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Posts posted by Dan

  1. You gotta think he's not happy about the Bush thing.....that would have  been sick with Bush, Moulds, and Andre Johnson at the skill positions (and Carr, of course). I don't know who their TE is, but their offense is nowhere near as scary (and probably will be nowhere near as productive) w/out Bush.



    Exactly. He probably thought he could go to this young team drafting Bush. And be this huge superstar with them. In the end, his contract wasn't all that big; no other teams really wanted him; now there's no Bush hype. As bad as our offense was last year, I still think we have more potential than the Texans.

  2. I would do it, and for football reasons. Put the kid on the practice squad for a year, and see if his attitude changes. I know all bout the character issues, but most people going into last year felt he had more potential to be a NFL qb than his brother did.Hes more accurate and still has all of the "ath-a-let-ic "skills his brother had.


    Im dead serios, id be drafting him in the sixth or seventh




    I'd call that a reach, that he'll turn around. I just saw an interview and he said he felt like he must have broke a mirror when he was young - that's why he's got all this bad luck. Nothing at all sounding regretful for his BS actions.


    But, it'd be great to see Mort pop a blood vessel on camera.

  3. Exactly. Why not develop a few linemen? I've thought of this a draft to develop players. So I thought with 10 picks, we'd get players in a variety of positions - hopefully favoring the Oline, and then let them develop under the FA we've brought in.


    All I can think is that, the consensus at OBD is that our line problems aren't as severe as we all think.


    It just seems odd that the vast, vast majority of the fans and media analysts see one area of need and the coaching staff see something completely different. I understand they know our players better than anyone, but it just seems odd that there's such an apparent huge difference of opinion.

  4. I've been thinking on it (yes, I do that on occassion). I sort of like the method here.


    See some real talent, that needs training and polishing. Is it better to get them into an NFL system early and groom for your own needs? Or let them play an additional year in their college system and watch their draft stock rise where you probably won't get them?


    Gamble? Perhaps. But if the talent and ability is there, is that extra college season that crucial? Maybe not. And one gets some possibly very solid players at NFL bargain prices.




    I agree. I really kinda like this philosophy. And I've always thought this would be a "build for the future" draft and not a "get players that will start and excell next year" draft.


    However, I was hopeful we'd be getting linemen with potential that we could develop into starters for a few years. That's my only beef. I like the players we got, I like the philosohy, I just thought we'd target a different part of the team.

  5. Not that I remember all the mock drafts. But, I think its fairly safe to say that no one on this board, nor the "experts" in the media had our draft looking like this. So, so much for all the mocks. I suppose in a few years I'll post again and let ya know who was right.


    Looks like everyone was wrong about our lines, as well (myself included in this one). I was really hoping for all linemen in this draft. Apparently, our lines are fine and our secondary has been the problem for the last several years.


    I'm just dazed and confused.

  6. Suppose Mike Tyson chose to pick a fight with a little old lady.  I'd be rooting for the lady to win the fight.  But there's a difference between which person I hope would win, and which person I expect to win.  I hope the Bills had the best draft.  But if you were to offer me a choice between Ferguson and Mangold on the one hand, or Whitner and McCargo on the other . . . that's an easy choice.



    You, sir, make alot of sense. Unfortunately, the Jets, as of today, seemed to do very well.

  7. I'm confused. (Which is easy for me) Wasn't one of our biggest weaknesses the OL? Yes the DL was weak also, but no OL in the first 3 rounds? Come on even the most optimistic of you have to at least question that. Here's hoping day 2 brings WM some help. If not, then here's hoping our new D can pitch a lot of shutouts.



    I have to agree. That's why I'm so depressed tonight. Not really about the picks we got - these guys may be great. And I'm sure they'll fit into our team and produce. However, were there NO first day offensive linemen worth taking? I would feel so much better if we'd have taken at least one guy for the O line. I understand he may not contribute next year and all, but if anything, it at least shows that we understand the problems on this team and are willing to try and fix it. Now, maybe we'll take 3 OL guys tomorrow and then I'll change my opinion. But for now, I'm in my all to familiar Bills mode - crossing my fingers and hoping things work out. I guess I just saw us as having the 8th pick and then so many others that we'd of had at least one new guy with alot of promise on the OLine to develop y now.


    So, here I sit still in wait and see mode - fingers crossed on one hand; beer firmly grasped in the other. In Marv I do trust. But, for the first time this off season, I'm a little concerned.

  8. I've been fairly optimistic and in favor of most all the Bills off season moves, so far. However, if we chose a QB in any round, I'll be sorely depressed.


    I'm even concerned about taking Davis. Sure we need a TE; we have for a decade. However, without a line, how mch of a difference can he make? I suppose if we can get great linemen further down in the draft, I could see the reasoning in it. But, I don't claim to have near enough knowledge to judge 2nd, 3rd or 4th round offensive line talent.

  9. Understanding that in the week before the draft everybody is lying about their intentions, is it possible the Bills are spreading the Cutler rumor to prompt another team to move ahead of them and take him?


    The reason would be that if all three top QBs and Reggie Bush went before Buffalo and San Francisco stayed with the rumored plan to take Vernon Davis, one of these players would be available at No. 8:


    D'Brickashaw Ferguson

    AJ Hawk

    Mario Williams


    Most people would be thrilled with any of them.



