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The Bunk

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Posts posted by The Bunk

  1. People keep saying next years QB's are vastly superior to this years...Can anybody tell me who exactly looks can't miss not named Bridgewater? Manziel? I've read that a lot of scouts say his arm talent is mediocre and wonder if he'll be able to get away with the running around he does in the NFL. He's not exactly built to take a pounding. Who else? Logan Thomas? Lots of tools but was very mediocre this year. AJ McCarron? Is he a no brainer franchise passer? I dont know. I just don't know if nexts years QB class *right now* looks head and shoulders above this one.

  2. I was firmly against Chan, Jerry Sullivan nailed it when we hired him. Another kick of the can. Good guy, wanted him to succeed, but never thought it would work out. I hated his offense, dink and dunk passing game that played in a 10 yard box. Maybe his QB had something to do with how he called games as well, you can just do a lot more with a stud like Aaron Rodgers or Andrew Luck. Until we know and see our next QB there is now way to really predict how this offense will shake up. Who knows, we might spend a top 50 pick on a wideout. As for the topic of this thread, Buddy is a lame duck GM, i highly doubt Russ Brandon will truly let Nix call HIS shots knowing he isn't part of the long term plan. Any decision we make draft/FA wise isn't going to be 100% Buddy's, Brandon/Marrone will have their say as well.

  3. That's bordering on terrifying without 1-2 good players added or guys really stepping up


    how much more terrifying is it without mckelvin in there? and our top three cb's being gilmore, brooks, and rogers? lol. oh but wait, then we can draft ANOTHER CB early the draft and officially be spinning our tires. cmon now

  4. what people don't get is that i'll give you two andy levitre's and a pair of darrelle revis', and if your QB is Fitz you STILL arent making the playoffs. all of this freaking out over giving what will be our #2 CB 5M a season and letting a GUARD go in FA makes me laugh. it really does. Get a QB and none of this really matters.


    Don't forget how much of a dreadful disappointment Cromartie was in SD before Pettine got his hands on him with the Jets.


    Shhhh all of these message board GM's dont like logic.

  5. A CB who was benched last year, on one of the worst D units in the NFL? A huge need? Really?


    Everytime McLuvin is in the 2ndary, I get very nervous.


    I don't care if he was benched last year, this is a new coaching staff and an entirely new system. Wanny was probably one of the worst DC's in all of the NFL and our new coaches seem to think he's better than he's shown. Have it your way, let him go and we'll burn ANOTHER top 2 round pick on a CB and we can start Ron Brooks. but hey, at least our interior linemen are real good lol. ooookay.

  6. Would have rather given a contract like that to Cris Gamble who was just released from carolina. .oh well.....spending money the wrong way seems like buffalos Mo these days...first fitz now this...


    7.5 M is all that's promised to Mckelvin. hardly a kings ransom. without him CB becomes a huge need and we'd probably have to spend one of our top 3 picks on that spot. this allows us to get help in several of our other need areas. hardly spending the wrong way.

  7. Resign a liability at CB over your best O lneman?


    If this coaching staff believes McLuvin is the answer at CB, we are in for another long season. If as a nickel back, probably OK.


    We will see, unless any one else has additional details or info.




    And you think with ol' andy at guard we're in for a great season? hardly the case. the team clearly believes that there is no reason to overpay a guard when they are easily the most replaceable pieces on the offensive line. i'd rather hope the coaches are right in thinking they can polish mckelvin up and make him the corner his talent indicates he could be. new coaches, new system. players will look different doing different things. andy is a good player but he's hardly the difference between us making the playoffs or missing them.


    We can agree to disagree on whether McKelvin is worth the money, but I strongly disagree with posts that suggest finding guards is easier than other positions. My recollection is that before Levitre we had almost 10 years of really poor o-line play, including at the guard position. Dockery, Pucillo, Villarial, Tucker, Gandy, B. Anderson and the list goes on and on (there is a reason why you may not have heard these names in a long time).




    so because our past front offices have overpaid mediocre players(dockery) or grabbed guys at the end of their rope(villarial, tucker, anderson) guard are really hard to replace? maybe in buffalo. and btw, all those guards you listed won just as many games as the *great* andy levitre did here in buffalo.

  8. The only thing I can come up with is that he said it so McKelvin wouldnt be insulted when they came in with an offer equal to/lower than his previous contract. And based on the little we know, it looks like a former 1st round CB re-signed for about the same deal as his rookie contract, just shortened one year.


    My thinking is the coaches clearly believe in him. He's not a bad cover corner, he just really struggles to play the ball in the air. Often takes himself out of position. Pettine and company must think this is fixable, who are we to argue? I can also say this, we could have benched EVERY corner on this team last year if we wanted to, it certainly would have been warranted. Also, we're playing a new scheme, maybe mcKelvin is a better fit for this.

  9. Fixed that for you.


    There are dozens of other factors that influence McKelvin's performance as a CB.


    Well done Mike in Syracuse. Oddly enough my name is Mike and we share the same city. Kudos to us. As for the "decision" to take McKelvin over Andy. I'm okay with it. Guys who can cover are always more valued over interior linemen, who tend to be very replaceable.

  10. No issues with this deal. McKelvin, while having poor ball skills is still a pretty solid cover corner. I think some better coaching will work wonders. Buffalo clearly believes his flaws are very coachable. He's also an elite return guy. Still young. I'm good with this.

  11. Thank you for speaking to my questions about Manuel's college coaches.


    Whether Bills fans appreciate it or not, Marrone is a Sean Payton protege and Nate Hackett is a Paul Hackett protege meaning both of them have great coaching pedigrees learning from NFL offensive masterminds.


    More likely than not, Nassib had much better offensive coaching at Syracuse than Manuel did at FSU.



    Not to say Jimbo is a bad coach, i just don't think he ever fully extracted everything Manuel could give him. Always felt like he could have been more dynamic. Marrone is built for the NFL game, he's not a real nice pal like jauron or chan. He's a straight football guy. I'd rather than him developing a QB at the NFL level than Jimbo. I'd rather have Jimbo recruiting, though !

  12. Most FSU fans have been saying for years that Jimbo Fisher never adjusted his system to Manuel's talents. Watch this years past game against Clemson and you see how he should have used him all along. This is a kid that should have been unleashed and instead he was in a conservative offense, and while productive, it never exploited Manuel's full potential or skill set. Not to say EJ isn't to blame himself, he made his fair share of poor decisions and missed his share of open receivers with a bad passes. Doesn't seem like he lacks intangibles. He's one of four QB's this draft that wouldn't cause me to want to throw my remote if we took him along with Barkley, Glennon, and Bray. Not sure if he'll still be there in the second, remember, all it takes is one team to think he's the real thing and he'll go in the first.

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