calling? I told you that the KGB has burnt down.” “I know. I just like hearing it.”
  8. DEAR ABBY: My fiance, “Rowan,” and I are getting married this year. It is my second marriage and his first. Rowan has a young son, “Sean,” from a previous relationship. I have a good relationship with Sean, and expressed to Rowan that I’d love to include the boy on our honeymoon, so we can have a proper first family vacation. (Rowan’s custody agreement states that while he is unmarried he can’t spend the night with a partner when Sean is present.) Rowan was enthusiastic about it, since I’ll finally be able to have proper bonding time with Sean in a home environment overnight. But when I bring this up with anyone else, they say I am selfish for wanting to “play mom” and include my soon-to-be stepson on a vacation that’s supposed to be for just me and my fiance. We want to share this time with his son and have a fun family vacation. Are we doing the wrong thing? Should we leave Sean out? Why, with so many different family dynamics, is wanting to include Rowan’s son regarded as selfish? UNSELFISH IN THE SOUTH Scientist Claims US Lab Engineered 'Humanzee' Human-Chimp Hybrid 100 Years Ago PETER DOCKRILL 31 JANUARY 2018 A prominent US scientist has claimed researchers in Florida succeeded in breeding a human-chimp hybrid called a 'humanzee' in controversial, long-rumoured 1920s research. Evolutionary psychologist Gordon G. Gallup, Jr., who achieved renown for his pioneering mirror self-recognition experiments with animals in the 1970s, says a former university professor told him the hybrid creature was born at an animal research laboratory where he once worked. https://www.sciencealert.com/scientist-claims-us-lab-engineered-humanzee-human-chimp-hybrid-100-years-ago-gallup-yerkes-oliver It's DR!!!!
  9. DEAR ABBY: My husband’s daughter has decided that her children should not call me “Grandma,” because I’m not their biological grandmother. She says her mother is their grandma and not me, even though her father and I have been together since before the birth of her children. I am so hurt about it I can no longer bring myself to go over to their house. Please tell me how I can deal with being so blatantly disrespected by my husband’s daughter. I seem to be good only for birthday presents and Christmas gifts.
  10. On May 10, 1869, the presidents of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads meet in Promontory, Utah, and drive a ceremonial last spike into a rail line that connects their railroads. This made transcontinental railroad travel possible for the first time in U.S. history. No longer would western-bound travelers need to take the long and dangerous journey by wagon train.
  11. So he is worried Democrats will get a big foreign policy win out of this? We will have to see going forward how hard those who hate NATO push this narrative to let Ukraine be wiped off the map and their people either murdered or "re-educated." And he thinks the United States is in the position now that the Soviet Union was in 1990? Ha ha, this guy is nothing but a tool. You have to wonder who is paying this guy.
  12. Me? No, I just like the second amendments well regulated sentiment
  13. You think Trump has ever fired a gun before? I'd be surprised if he had, but who knows. Probably has the help fire it for him
  14. Thank goodness they still have the freedom to do that Trump isn't an elite? Seriously? It's so funny, the MAGE crowd worships at the church of crass elitism, though they are not actually allowed in the church
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