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The Bunk

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Posts posted by The Bunk

  1. FSU was the better team this year, but Alabama is without question the better program.


    How so? Both are football factories who have won the previous two national titles. FSU will be ranked ahead of them in preseason and by all accounts(FSU's heisman QB to Bama's' yet to be named starter) should be as good if not better. You mean historically? If so, means very little. RIGHT NOW debating FSU and Bama's status in the sport is splitting hairs.

  2. I'm good with the deal we made to get Watkins. The cost was steep but i like that this current regime is going for it. EJ/Marrone/Russ are all in the same boat. They'll get three years to get this thing moving. The 2015 1st rounder was never going to be a QB anyways, so if this whole thing doesn't work, a new coach/GM will get to come in 2016 with a 1st round pick to draft the new franchise passer. Russ and Doug are all in, we should be too. I'm excited, guys.

  3. It's been a tough week. Jim Kelly was the reason i became a Bills fan, a football fan, really. I'm 29 years old, right around 1990 is when i started to understand the game and really become a fan. Can't fathom saying goodbye to Kelly. Ralph will be missed, as well. He kept our Bills in Buffalo, hope it stays that way.

  4. Stephen A tried to downplay the drive by saying Buffalo had all of their starters in against the Colts scrubs. Simply false. EJ went without his best overall player(Spiller) and his best wideout(Stevie) I also find it funny how Skip Bayless talked up Matt Barkley's performance when he was actually playing against guys who won't be on an NFL roster this year. Typical ESPN trash.

  5. Where did I say cut him?

    You didn't. Which is the issue. Brooks got beat deep for a TD and you want him in the unemployment line, yet the 10th overall pick, a guy who is making far more money and carrying bigger expectations was beat like a drum by a rookie WR and the worst QB in football and you want to make sure he keeps his roster spot? CB's get beat all the time, I've seen Revis get torched once or twice. You take everything as a whole. Brooks had a bad moment in his first preseason game, he also had some good moments as well. Let's let the entire preseason play out before we start throwing guys off the team.

  6. Good post. As for EJ, as an FSU fan he gave me some uncomfortable flashbacks today in the first quarter. My biggest gripes with him as a Nole' were that sometimes he seems like he doesn't trust what he sees and is a split second late with his passes(the slant that was behind Hogan, and the pass he completed to him near the goal line, he was just a hair late with the throw). Would have liked to see him have a bit more success against the Colts starters and also wouldn't have minded seeing him push the ball down the field a bit. In the end it was a very encouraging performance. He settled down and threw some nice balls on that 2 minute drill. I also disagree about Brooks. Like the poster above me said he made mistakes but he also made plays. it's the first preseason game. I liked what I saw, seems like an aggressive kid who isn't afraid to go after it.

  7. Maybin, easy. what makes it worse is the fact that there ended up being three pro bowl LB's in that draft(Orakpo, Clay Mathews, Cushing), we had first crack at all of them and took the one bust. I remember Flowers beat I think it was Willie Roaf for a sack in his first game and i thought the guy would be amazing lol. that would end up being the highlight of his career probably.

  8. lol by the OP's logic just draft 3 QB's a year and let em' all go at it, NY Jets style. dumb. And um, i'm pretty sure Marrone and Hackett have a pretty good idea what Nassib can do with this roster. My proof? They didn't want him. Like i said if you want to add another young QB late that's fine, but taking nassib creates a dynamic that we just don't need.

  9. Sounds like there was some serious talk in the war room about drafting an another QB later in the rounds. Time will tell.




    Remember that RG III / Kirk Cousins starting job battle last year? Yeah me neither. You take a QB in the 2nd/3rd round, and another in the 5th, sure, let em' compete. You don't draft a guy 16th and have him compete with the coaches former college QB who was taken in the fourth round. Just an absurd idea.

  10. Can we send you Nassib's stats(That probably won't exist) as well? BTW, you don't do that to EJ Manuel. You don't draft the coach and OC's former college QB. They know Nassib better than anybody in the world and didn't think he was the right fit here. That would simply make the entire situation very, very uncomfortable. Horrid idea. Draft a different QB, not Nassib.

  11. mel kiper on jamarcus russell


    "JaMarcus Russell is going to immediately energize that fanbase, that football team -- on the practice field, in that locker room," ESPN's Mel Kiper said at the time. "Three years from now you could be looking at a guy that's certainly one of the elite top five quarterbacks in this league. ...You're talking about a 2-3 year period once he's under center. Look out because the skill level that he has is certainly John Elway-like."

  12. Living in Syracuse you wouldn't believe the venom the people here have towards Marrone. And that was before he passed over his SU guys in the draft. I'm glad his priority is this organization and he didn't let his heart play tricks with his mind. The right guy for Buffalo.

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