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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. Looked to me like everyone checked up in front of her. I think the girl is doing a great job. I've seen guys who have done it for years with less composure. She's going to be a force in a couple years.



    I think that *may* have been the cause as well. Usually, that happens when someone gets on the gas too hard, but you could clearly hear that she was not hitting the throttle when it happened. It appears someone checked up and she got suprised by it.


    At any rate, she is still showing in 9th.

  2. p.s...robby gordon's an ass.  danica is at a disadvantage because even though she's built very very strong, she doesn't have the muscle to resist the g-forces that the ment do.  as i type this she's running around in the top 15, and while i hope she does well (i don't care who wins), don't be surprised if she puts it in the wall sometime in the final 1/4th of the race.  driver fatigue is always an issue at indy.



    She's in 9th right now, still on the lead lap.

  3. Indy 500 speedway owner Tony George had a big hand in destroying the popularity of open wheel racing in the US. The CART series always had a somewhat small, but loyal fanbase and was suprisingly successful as a 2nd tier racing series up until Tony George decided to split from it to create the IRL. CART lost its big name race, the Indy 500, and fell into disarray once its stars began to retire and the younger drivers began to move onto other series with more visibility. Many of the old CART fans such as myself hate the IRL series for what it has done to US open wheel racing, and that's a big part of the reason the IRL has never even managed to achieve the success that CART was having a decade ago. The fact that the IRL is nothing more than a Nascar ripoff doesn't help, either. I liked the old road race circuits.

  4. Well, Travis Henry won't be leaving as a 1300+ yard back.  He'll have two years of low production (unless Willis gets hurt).


    What's the specific criteria for determining compensation?  Is it salary?  Stats?



    The formula is supposedly based upon production, salary, and any awards such as being named to the Pro Bowl.

  5. I thought I heard it was going to be $299.00 for the standard version, and $360 for the enhanced version (whatever that is).



    That's pretty close to what I'd read as well ($299 for the standard, $399 for the enhanced). I've also read that Nintendo will target theirs for around $200, while the PS3 will have two versions, one at $400, another at around $700. As for backwards compatibility, there is some conflicting information, but I tend to believe the Xbox 360 will be.


    Is $400 too much? I don't think it is. A top of the line PC graphics card will run you that much. Given that these new consoles appear to be a major leap up the technological food chain from the last generation, I wouldn't complain too much about the price. You'll only have to pay it once. The games are another story entirely. If the games are $70-80 each, then I think its a problem.

  6. I would not have accepted a 5th for Henry, either, for one reason. Even if he walks, the Bills will recieve a compensatory pick in the 2007 draft based upon the contract he signs and his performance during the 2006 season. There's a very good chance that this pick will at least match the 5th that they were offered and its not unthinkable that it could be as high as a late 3rd if Henry were to have a big year in 2006.

  7. I rolled my ankle real bad this Saturday. It swelled up to the size of a softball. I iced it for two days and the swelling is very minimal right now but there is bruising under my ankle which I noticed this morning. I can walk but gingerly and with an obvious limp, I hope I just sprained it but am fearing that it might be broken.


    Anyways, should I wait it out? Go to the ER (which will cost me a $100 bucks) or call my doctor? Can he have me sent anywhere else other than an ER to avoid the cost?


    Insurance sucks now!



    Go to the doctor. I had a very similar injury in high school (I also had swelling around the ankle joint and bruising over most of the top of my foot) and decided to see if it would get better on its own. It did after a month or two...to a point. However, it never fully healed, and even now, 10 years later, it still hurts a bit when I move it in certain ways and I don't have quite full range of motion in it, though thankfully, I can walk (and run) normally on it, though it is occasionally painful. So my advice is to play it safe and just go to the doctor and pay the bill.

  8. My guess is that they didn't throw to them because we have subpar tight ends.  Euhus can't catch the ball and Campbell is slow.

    Personally, I think Everett is going to be a stud TE by the latter end of the season.



    I think you're right. Mularkey has never really had a good recieving TE on any of his teams in Pittsburgh or Buffalo. He may be willing to utilize the TE in the passing game if he's got a dangerous reciever at the position.


    There's also the injury consideration. The top two TEs on the team are both coming off major injuries, and though both are expected to recover, there are no guarantees. Considering those injuries, its that much harder to pass up a guy in R3 of a weak draft who has a much higher potential ceiling than the players already on the roster.

  9. I think Everett and Geisinger are both excellent picks and both could be future starters. Everett, in particular, has the potential to be a very good NFL TE, not bad for 3rd round pick in a bad draft.


    I also think the Parrish pick is a good one. He gives the Bills one more dangerous kick returner and he'll also be a nightmare for the opposing third CB to cover.


    Preston may turn out to be a good pick if the Bills know something that the scouting agencies don't (and they probably do; for a 'slow' player, his agility times at the combine were pretty good). I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt since they brought him in for a pre-draft workout.


    The Eric King pick is the only one I'm really not too high on. It sounds like he's a good college player without a ton of ability and who lacks size.

  10. Man, can someone 'splain me why teams get more than 3 minutes to make a selection in the SEVENTH ROUND?


    Let's move it along, people!



    I don't know if you guys have noticed this, but the Bills have taken right at 2 minutes so far with each selection today.


    I think they know exactly who they want with these picks.

  11. UGH! Justin Geisinger? We need a Tackle, not a Guard.


    Bennie Anderson

    Chris Villarial

    Lawrence Smith

    Ross Tucker

    Justin Bannan

    Ben Sobieski


    How many Guards do we need? There was guys like Michael Munoz at Tackle, T.A. McLendon at RB, and Mike Rayner at Kicker that would have been HUGE picks.



    Villarial will make the roster and Anderson should, but the rest are all career backups who could easily find themselves out of a job this September. If the Bills feel he's better than what they have, then they made a good choice picking Geisinger.

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