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Posts posted by badassgixxer05

  1. 22 hours ago, Happy Gilmore said:

    McD put a lot of his eggs in the Murphy basket, which could end badly.  Though I hope Trent is the edge/DE they envisioned he'd be because the Bills need it.

    6 years 100 million. Now that was all the eggs in the Williams basket. 3 years 21 million is like a couple peeps in the Murphy basket?‍♀️. If he has a good year that will be a good discount. If not, no one will remember or even care about the signing/contract after next year...

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  2. On 6/12/2019 at 7:17 AM, BillsFan17 said:

    The scene is 2008, the Seahawks are at the Bills for the home opener.


    Pollard takes out Brady's knee, reports he tore his ACL verberate through the Ralph.


    Bills fans AND Seahawks fans were literally high fiving eachother. I had fans in my section buying eachother beers in celebration.


    To act like this is mutually exclusive to just one fan base is stupid. Is it a bad look, yes, but to act like only Toronto does it...

    I was just going to post this. I remember going to this game with my dad and how happy everyone was. No clue how they still beat us twice and won 11 games that year. Karma I guess.. ?

  3. 14 hours ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:


    I can almost see it...   I’m hiding names so it’s not obvious which one is which: 


    WR x

    7 time pro bowler

    11,000 yards reviving 

    2 time NFL reception and yardage leader 

    74 reviving touchdowns 

    Around 6 ft 

    most catches and yards since entering the NFL  

    Dominant at a smaller school shattering career records in 3 yrs 


    WR z

    27 career receptions

    541 yards 

    3 TDs 

    Around 6 ft

    Some catches and yards since entering the nfl, getting cut, passing waivers then getting signed again. 

    Invisible at nations top collegiate program 



    guess which one is which? I intentionally obfuscated height so I didn’t give it away.. these guys are eerily similar....



    love over the enthusiasm.  But Foster needs to be Zay or Foster before he’s AB

    I'm guessing they were comparing to Brown in early career. Remember Hines Ward, Mike Wallace and Antwaan Randle El were the top receivers when Brown was drafted and he was practically a no body even the 2nd receiver the Steelers took that draft behind Emmanuel Sanders. Mike Wallace was the next big thing over there at the time. Brown came out of nowhere and took the 3rd receiver spot. The next year he got the big contract extension(before Mike Wallace) Hines retired, and a year later Wallace walked without the big money. Point being, Brown was a scrub that balled out and became the top dog. Foster has a chance to do the same. 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, metzelaars_lives said:

    a) did you serve?


    b) do you have any idea how many “millennials” have served?

    Again, i don't want to get into a talk about millenials(I am one btw). My comment was to bolster the point that that generation that stormed the beach was the greatest, toughest bunch of sob's that will probably ever walk this land. RIP all that were lost on that tragic yet triumphant day.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, Chandler#81 said:

    Thank you, Professor. While some of us here are versed in WWII theaters of operations, many are not as the decades slip away. A recent poll showed 50% of millennials are unfamiliar with the Nazi war on Jews. We don’t have much choice but to be grateful ANYTHING is being taught about the Greatest Generation.

    Not to bring this topic into a millennial bashing conversation, but that thought was going through my mind as i was reading some of the posted articles. I really don't think anyone from the generations of today could have the guts to do what these young hero's did back then. Heck I would have to question my self for that matter. Never really know until you are put into that situation, but man running right into that knowing pretty much you were going to die. Hope we never have to make a decision like that again in the history of man..

  6. These reviews will still be at the discretion of the Refs on field that didn't make the call in the first place. Odds are the call goes against the bills either way. Just the way its been for as long as I can remember. At least no review left us thinking, hey maybe he just didn't see it. Now we know for sure when we are getting screwed or not and I think it hurts more! ?.

    Reviews need to be moved to a centralized headquarters where a team of Refs have access to the same reviews we see on a big 70"+ screen that way nothing can be missed. Take the pressure off the Refs that are on field and afraid to make the right call or can't see the right call looking at a 13" monitor at field level where everyone in the stadium can see it plain as daylight on the big screen...

  7. Wow, thanks for the post! Really good read/breakdown. Has me excited for this kid. Hope he develops and can slot him in for the future when Lorax hangs them up(maybe sooner if he takes off??).

    I loved that clip of Milano on Gronk too. The pop at the line of scrimmage then the closing speed on the out route. This is going to be a nasty D again this year. Can't wait for camp!!!

  8. 4 minutes ago, Jerome007 said:

    Get your head out of the sand


    PED use is RAMPANT in the NFL. You think all these guys are natural? Tests are a joke hence why so few people get caught. And if you dislike it so much, how come you're not up in arms that in most other sports the first time you get caught you get banned at least 2 years while in the NFL it's 4 games... or a gigantic 6 in this case?

    I'm fine with that. Ban them all

  9. 20 minutes ago, Johnnycage46 said:


    With how the season has been going, this may end up being true :(

    I don't get what else people expected here. They had 6 episodes to rap up a wide open series that was all over the place at times. Another season(Heck even 2 more) would have allowed them to go into more details and not seem so rushed. Would have been better for everyone. Unfortunately all good things come to an end. ***** Tom Brady, his reign ends this year! Go Bills!!

  10. 3 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    Dallas let a guy walk that commands triple teams? 



    3 guys with eyes on him on 3rd and short will not be out of the norm. Obviously they aren't all going to run over to him in man, but you can bet there will be a lb on the lookout underneath and safety help up close to try and take him away in addition to the main cover guy if hes on fire. This is usually when Gronk goes over the middle uncovered and we are sitting there like wtf! how does that happen! Welker/Edelman are usually that reason..

  11. 11 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    Love love love your screen name! One of my favorite plays off all time! Still hate the Stiller’s

    Let me fill ya in youngin! Late 70’s, October home game , Rich Stadium lucky to have 30K in the crowd... ya got a ticket for it, you could bring a beer ball in ! And you never paid more than $3 for a single scalped ticket!

    ahhh, the good ol' days.. lol

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