    I have a dream.. and that is pretty much it. To choose between those three would be euphoric. Plus it'd be great reading all the posts by people complaining that Marv screwed up by not trading down (or by not taking Hawk in that scenario).

  10. I agree, other than the first 2 games, I think we have a great schedule. Home games in Dec. and all 1pm starts are both good for us.


    And even starting at NE isn't so bad, because they'll have zero film to study on our new offense. So it may be our best shot at them. And Miami may still be questionable at QB in week 2. So, I can even find silver linings in those two games.

  11. The Gallery Place condo development was what I was specifically thinking of, if anyone cares to try to look up the sales prices.  Condo fees alone in that building are north of $1000/month.



    I wouldn't doubt it at all. I have a friend that's considering moving to DC and they're looking at a Condo for over $2000 per month. I have no idea where it is or the size. But, I couldn't imagine moving there with those prices.

  12. Ahh, yeh you are exaggerating, but thats another topic(show me one property going for north of $2000/sf).




    When I worked in NYC 4 years ago, my boss had just bought a 360 sq.ft. apartment for $660,000. (At least that's what he told me.) He was quite pleased with the "find".


    Now, I know it's not DC; but, I've always heard that DC and Manhattan real estate were on par with one another. So he may not be exaggerating as much as we may think.

  13. "Aiello adds that the league is putting together a 'best practices' model that will give guideance to small market teams on ways to maximize the money they can make."


    Am I the only one that sees this document as becoming something that could force the Bills to increase the number of luxury suites, sell their stadium naming rights and raise ticket prices, parking fees, beer prices, etc. OR move? If a team doesn't follow the "Best Management Practices" then they're cut out of the revenue sharing deal.


    Generally, that's why you develop a BMP policy. Its a way of saying this how we think everyone in our association should operate, and if someone doesn't operate by following these policies, then they can't be in our association.


    Let's face it the Bills don't do alot of things that otherr teams have done to make more money. Maybe the other owners are tired of Ralph complaining when he has some of the lowest ticket and concession prices in the league.

  14. I've got a theory, might be crazy but I'll weigh in. It explains why Ralph doesn't want to sell the naming rights, why he didn't ask Pataki for money and why he made a comment on Friday about the 3 million the County gives him each year ibeing counted as revenue. (which I thought was kind of weird.)


    There is one public source of numbers on NFL revenues and income. Forbes writes an article on it each year.


    NFL Revenues and Operating Income


    I read that revenue sharing was tiered. Top 5 teams share the most, 6-10 less and 11-16 less than 6-10. The lowest revenue teams will get the most, the closer you are to 16, the less you will get.


    The above article is 2004 numbers. The Bills were 14th in operating income and 21st in revenue.


    I think Ralph's main beef with the new CBA isn't that he  is not making enough money in Buffalo, it's that he's making too much. His income and his revenue are too high to maximize revenue sharing. If he raises ticket prices, sells the naming rights, etc, it gets worse.


    If he could sell the naming right to the stadium, for example, for 3 million a year, he'd earn more revenue than the Giants. (The Bills are already ahead of the Jets.)


    Cincinnati is in a similar situation. (which would explain the other no vote.)


    I hope the political pressure works. More money for Ralph should equal a better product on the field. I do agree he went overboard with the Bills could lose money comments, however.



    I agree. A very interesting tidbit. There's definitely more to all this than we can see on the surface. And this theory could have some validity in the mix.

  15. I think there's alot more to all this than any of us may be aware of. From reading the news clips, its seems like there's a few possibilities:


    1. If Ralph wills it to his daughter, she pays bigtime taxes. Therefore, that plan is probably not a plan.


    2. If Ralph sells the team and the new owner moves the team, they don't get the same sharing deal as everyone else. So the Team is no longer worth $700 million, It's worth substantially less.


    3. If Ralph sells to local investors and they keep the team in Buffalo, they' have to meet certain qualifiers to get full sharing. They supposedly can't meet these qualifiers in Buffalo, therefore the team is worth much less.


    Essentially, as I'm seeing it, the Team is ESTIMATED to be worth $700 mill. However, that's based on the revenue sharing deals and TV and all this stuff I don't completely understand. So, if the new deal goes through and Ralph keeps the team in Buffalo, the actual value of the team may be several 100 million less. That's a loss of 2-300 million, and that's probably what Ralph's worried about. However, he could move the team himself and retain that full estimated value, if not gain value.



    Another thing you have to consider in all this is legacy. At a certain point, you've made your money, you live well, your family lives well. So money is less of a concern and your interests become more of a "I want what I built to be here for ever". That could possibly be at the heart of wanting to keep the stadium with his name, as well as keeping the team in Buffalo. I'm certain, Ralph doesn't like the idea of working his whole life to keep the Bills in Buffalo and building this great legacy, just to see it sold and moved and everything he's worked for and been a part of for half his life is gone.

  16. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Our biggest problem last year was coahing. It was miserable! Granted, the players need to play better and definitely we need to revamp the lines; but the single best thing we've done this off season was get a new front office and coaching staff. Even if we made no other changes, I'd feel optimistic.

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