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Posts posted by Dan

  1. 1 hour ago, KDIGGZ said:

    A lot of people online giving crap about it being a touchback. The guy kicked it from inside his own 10 yard line! Are you expecting a punter to pin the other team deep when you are punting from inside your own 10? If you are punting in that situation then your team screwed up so if you can force a touchback and no return then that is a huge win!

    That’s how I see it..  if your drive stalls at your own 18... and your opponents next drive starts at their 20. ...on a touchback!  Thats a good thing.. I’d take that in every instance all season long.    Normally in that scenario, you expect the your drive to start closer to the 40yd line... maybe the 35 if its a really good punt.  

  2. 3 minutes ago, BuffaloBill said:



    He was supposedly having a great camp last year.  Let’s hope he makes an already crowed WR room even more competitive.

    He’s had very promising camps each year...only to get injured and miss the season...  If I’m not mistaken.    Hopefully, he continues to improve and stays healthy!  

    And, yes, he’ll certainly have to play Special teams to make the team. Anyone as far down on the depth chart as him has to.     

  3. 12 minutes ago, RobbRiddick said:


    Even in the dark days I used to always listen to the scrimmage on the radio. I can still remember being excited when EJ Manuel completed a pass.


    Quite pathetic now that I think about it...


    Just now, McBean said:

    I remember being so excited about the Taylor and Cassel camp battle..

    Which is why 35,000+ showed up for a practice.   We’ve all had sooooo many years of false hope.  Just wishing against all reason that we finally would have a a good team.  ...well.  Now we do.  And we all deserve it, earned it, and should bask in the joy of it all.   

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  4. Ok. So at this price point, I think I’m all in to watch the Bills games this year, especially all the prime time games. I’m definitely out of market.   But I don’t have cable.. haven’t tried the over the air antenna networks yet (just moved here, but not optimistic considering where I am in the world).  

    For years I’ve streamed from illegal sites.. and the few prime time games I’d watch on yahoo or amazon app.   But..! Neither app will let me connect my ipad or phone to the TV and stream it.  Which wasn’t that big of a deal when it was 1 or 2


    So.. is this something for me?  To watch out of market sunday games, plus all the prime time/thanksgiving games, and stream to my TV??   Or am I sticking with the traditional plan of making it up week to week on the corners of the web?? 

  5. 1 minute ago, Awwufelloff said:

    Most of America are out of weight and in terrible shape. We have a terrible drinking/eating culture here. Mafia included. 

    No doubt.  Although I wouldn’t call my drinking habit terrible.  I’ve worked many hours to perfect an array of cocktails for enjoyment!    But I agree my cooking game could step up a couple notches. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  6. 14 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:


    Watching this video just reminds me of the conditioning top NFL athletes have to be in.   If most people hop around like Tre is doing here, they’d be considered rehabbed and good to go. And he’s...how long away from being ready to play?

    • Like (+1) 3
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  7. Thank you for bumping... it was a great article and it hit me in a good way. Dion’s words are wise and compassionate.   I just donated to his foundation. Of all the charities we’ve gotten behind over the years...I can think of none better than his tonight. 


    There’s so much hate in the world.   It’s heart warming to read his words about such a tragedy resulting from that hatred.. yet his words and response wasn’t more hatred, they were  inspirational. The world needs more people like Dion. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. Move it back to after the SuperBowl. A couple weeks after, the die hard fans will watch it just to get their fix and you don’t have your best players opting out because they’re still playing real football. Whoever decided to have it the week before the SuperBowl was a complete idiot. 

    Incentivize play with home field advantage and good money to the players.  Like most employers these days, they cant give them a 1990s paycheck and expect maximum effort.


    Rotate the game through all the NFL Stadiums so each fanbase has a shot to actually attend.   

    Or just cancel it. Adding more gimmicks like washed up player coaches and dancing bears on the 50yd line will just make it more of a joke than it already is. 

  9. On 3/19/2022 at 9:47 AM, GunnerBill said:


    I mean unless you have evidence of corruption. Which you clearly don't.


