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Posts posted by eSJayDee

  1. Look at it this way:

    W/ one of the worst defenses in the league, our offense is middle of the pack (w/ Fitz at QB). An improved Dee will help the offense, to the point where statistically they should probably make top 10. If your Offense & Dee are both top 10, assuming you don't have terrible ST (which we don't), you should easily be among the teams that make the playoffs (roughly equating to the top 12).

  2. FWIW, washers are one of the few appliances where energy savings actually justify buying new. I don't recall the numbers (I bought a new washer bout a yr ago) but I'll guess based on rated usage, you might save ~$70/yr. That makes the payback only a few yrs (rather than never depending on value of $, ie interest rate)

    Why can't you just replace the dryer & continue to use the washer portion?

  3. Sorry to hear that :(. Just remember that you gave Pooch a great life full of great memories. Best of luck with the whole situation.


    Thanks. It's certainly something I've been dreading for awhile. He's certainly been enjoyable for me. They say Dane's life expectancy is only 7-8 yrs (my parents had a couple when I was younger that lived to be 10ish), so he's lived a long & good life.

  4. Dog in my avatar is now a 10 1/2 yr old Great Dane - Pooch Wilson. About 150 lbs. Sadly, it's about time to euthanize him. :(


    (I tried to upload a more recent photo, but it's too large.)

  5. Chris Brown wrote of how well the Bills Dee contained Foster.

    So, when you're winning & trying to kill the clock & your opponent is trying to stop you to get the ball back, that's considered "garbage"?

    Foster finished with 111 yards on 24 carries, but got a lot of garbage yards at the end when Houston was trying to kill clock and shorten the game.


    I actually think the Dee did "okay" yesterday. Better than I anticipated & far better than recent stds.

    Why make a lame excuse for them? Save that for the offense.

  6. I thought of this last night.

    It seems when CJ or Jackson make a guy miss (& they both did a really good job of that yesterday more than once), they usually end up getting tackled 2 or maybe 7 yards down the field. When our guys miss a tackle, the backs go for 15 or 80. Why?

    Is our "scheme" predicated on assigning one & only 1 player to making a tackle in a particular place?

    Sure, there are times that a missed tackle can result in big gains, typically when they occur in open field, but at/near the LOS there should be more people in position to make the tackle.

    Again, this is puzzling.

  7. Actually, I don't think you can/should call it a shank. He's right footed & he kicked it WAY left. When you shank it, it goes off the outside of your foot & goes right. Kicking the ball THAT far off target to the LEFT is more than that. What I suspect happened was he was instructed to kick it OOB, to the left, his aim/accuracy was probably off a few yards (which could result in a loss of ~10 yards distance in that scenario), then failing to get a good spiral on the ball, the wind got hold of it & sent to WAY LEFT. Combination of poor execution & a dumb plan given the circumstances.

  8. Don't authorities have a right to seize this item? As I understand it, no case can any longer be made against Simpson, but since he was found Not Guilty, presumably the case is still open. If there's reason to believe this is the weapon used to kill someone, shouldn't it be allowed to be used as evidence? Testing might be able to verify (or possibly refute?) that it was used and to potentially implicate someone else.

  9. There have been a few players who both kicked and punted but it seems they've gotten more rare.


    There was a time it was common place. But that was also the time that rosters were limited to 40, FG kickers made about 60% (Now, you're in jeopardy of losing your job if you make less than 90%), and kickoffs (from the 40) often didn't reach the end zone.

    Before that, it was performed by "regular" football players.

  10. I've played golf w/ a club pro before. Really awesome golfer. I'm sure he has a negative handicap. The guy can hit shots that I'm incapable of. In fact, I might go so far to say that to anyone but the most knowledgeable of observers, there's no shot that Tiger Woods could hit that he can't duplicate. Now, who do you think is a better golfer? I'll give you a hint - he's the one who makes about 100x more. Yes, I'm sure Potter can kick FGs, Lindell can punt, etc; all better than you & I (& again, to the casual observer, you probably couldn't discern the difference on many of the attempts. But they don't do it as well as one who specializes in that "art", specifically not as consistently.

  11. This may only be me, but I have very little confidence in DeHaven.


    Our ST, particularly punting, took a noticeable downturn when Dehaven took over for April. I attributed it to a difference in philosophies &/or emphasis by the HC (you can say Jauron was weak in several areas, but at least he supported strong ST).


    How much of it was Moorman's decline, we might never know. He'll presumably catch on elsewhere & we'll see how he does.


    Regardless, our punt team was not doing well & I suppose it's easier to cut a punter than fire the ST coach.


    Best of luck & hope for continued success Brian (unless you sign w/ the Patsies).

  12. They're not a carrier, but a reseller. Depending on where you are, you can have one of a few carriers (AT&T & T-Mobile are the ones most are assigned to). They're run by the same company as Tracfone. I have a Tracfone. I've had phones carried by AT&T (very good signal) & T-Mobile (terrible & unreliable). (I live near Albany, NY, so other areas may vary, but the general consensus seems to be T-Mobile sucks.) I'd recommend it if you don't use your phone much. I prolly avg about $12/month, most of which is texting.

    p.s. Customer Support is notoriously terrible, too.

  13. Potter had 4 KOs + an onside kick (I'd contend that we'd have been better have Lindell attempt that, but this is beside the point). 3 touchbacks & one tackle inside the 20. I'm sure there were a few players active (read Joe B's assessments) that played less than 4 plays, let alone had as positive of an impact.

    Lindell is a proven, quality placekicker. Is he the best - no, but again, he has not shown anything that would indicate that he should be replaced for plackicking duties. His kickoffs are mediocre. Potter appears to have as good of a leg as anyone in the league.

    A few yards for initial field position isn't going to make much of a difference. However, every return yields the chance of significant improved position (we'll assume that the chances of a turnover & TD roughly offset). W/ improved position comes greater chance of scoring.

    For me, it's plainly obvious that it's worth a roster spot (& usually being active) for this advantage. As someone said above, your 6th WR or 8 DL are unlikely to provide as such added utility.

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