    I reckon if on a random day in the middle of last year I'd have put a poll on this site asking "do you believe in the principle of innocent until proven guilty?" there would have been an overwhelming majority that said they did. But society is being manipulated towards mob rule sadly. And this thread is an example of that. 


    Absolutely. I have very genuine and very real fears for the maintenance of fair justice systems in what perceive themselves civilised western democracies over the next 50 years. There is a definite and frightening trend away from the cold, hard, objectiveness of the law to thirst for a vengence style of justice system where public opinion triumphs over due process. 


    Unless we stand up for the principles even when it gives us outcomes that might make us uncomfortable we are heading for disaster. Sadly, it is often only those of us inside the system who are really fighting for it. Others will only appreciate what we have lost when it is gone. I remember speaking to one of the then most senior judges in the UK about this at length in 2015. Pretty much every fear he had back then is already to some extent beginning to become a reality. 

    I haven’t read all of this thread, but just wanted to say that it’s not just the legal system that’s heading for disaster.   We now live 100% in the Information Age.  We get hourly, maybe minutely (is that a word), updates and google has the answer to every question you can ask. 

    I don’t need a judge to tell me if someone is guilty. I don’t need a scientist to tell me if vaccines work.  I don’t need a financial expert to buy stock. There’s a Reddit page or YouTube video or blog and don’t forget Twitter and Facebook feeds to give me all the information I need.  In a matter of minutes I can be an expert on any topic and people that spend entire life long careers studying the intricacies of a topic are just elitists on the payroll of some rich guy/corporation. 

    opinion defines fact every day 



    edit/add:  Wealthy, powerful people definitely enjoy “special” treatment in the systems that govern us all. They always have. And it’s that increasing ineqiuity that makes it easier to distrust the very systems we need to ensure our equality.  


    • Like (+1) 4
  10. 7 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    As someone who was on the other side of the 17 game argument, but agree with you 18 and 2 byes is inevitable at the next CBA, I completely agree. Divisional weekend was the high watermark. The Championship games and the Superbowl looked like tired football. 

    It may be inevitable... but 18 games with 2 byes and watered down players. Is exactly how you ruin the sport.  

    A longer season will only bring more TV revenue, but will only diminish the play on the field. 

  11. I don’t think Levi is nearly as bad as many people here think he is. If he walks, he will be missed.  

    I also don’t think much matters unless the Bills stop playing so tentative on defense.  They all hesitate at the point of contact in an effort to not give up the big play I guess, but always allowing a few extra yards. Some call it soft, I call it tentative/ cautious defensive play. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 2 hours ago, TheBrownBear said:

    Our defense had to have been the most overrated unit in the entire NFL this year.  They were great when a team was one dimensional (or made so by a quick start from our offense), but it didn't come close to holding up against better offenses and it seems utterly incapable of getting a big stop at critical moments of a game.  In fact, the only time I can remember our defense making a truly big play in the second half of a contested game was Rousseau's pick of Mahomes at the 10 yard line in the regular season Chiefs game.  Other than that, it seems teams were able to get whatever they wanted down the stretch against us in a close game (which is why we went 0fer in 1 score games this year).  Addressing these defensive failures is my number 1 priority in the offseason if I'm Beane and I'd start with a long hard look at Leslie Frazier.


    Just curious - for those who have followed Frazier's career, is this kind of his MO?  Beat up on weaklings only to become a bottom-5 defense against diversified offenses?  And I get that "good offenses" are tough for anyone to stop.  But we seemingly can't even slow these guys down for the most part.


    1 hour ago, BillsVet said:


    Some are aiming too low in trying to identify the problem on defense...it's the scheme and the overall play it safe mentality which didn't start with that game.  Being conservative to mitigate risk is, at times, required.  But it's all more of the default posture of the HC and his DC who calls the scheme the HC desires.  Against top competition, trying to get a lead, protect it, and win is not the way in the NFL of the 2020s.    


    Wholeheartedly agree with your final point that McD take a long look in the mirror and ask himself why he needs the personnel and scheme that he does this off-season.  Their exits in 3 straight playoff games combined with the ascendance of Josh should be enough for McD to see that he needs to evolve and stop holding on to outdated ideologies.      

    I have to completely agree.   I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt during the season (and honestly what choice did we have).   But now... after exiting the playoffs again, largely due to the defense. They have to rethink the defensive strategy, including players and coaching.   What they’ve built is good... but it’s not good enough. 

  13. All but 2 or 3 losses in the last 2 seasons can be attributed to the defense in one way or another.    We have to find a way with Dabs leaving to maintain the offensive stability we’ve seen the last 2 years. 

    But more importantly we have to do get better on defense.  Be more aggressive?  Tackle better?  Cover a tight end?  I don’t have the answer... but, I also don’t have confidence that the guy running the defense the last 2 years has the answer either.  

    This is the off season, IMO, when good teams take some serious looks in the mirror and make the necessary, and often painful, tweaks to the roster and coaching staff to finally get over the hump and become great teams. 

  14. I was fortunate enough to get last minute feee tickets, bought a plane ticket and was there with my sister.   It was absolutely worth every penny spent and every ounce of heartache endured.  

    Outside the stadium, the tailgate lots were packed!  I’ve never seen a game in Buffalo, my sister has. But I imagine the Bills tailgate scene being similar.  Everyone we saw was friendly and good natured. We talked to quite a few chiefs fans... and Bills fans .  It was fun.  People willingly shared brats and hamburgers with us, I think I bought 1 beer the entire day, everyone I met offered a beer. 

    inside the stadium it was off the chain!!  I honestly don’t know how the players can hear anything.  I couldn’t!  We didn’t sit for a single minute... other than for Nelly.   Pregame we walked down by the field and watched Diggs play catch with the kids... one kid he threw the ball to about 4 times till he caught it.  It was so nice.  Talked to his dad after... he said Diggs gave his kid a once in a lifetime memory that made the long drive worth it.  All the KC fans around us loved seeing it and wished they had a player like that.  

    During the game, we had good natured back and forth with the ups and downs of the game. It was fun. The crowd was absolutely crazy loud and into it.  Again more free beer.  The final couple minutes are honestly a blur for me.   I was literally in shock after the 2pt conversion.  I just couldn’t believe Josh did that.   All the KC fans were congratulating me with fist bumps. Thanking me for one of the best games they’ve seen.  Telling me Bills will win the Super Bowl. 

    Then ...we lost.    

    I retuned the fist bumps and congratulations.  But I was still in shock to be honest.  I saw Josh do something I didn’t think a Bills QB could do.. then I saw the defense just choke it away.  Maybe they were in shock too?    At any rate, walking out of the stadium was the first time I heard a few “Bills Suck” shouted by some random drunk ass.  But that was easily the few. Most everyone saw my Bills gear and said something nice along the lines of... this is going to be a fun rivalry for years..Josh Allen is a stud.  

    It was an amazing experience.  One that I’d do again and recommend anyone do. Arrowhead and the KC fans treated us well.  I’m just sick and damn tired of adding the ...but we lost at then end.  It still hurts. 

    • Like (+1) 11
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  15. Like I said this morning... I just sick of of these great amazing games that everyone talks about and loves... but the Bills lose.   So now for 20 years we get to hear about the 13 second Kansas City shuffle or whatever catchy thing they’re gonna call it.  And NFL network will show replays forever.  And all I wanna do is forget about it because it’s further evidence that our franchise is cursed. 

  16. 13 minutes ago, BTB said:

    The way KC waltzed through the Bills defense in OT was as bad or worse than "13 seconds".    This friggin' sucks.

    It was reminiscent of the TB game.  Fight all 2nd half, playing lights out.  Get to OT...  fold. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  17. 3 minutes ago, Jim Bob said:


    KC made sure Diggs and Knox didn't beat them.


    Buffalo needs to figure out how to make sure Hill & Kelce don't beat them.

    This is why I think a new defensive coordinator is in order.  One year ago our season ended because they couldn’t stop Kelce and Hill from beating them. 

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